Maybe they won't convert because there's people like you in the world?
Stop trying to push religion down people's throats.
Some people just don't believe.
2007-08-05 12:47:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am puzzled as to why atheists can't see the Truth.
That's just it, it's NOT the truth (Christianity).
This is a very personal issue to me because I have a family member who is an atheist.
You are so special, you poor thing, you have *gasp* an Athiest for a family member, go run and hide in shame, must be horrible to be related to someone so perfect like yourself.
I know that the only to get into Heaven is to be a Christian. The Bible clearly states that the only way into Heaven is through Jesus.
What kind of horrible God would only welcome his children back based on what they believed, and not the kind of lives they led?
It is the only way to avoid Hell as no unclean thing can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
You're not getting in then seeing as you are HELL bent on judging everyone else, spending all this time on here being NEGATIVE when you could be out there doing something positive, you seem pretty unclean yourself when you look at it like that.
You need Jesus in your life in order to be forgiven for your sins.
I don't need to be forgiven because I haven't done anything wrong that Jesus needs to be worrying about, especially considering he was just a man that died almost 2,000 years ago.
I know there isn't any scientific evidence for it, but guess what? Jesus lived two thousand years ago, so of course there isn't any concrete evidence for what he did. How could there be? There were no video cameras or photographs back then, so OF COURSE all you have now is hearsay.
So then why do you believe in the load of bull?
Pick up the Bible and see how it can change your life.
I'd rather wash my car in a dust storm.
You are born with sin and the only way to avoid being punished for this is through Jesus.
What kind of God would punish his children for something they didn't do.
Don't be full of pride.
You're one to speak.
God Bless.
I do fine without God.
2007-08-05 20:33:31
answer #2
answered by Liesel 5
Ah yes, another of the Mono-atheists that believe in the singular, no name, God.......May the Gods and Goddesses have mercy on the poor soul.
I am puzzled as to why Christians can't see the Truth. This is a very personal issue to me because I have a family member who is a Christian.
I know that the only way not to be reincarnated is to be a Christian. The Truth clearly states that the only way into reincarnated is through all the Gods. It is the only way to avoid confusion when you die as no unclean thing can enter reincarnate. You need Truth in your life in order to be forgiven for your ignorance.
I know there isn't any scientific evidence for it, but guess what? Reincarnation was alrady know of three thousand years ago, so of course there isn't any concrete evidence for what we know. How could there be? There were no video cameras or photographs back then, so OF COURSE all you have now is hearsay.
Pick up the any decent history book and see how it can change your life. You are born free and the only way to avoid being owned by a religion is through education. Don't be full of pride.
Blessed Be.
2007-08-05 12:58:49
answer #3
answered by Terry 7
You KNOW that only Christians get into Heaven, right? How do you know this? Have you died or talked to someone that has? Or have you simply been TOLD this?
The bible also CLEARLY states in Exudus 35:2 that anyone working on the Sabbath shall be put to death, so are you doing the Lord's work by shooting people at Wal-Mart on Sunday? If not, then the bible is CLEARLY in error, and thus subject to being incorrect about the concept of Heaven as well.
You admit that the bible is hearsay, but you insist that others change their lives to follow it. You are a petty, brainwashed sheep, and it was people just like you that made me realize that Christianity is a religion based on a fictional story by ignorant people thousands of years ago, filtered through greed, power and population control for centuries.
And you fell for it hook, line and sinker. Congratulations.
2007-08-06 08:10:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've read the Bible, thanks. I've studied the Bible, through Presbyterian Sunday School, through 2 courses a year at my Catholic high school. My mother is Presbyterian, my dad's Methodist, my Grandmother is a devout Presbyterian. I know the Bible.
And yet, Christianity is not for me. Just like you'll never be Deist, or atheist, or agnostic. I could go through all of my numerous reasons why I don't believe in Christianity, get you all riled up, and still, you would not understand. Just like I will never believe what you believe.
Why not let it rest? Would God give us minds to think about religion, to question religion, to find our own religion if there was only one redeeming religion? Would God send more than two-thirds of Its children to hell for using the logic that was bestowed to us? Learn to accept, learn to love, learn to let live, as Jesus did. You have been given a mind that clings to Christianity. I have been given a mind that doesn't. Would you have it any other way than God's way? I say, let it rest.
2007-08-05 12:56:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Why atheists don't convert? Well, that would be like me at 44 years of age deciding to believe in Santa Claus.
When we were kids, the mythology of Santa made us feel good, he watched everything we did and was responsible for either gifts( when we were good) or nothing (punishment for being bad). I believed that one man in a reindeer driven sleigh circumnavigated the globe to bring toys to every child. It seemed plausible to me, there were books and songs about him. What's more important my folks told us kids about him and that we better behave or no gifts for us.
Atheists think that religions are Santa Clause for adults. May be comforting on some level but it's basically silly man made method of behavior control. Some of us want to grow up.
It is interesting to note the differences in believers and non believers. Somehow believers feel that just reading the bible would turn any atheist into a believer. When the bible is the source that confirms to atheists how religions are fundamentally flawed. Most atheists read the bible as if it were book of Grimm's' fairy tales. They just can not take it seriously.
If you don't believe in heaven or hell you can't be scared into following Jesus. Believers see their religions as something mystical and holy, non believers view those same religions as superstitious, pabulum for the masses.
2007-08-05 13:51:13
answer #6
answered by Equinoxical ™ 5
Why would I want to go to heaven? I'm having a huge party in hell with all the other people you say are damned eternally, like the Jews (who by the way aren't "Christian"), Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Taoists, Shintoists, Buddhists, native religions (like in Africa or parts of South America), Wiccens, Satanists, and Voodooists. It'll be awesome. Free hot dogs for everyone. Except you, who'll be in heaven, having no fun at all.
2007-08-05 12:56:57
answer #7
answered by dukeleto360 2
As an atheist I will try to answer your question briefly. This might apply to your family member as it does to me.
As strongly as you believe in what you do, as strongly as you think you are right and that the truth is there right before your eyes and is easy to see.....
I believe just as strongly the other way.
Pounding a bible to make be believe will have just as much effect on me as it would if I pointed to the empty sky around me and said "Look, there is not god" to you. That wouldn't change your mind would it?
Faith is intensely personal. Some of us just choose to not believe in the bible. You dont believe what is written in the Koran do you? And yet there are millions of Muslims who do believe in it that cant understand why you dont. That is what your are doing to your family member.
Lastly, think about this. You and I are both atheists.
I just believe in one less god then you do.
2007-08-05 12:58:22
answer #8
answered by motokarma 2
There are over 10,000 religions in this world. If you were born in the family of any of the other religions, you will be asking the same question except you will be quoting different set of beliefs and different set of deities.
Think on that.
Also, a belief or faith is not based in fact. It's called faith because there is no proof. If the was proof, it would be called fact. People say "Take a leap of faith." People never say "Take a leap of fact."
You said "Don't be full of pride." You are imposing your views on others who do not share your opinion and you are the one that is "full of pride". Try being full of 'fact'.
2007-08-05 12:55:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You hit the nail on the head: no evidence. Why would anyone believe anything without evidence? If I claim that the FSM especially blesses your dinner this evening, and you will have a particularly pleasant evening as a result, would you believe it? How is your "truth" any better than mine? As for the bible, it has so many errors that it is an utterly unreliable guide for anything.
2007-08-05 12:50:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I did. I was once Christian.
Try to see things our way just for once. I'm not telling you to convert to Atheism... I just want you to listen to how you sound.
There is an invisible man living in the sky. Come on now! Don't close your mind! Pretend that you've never heard this story before. This invisible man watches every move you make, every single night of every single day. Still with me? Please focus. This is almost over, okay? He loves every single one of us. So much so that if we disobey any of his ten rules (the Ten Commandments), He will cast us into a pit of fire--
Don't bail out on me now! Get back here! This isn't my story; it's yours!
--to burn and suffer until the end of time. One of those Commandments tells us not to kill each other. That's sensible, right? But there are times when God orders men to kill other men--
In the Bible, here is but one qoute: Leviticus 20:13 – "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Stay with me now!!!
--and that's fine, because you're serving God if He tells you to kill someone else. Sometimes thousands of someone elses. And here's how gentle and loving He can really be:
Deuteronomy 20:10-16 – "When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes."
Um... you're not still with me, are you? You've already thumbs-downed me and moved on, huh?
2007-08-05 12:46:58
answer #11
answered by writersblock73 6