Please read this man's story.
I think you will be able to appreciate it:
2007-08-05 11:59:28
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
Not really, compassion is a good thing. Id rather be accused of having too much compassion then not enough.
But the problem is not all people choose ungodly lifestyles because theyre just broke from childhood and cant be fixed. Many people do it because they like it and it feeds an inner evil self-destructive desire. Though women do tend to live in the past more then men.
I have loads of sympathy for people that have stuff done to them and are truly victims. God warned us many times not to oppress the poor and to love our fellow man. But I have little sympathy for people like drug dealers and prostitutes who knowingly, voluntarily, and happily live off the misery and immorality of others. Those who make terrible choices in this life and then have to reap what they sow dont paticularly move my heart, unless they are repenting and are looking to be redeemed. Then Ill be the first in line to offer compassion! But its really hard to grant compassion for a hardened criminal that likes what he does and would do it again.
2007-08-05 12:15:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I feel bad for the bums on the street. I truly feel empathy for them. They probably did have a bad childhood and are addicted to drugs. If I put myself in their shoes in my mind, I can almost start to cry.
However, I know that I won't do anything until I damn well ready. If I were that bum and I was an alcoholic and someone gave me money, you think I would save it and go to rehab? Hell no, I would buy vodka. Perhaps if I saw a bum that had a sign "I'm an alcoholic, saving for rehab" I would consider giving him money.
I honestly think that sometimes the best place these people can end up is in jail. No drugs allowed. Instant rehab. Maybe when they get out, they can start fresh.
2007-08-05 12:01:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
great question- I believe you are right about people- we jump to a conclusion often about how people get into the situations they are in- Jesus had compassion on the woman caught in adultery, He had compassion on Mary Magdalene. To only name a couple. I think the greatest thing we can do for people "like you mention" is to show them the love of Christ- because without the love of Christ, in us, how are others going to see His love. Also if there were ways that we can help them to get off the streets etc. More people need to think like you. Once we show them how much we care, then they may listen to the salvation story of Jesus- without caring for them, why would they want to listen?
Yes, prostitution is against the law, as someone wrote- however- showing them love and how to get out of that lifestyle is what needs to be done- like I said before Jesus had compassion on the woman caught in adultery- She saw that before He said, "Go and sin no more".
2007-08-05 11:58:21
answer #4
answered by AdoreHim 7
help her she might be my daughter with a crack habit and street walking to get more money and drugs love will help sooner or later pray for her and compassion's yes my daughter left 5 kids behind 3 in n.y.c. 2 in Texas 1 i have and cant help she wont let me drugs too strong over family so help and pray for her and kids luv dad me and my bible that's what i do pray and take care of my grand daughter with the lords help or she would sell the kids for drugs and the streets
2007-08-05 12:02:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
compassion yes.with love. iv'e come to a point in my life were i try and give the other person the benefit of the or me does NOT know what the other person is going through at that time.a gruppy waitress(maybe her husband left her).a depressed co-worker(child has cancer)you just don't know ,so next time give the person a smile and a word of incouragment,it just may lifted there spirits,and give you a oppurtunity to give them some love and compassion.
2007-08-05 12:10:10
answer #6
answered by ronbo 7
It's always such a pleasure to hear people talking about how wonderfully open minded and big-hearted they are.
So refreshing. I wish I could be as intrinsically downright Good as you obviously are.
2007-08-05 12:00:58
answer #7
answered by Super Atheist 7
You have compassion, of course.
However, you cannot condone what she does.
Prostitution is against the law. Using crack is against the law. When one breaks the law, one has to pay the consequences.
2007-08-05 11:56:55
answer #8
answered by batgirl2good 7
It is great that you have compasion for others because having compasion is Christlike.
2007-08-05 12:02:14
answer #9
answered by NatNat 4
I have commpassion, but I also know, its her life, she wont change till she is ready.
2007-08-05 11:54:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous