I can agree that a change is needed....
I'm wondering if it might make a little more sense to require more than a single report of abuse before deleting an item. It seems wrong to allow a single individual to become the deciding voter when it comes to censoring questions and answers.
Perhaps a warning flag of some kind could alert users that an abuse report has been received on a particular item without immediately effecting it's availability to other users until a second or perhaps even a third report is made.
It might help to post the identity of an abuse reporter on the items he chooses to report so that frequent abusers can be eventually weeded out by blocking them.
Here's another possibility for change: Some folks are so trigger happy when it comes to reporting abuse that they seem to jump on the button as if there were points issued for using it.... Perhaps the reverse ought to be implemented... a deduction of points could be charged to the would-be censor for each report of abuse he makes. I don't think it would be inappropriate to charge an avid abuse-reported for the privilege of using his censorship ability, instead it might cause frequent censors to act more prudently.
In any case... you're right. Something needs to be done to limit censorship abuse. I sincerely hope you'll send in this Q&A to draw Yahoo's attention to the problem.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-08-05 19:34:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think they should require a reason for flagging as abusive and they should have real live moderators who really moderate. Oh -- what a concept! I know -- it's all about money.
We do need to have a care with all of this, because we could be asking for what they really want: Big Brother watching all of us all of the time. Not really something I am interested in having happen.
Patrick -- If that is true, then I cannot wait until September.
2007-08-05 12:43:11
answer #2
answered by Shihan 5
I'd be interested to know how you arrive at your definition of 'foul and abusive language' or a 'pornographic' avatar. Is there a universal standard that you use?
Surely you wouldn't be so undemocratic as to take it upon yourself to delete (because that's what reporting amounts to) other people's contributions entirely on the strength of your own opinion?
So, who's checking your standards to see that they're acceptable to all? Quis custodiet and all that?
2007-08-05 11:54:45
answer #3
answered by Super Atheist 7
Just a second, Kallan...... (((((Delylah))))))))) Thank-you, I am honored. I think Ramjet is amazing too. There are some really nice people here, I like how several of you just shine with all good stuff, keep that edge that sense of zaniness. It doesn't matter to me about beliefs. Commonality is great when it happens, but it tends to not look like beliefs. Commonality looks more like heart. There are others that I just like seeing on the board day in and day out. Makes this place come alove. (typo that I thought appropriate). And then there is you. Fellow warrior, totally different paths, common on many levels...I appreciate you a great deal.
2016-05-19 12:25:59
answer #4
answered by ? 3
I agree with you totally. The abuse button should not be a way of voting against the person just because his views differ from yours. If Yahoo is just using the computer to automatically delete someone when x number of abuse buttons are hit, then I would agree that is not fair, because then people can gang up against someone just because they don't like his opinions.
2007-08-05 11:59:33
answer #5
answered by William D 5
My husband recently had a question deleted that had around 20 answers and he had not gotten to pick a best answer yet. It wasn't a bad question, he asked how old our son should be before he should tell him about the flying spaghetti monster. I had one deleted that had a best answer picked, for several days, a while back.
Seems to me if you don't like the question, don't answer it . Simple enough. Someone said that they used to have thumbs up/down for questions. I think they, YA, should go back to that. Maybe it would cut down on some of the pointless deletions.IMO.
)o( Blessed Be!
2007-08-05 12:06:07
answer #6
answered by whillow95 5
As I've repeatedly stated on similar questions, I only use the Abuse button if someone uses offensive language or sexual content. If I strongly disagree with someone, the worst I do is give them a thumbs down. Everyone should have the right to say what they want/believe, as long as they can do it respectfully.
2007-08-05 12:30:11
answer #7
answered by kaz716 7
Hear! Hear! True 'nuff, my honky! This is a forum that allows debate. This is not a site to punish those who have opinions contrary to your own. If you need that, go to a site that caters to your own particular school of thought. I've lost a couple of accounts over my time here, but I must admit, some of those violation notices I did deserve. We, the participants, should be able to vote on disputed violation notices.
2007-08-05 11:49:43
answer #8
answered by St. Toad 4
I agree, One of my questions was deleted for just saying sorry and it was still deleted. I didn't use any foul language and Im against pornagraphy, but obviously I can tell that sometimes someones opinions just let them think that they can do whatever they want.
2007-08-05 11:50:36
answer #9
answered by NatNat 4
I have only reported a question once it was about raping Christians.
If people get reported and deleted for voicing their opinion then what is the point of R&S.
I am with you 100%
2007-08-05 11:55:23
answer #10
answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6