Wrong differentiations between what is supported by evidence and belief.
2007-08-05 11:39:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is not child abuse to teach children science. No school teaches that we came from monkeys, that is a fallacy proposed by creationists. Evolution does not say that. Evolution is not a belief, it is science and more robust science than either of the theories of gravity or the germ theory of disease. Do you object to children being taught those?
Religion is a personal thing and you can certainly teach children about it but they should not be expected to choose a religion before they are old enough to understand. We don't let children choose a political party and vote til they are 18. Why are they more ready to accept religion at a younger age? Forcing religion or politics on children is child abuse.
2007-08-05 18:43:40
answer #2
answered by tentofield 7
It's not child abuse but if you are trying to teach someone else's child about YOUR religion and beliefs, and you took it upon yourself without being asked to do so,that is wrong. It is the parents choice on religion beliefs. It is none of your business how other people teach their children about religion.
2007-08-05 19:09:18
answer #3
answered by BhitchyPrincess 5
Cindy, this is a great question which was answered in depth at the source identified below as headline #5. Basically, the author details the problems with the arguement that religious education is a form of child abuse.
2007-08-07 18:45:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As a adult of Childhood Mental,Physical,Sexual,Emotional Child Abuse. I can clearly state that being adopted into a "Christian" home was horrible. And it has taken many a year to clear out that horrible time. I am glad that a seed of Godliness was planted by a wonder-full grandfather. It is now sprouting and growing. I also have found in recent years that just like in Revelations it speaks of the down fall of man and that Mother & Fathers & ect. will kill each orther. Wars & rumors of wars.
I guess all I am saying is we need to get ready!
2007-08-05 19:02:45
answer #5
answered by CubbysMom 2
I think parents need to be the ones to teach religious theories to their child.
I also think that parents need to teach their children right from wrong. Not all of them do this, however. They teach their children to steal, lie, etc.
I've had students tell me they will get in trouble at home if they do not steal something. ***sad, but true***
I've taught for 26 years.
No school teaches students that we come from monkeys.
2007-08-05 18:44:55
answer #6
answered by batgirl2good 7
I totally agree with you, so who is opposing you?
I think you should teach your children why you believe in what you do- and why others believe in what they do, and let them decide. It's not a form a child abuse.
2007-08-05 18:45:14
answer #7
answered by natalie 6
Are you really teaching your children a variety of belief systems, to allow them to choose their own path to follow?
From where do you get this non-Christian information? Can you give me a thumbnail sketch of how evolution works, for instance? Or do you really think it means 'we came from monkeys'?
I suspect, from the evidence you've previously provided, that being taught about reality by you would come very close to mental abuse.
2007-08-05 18:46:36
answer #8
answered by Super Atheist 7
I don't think it is child abuse to teach your own children your beliefs, but remember that goes for pagans also. It is wrong however to teach Christianity to someone else's children but many do it and think it is okay because it is their belief.
2007-08-05 18:41:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i can't believe people in this day & age STILL do not understand evolution. is it so hard? evolution is NOT a belief, it's a fact. that's why it is taught in schools & religion is not.
there are plenty of religious people who DON'T have a problem with evolution, so what's yours?
i do agree that it should be up to the child to decide for themselves what they want to believe. but most parents don't do that. most parents FORCE their kids to go to church ("as long as you live in MY house...") & don't give them a choice at all. many parents also do not respect their children's decisions once they decide to follow something outside of their parents' religion. how exactly is that letting your child decide for him or herself?
forcing a child to PRETEND that he or she has *faith* in your religion IS child abuse. you are damaging them emotionally by implying that they are not smart enough to think for themselves.
2007-08-05 18:47:00
answer #10
answered by superwow_rl 5
And schools can teach that the earth orbits the sun!!! Outrageous. And they can teach that gravity is what keeps us stuck to the ground. Blasphemous!!!
Schools teach what is revealed to be reasonably factual, based on all available evidence. If a well established theory is found to be flawed or false, it is revised or removed from the curriculum.
Until theists can discredit the mountains of evidence that support evolution with something more substantial than, "god did it" they are going to be ignored when it comes to devising educational science curriculum's.
Get it?
Furthermore, evolution and science do not teach children that if you don't believe in scientific theories, you'll go to hell. If you choose not to believe in science, you'll probably just end up working in either the janitorial or fast food service industries, with all the other dumb people. Oh wait, that is hell.
2007-08-05 18:41:25
answer #11
answered by Anonymous