I believe it is a "holier than thou" issue -- that they feel if you do not follow the teachings of the bible religiously (pardon the pun), then you are damned and will go to hell. They lack the ability to embrace others of like mind who walk a different path than they do to reach the same journey's end. Because Jesus said that no one can get to the Father except through Him, they feel that their's is the only way.
I am a Christian. I TOTALLY disagree with this line of thought. I LOVE Wiccan, Taoist, Buddhist and other philosophies. There is so much value in them and so much to be learned. When Christians are ready to release the dogma and embrace the true spirituality of their religion, then perhaps they will realize that we are ALL the same.
Because we are.
2007-08-05 12:18:59
answer #1
answered by Shihan 5
Well some Christians are like this but not all of them. We are all equal in Christs eyes and everybody is equal. It's what you do with you life that matters to God. All Christians have some different kind of belief when it comes to God but we are not supposed to judge but to be an example. If true Christians don't agree with somebody all you got to do is pray for them, You got to be positive to all people no matter what. God does not want us to judge and tell people to go to Hell. He wants us to be there for people no matter what. That's what he meant by be a light to people.
There is so much negative in this world now that we got to come together and just love one another no matter what the belief and try to help and reverse the negative impact that is in this world right now.
God did not separate himself from the world because he was trying to help everyone. He was separated in his mind and spirit not to let the problems and negativity affect him that he was surrounded by. You can't be a positive impact and help Someone if you live in a cave.
2007-08-05 11:40:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No matter how hard anyone tries, each indivual still makes impacts on others.
When human are in this world, as everyone is moving towards death, it is more of a suffering experience, anything a person does, it doesn't last in this world, it became more of trouble to maintain this dying body..that is why it would be thought as being better off alone, it is always easier..
Jesus said, to get through the narrow door, than the wild open road..
Let's do this..
2007-08-05 11:50:28
answer #3
answered by - 3
They misunderstand.
Children of God are "in the world but not of it."
This means that after becoming a spiritual being things on earth aren't of any importance.
If you see anyone passionate over some legal definition from the Bible then they aren't born of spirit yet for if they were it would not matter.
To be a new creature in Christ is to Love and to recognize love.
Children of this world seek hate.
Their egos find ways to be different to create more individuality to divide themselves even further from God.
Those that would save their own lives will loose it.
Those that give up their lives save it.
The child of spirit dies to their ego and lives in Christ.
Perhaps this will help some understand.
EDIT:Shihan1 You speak love. "No one goes to the Father except by me." refers to the Christ spirit. Other people have other names for the same spirit and a rose by any other name...
God Bless You!
♥Blessed Be♥
2007-08-05 11:46:29
answer #4
answered by gnosticv 5
Imagine the Bible is like an oreo. Some are so busy with the plain old biscuity bit, that they forget the whole purpose of oreos.
I'd rather only have the creamy white stuff in the ten commandments and throw the crunchy testaments away.
But that's just me.
All hail the holy almighty oreo
2007-08-05 12:29:27
answer #5
answered by ? 5
There are many different sect of the Christian religion. "Catholic, Protestants, Evangelicist, Mormon, Methodist, Baptist. The separation is the religious culture of Christianity. The similarity is the belief in Christ, They hold the same religious values of Christ, thus their religious cultures differ.
2007-08-05 12:28:59
answer #6
answered by anarchy0029 3
I agree 100% with you and this is the reason why, as a Christian, I have stopped going to church and have started to volunteer my time to help others. I got tired of watching people strut around like they were so much better and were in a club that was exclusive. God wants you to help others. Period. If everyone, regardless of religion, did this then the world would be much much better. I'm not sure why some Christians act in this way, but it is sad that they have gotten away from the true message.
2007-08-05 11:41:54
answer #7
answered by Lilah 5
Some not all have g-d complex. Believing because they have the right religion they are better then the rest of us.
Most Christian are not that foolish and know there is no separation. We are all people and we all reach toward Divinity in our own ways
Peace to all
2007-08-05 14:09:22
answer #8
answered by buffysrosebud 2
You take this out of context. We are told TO separate ourselves from unbelievers, unless we are witnessing or testifying about God. Yes, Christ walked among sinners, and ate with sinners. But the entire time that He did, He was teaching about the kingdom of God, and what one must do to gain treasure in heaven. If there were those that refused to listen, then He left them to their own devices.
2007-08-05 11:44:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
that is some Christan's, Jesus said to his disciples when they were asking him who is the greatest, Jesus replied all you are brothers. Some have separated them selves from the teaching of Christ and is full of pride, believe me PRIDE is right before a down fall.
2007-08-05 11:42:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous