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The thing in the Atheist circle for many years is to abbreviate the word Christian with xian. Don't know why, just seems to be. Anyone notice that xians (I mean, Christians) are taking offense to this? I think that's hilarious! All I'm doing here is spelling a word wrong (which is the IN thing to do in Yahoo Answers) and they are flipping out about it! Wow! So, xians, does it really hurt? Maybe we should change the defination of what xianity means and start spreading it as 'gospel', just like xianis do about Atheism. So, xians, if you can answer the following questions right, I will no longer use the phrase xian, deal?
1. What is the definition of Atheism?
2. What scientific proof is there for xianity (I haven't lost yet)?
3. How long has the motto "In God We Trust" been on our money?
4. What was the original Pledge of Allegiance?
5. What is the most significant statement in the Treaty of Tripoli?

2007-08-05 11:28:36 · 23 answers · asked by rawlings12345 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

I personally am not offended. I realize that X is the Greek symbol for Christ.
1. Atheism is a complete lack of belief in any supernatural being.
2. There isn't any. That's the point of faith.
3. Since about the 1930s, I think.
4. The original was written in 1892. I don't know it but the pre-1954 one goes : I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the country for which she stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
5. Something along the lines of separation of church and state.

2007-08-05 11:36:24 · answer #1 · answered by Purdey EP 7 · 2 0

Xian Christian

2016-11-14 09:23:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1. We don't play with InvisibleSkyPixies.
2. None.
3. Since the mid-50s BUT the story of why it was added is much more interesting. Apparently a USian ThinkTank, knowing the Russians were Atheists, thought that if they put "IGWTust" on the money y'all would be safe from invasion thinking that an Atheist wouldn't want to touch anything with GOD on it. Truth IS weirder than Fiction.
4. It didn't have GOD in it.
5. It was an assertion that US was not founded on Xian principles.

The 'x' in Xmas and Xian has been going on for decades.

2007-08-05 11:48:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For everyone that "realizes" or, rather rationalizes that "X" is Greek for Christ, ask yourself this, What did the X mean before Christ existed? and why did they think it appropriate to assign the X across his actual name?

I am 35 years old and lived all over the country and this "Xian" is new to me. Yet I was brought up taught that "Xmas" was disrespectful and dishonorable to Christ. Stop rationalizing and stop fluffing up what you say and who you are to make the agnostics feel better about what sounds pass through their ears.

2013-09-22 04:12:11 · answer #4 · answered by Radyor 1 · 0 0

The X is not the letter X but a representation of the Greek letter chi, the first letter of the name "Christos". The Greek letter was used a great deal as an abbreviation for "Christ" in much early writing. It has nothing to do with atheists.

2007-08-05 11:37:04 · answer #5 · answered by tentofield 7 · 2 1

Xactly why are you so Xasperated?
Atheists are to be Xonerated - they didn't invent Xtians-
As numerous people have already pointed out, the X is the Greek letter representing the "Ch" sound that begins the word "Christos".
The Treaty of Tripoli? Er, was that "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" or some thing along those lines?

2007-08-05 11:52:58 · answer #6 · answered by Renata 6 · 1 2

It's funny that only Americans use a Greek abbreviation, with a Roman ending, btw. Let's revert it. How about the antix?

2007-08-05 12:12:54 · answer #7 · answered by oneinunity 4 · 2 0

At my Catholic high school the teachers used xians to represent Christians all the time. They don't take offense to it. Nothing offending about xmas either.

2007-08-05 11:34:54 · answer #8 · answered by Animal Girl 4 · 2 1

If Americans had been exposed to a more classical education, they might have noticed that what we English speakers regard as "X" is the first letter of the word Christ in Greek, and is therefore a perfectly acceptable abbreviation.

2007-08-05 11:33:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

xmas = chrsitmas
x = christ
therefore xian = christian

2007-08-05 11:32:24 · answer #10 · answered by witchfinder general 3 · 2 1

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