Could you be more specific,lots of stuff in that part of christian bible...Really.May sound funny with my yahoo id and all,but I have a degree in cultural theology.Here I'll give you a little to look up.666 is someones opinion.Hebrew a 6 kinda looks like our 7 still means 6 just looks 7 got it, now we need 3 scores,since it is wrote like that 3 scores,maybe they ment like old time score put 4 lines upright then one accross.Like keeping score in tic-tac-toe.Followed by another 6(looking like a 7)So maybe the mark should look like this.....7lll7.......Sounds possible,huh??....Oh yeah the point...yes.The point is unless you have an old scroll(s) in no less than 3 languages,what you are reading is an opinion based on a persons interpritive skills.Saying, you do not for absolute know what your god thought about some abomination listed in leviticus.Oh and if you wanna be old skool ya gotta be islamic or jewish......Have a nice day!!!!!
2007-08-05 11:57:25
answer #1
answered by dvampyregod666 2
You're absolutely right. That's why I'm glad I"m pregnant with a boy child so I won't have to sequester myself quite so long after birth. Whew!
While admittedly, there are things in Leviticus that if practiced today are a good idea, health wise, our current health care status (in the U.S. and other developed countries anyway) doesn't remotely reflect what was going on then. Nevermind, the majority of Christendom are very selective about which of the laws laid out in Leviticus they'd like to follow. Some of them are not practical, and clearly don't have any kind of scientific basis for practice (the example of the birth of a girl child being more unclean than that of a male child is a good example). I don't know that a lot of folks have the CDC's website bookmarked either though - and clearly, in our market-led consumerism, if you can splash a pretty enough picture across the TV screen or magazine ad, the CDC's thoughts don't matter to most American's either.
2007-08-05 18:28:50
answer #2
answered by Eileen 3
Within the framework of religion, reality is each believer's subjective experience. Within the framework of science, reality is the objective physical realm. Religion and science are mutually incompatible because they don't even operate in the same reality. Get it?
The public trusts the CDC because they are genuine scientists, trained to understand the true nature of how physical reality actually operates.
On the other hand, only a fool would deny that that there is genuine merit to the tribal folk wisdom Moses recorded when he wrote Leviticus. Our ancient ancestors knew, from countless generations of oral history and their own personal experience, exactly which foods were known to be safe to eat. I recently read about a fatal disease caused by eating fruit bats. The disease is one of the few that is known to be transmitted by a vector called prions. (Not a fungus, not a bacterium, not a virus -- a prion) Moses didn't know about prions, but Leviticus prohibits eating four-legged creatures which creep and fly because even 3500 years ago a wise man could easily observe that people who ate bats died an untimely and particularly excruciating death. Folk wisdom has a basis in fact.
I think your question presents a false dilemma. A wise person understands that wisdom springs from many sources. Both the CDC and Leviticus have merit in their proper contexts.
2007-08-05 19:08:26
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
Because the CDC wasn't around during the old testament times. Those who claim to be Christians today consider the old testament as history and irrelevant for s today; unfortunately they are very wrong. The messages that God gave to his prophets was more for those living at the end of time than for those living at the time of the message.
2007-08-05 18:33:20
answer #4
answered by Marty 4
I have little to no faith in the CDC! Big pharmica has their hands in that pot.
Western medicine has hurt my family and they are partly responsible.
2007-08-05 18:29:24
answer #5
answered by Jeanmarie 7
Because God the father was a tyrannical a**hole who keeps putting people on this Earth just to be miserable! Jesus was nothin' but an innocent Faq anyways!
2007-08-05 18:32:40
answer #6
answered by cokezero100 3
People trust so much in science that they skip over their own faith. It shows how people don't fit in their Holy book into their lives like they should.
2007-08-05 18:29:16
answer #7
answered by Animal Girl 4
because people have problems believing in God , and are ignorant to the things that are said in the bible .
2007-08-05 18:29:57
answer #8
answered by Suicide642 5
great question. they believe in man more than god i guess.sounds like humanism to me.
2007-08-05 18:34:06
answer #9
answered by ronbo 7
i hate to be the one to tell you this, but this is the year 2007 AD.
2007-08-05 18:29:53
answer #10
answered by Juan Espera De Dios No Mas 4