get a grip
2007-08-05 11:03:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
To gain forgiveness for sins that you are currently struggling with you need to first overcome them. God is our Father in Heaven, He is the Father of our spirits and he looks for any opportunity to help us that we will give him. If you do not think you can overcome your "besetting sins and weaknesses and addictions" then get on your knees and ask God for help. If you ask with a sincere heart and with real intent, having faith in Christ you will receive the help you need, maybe not the help you want but definitely the help you need.
2007-08-05 11:10:55
answer #2
answered by Joseph 6
The Christian concept that the "son of God" supposedly died for all man's sins is a nonsensical concept that bares no substance.Where in history can an ethical/moral or religious value of that sort be excepted.In Islam it is believed that the child is born sinless(weather he/she is born in a Muslim/christian/ or Judaic home) until they reach the age of discretion,God gave humans the ample faculties that can distinguish what is good and what is bad and when one commits a particular act based on his own decision then he will be accountable.
We all commit sins but it is the ability to repent sincerely that will guide us back to the straight path.
To all sincere seekers of truth return to your natural disposition(submission to the way and plan of God)...
And if you've never read the Qur'an then pick it up and read it,it is always easier to condemn what they don't understand
2007-08-05 20:53:06
answer #3
answered by lucky 7 2
He is a God of forgiveness. He even expects us, human beings made from a handfull of minerals and water, to forgive other humans "Seveny times seven" if they repent.
Those who hate their "besetting sins and weaknesses and addictions" and wish to put them behind them will continue to be forgiven by God.
God urges us to work on getting rid of such things because they prevent us from having a clean conscience and even give the devil room to condemn you all the time. That's not the "abundant" life God wants you to have from Him.
2007-08-05 11:33:21
answer #4
answered by deanr610 3
Are you kidding? He's already forgiven us. Remember forgive you enemies? Would he do any less? The problem is believing in forgiveness and forgiving ourselves and others. Of course if you still have the problem then the problem is to get the spirit to help you overcome them. When you have the spirit you have self control. It's a package, love, joy,... self control, faith. Yahoo has a limit on how many sources we can give a day, but here's one that will get you started. www dot self-confidence dot co dot uk forward slash missing dot html. See if you can tell how science is working with scriptures.
2007-08-05 11:26:28
answer #5
answered by hb12 7
You do have to accept responsibility for your own actions. Asking God to forgive you for an addiction and continuing to be addicted does what for you exactly? If you want to be free of an addiction then you must do the work to break free from that addiction. It just won't do you any good to try to make yourself believe that an addiction you want to be rid of is acceptable because you prayed so God would be OK with it.
2007-08-05 11:21:05
answer #6
answered by jennysmith0214 4
Yes! God will forgive. Just ask for His forgiveness and make every honest effort to not repeat the offense.
God just wants u to be healthy and happy!
I don't just believe there is a God. I KNOW God and He exsists. Don't let anyone else tell u otherwise, they are trying to deprive you of something they cannot take away from you.
email me if u like.
2007-08-05 11:08:41
answer #7
answered by Sadie S 4
God can at times put forgiveness on the back burner. He turned a man into salt simply because he turned around. And when God destroyed Sodom & Gammorah, infants and toddlers were blown away along with everyone else.
2007-08-05 11:14:48
answer #8
answered by liberty11235 6
When we repent - confess, ask forgiveness and ask for change - He forgives. Done deal.
If we continue to live in our fault, excuse our addiction or weakness, what is there to forgive? In so doing, we refuse to change and seek God's best for us, so the problem remains. God cannot forgive us of that which we do not repent of.
2007-08-05 11:08:25
answer #9
answered by TroothBTold 5
God forgives all human weaknesses. He knows "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak". He shows mercy towards our shortcomings. If we can forgive each other, how much so can He?
2007-08-05 11:27:29
answer #10
answered by Emerald Book Reviews 6
Just ask God to forgive you and he will. Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of his believers regardless. His love knows no bounds.
2007-08-05 11:12:30
answer #11
answered by Whatever 7