I think "survival of the fittest" is a strange phrase.
"Why did they survive?"
"Because they were the fittest."
"Why were they the fittest?"
"Because they survived."
Evolutionists cannot get around their circular reasoning.
2007-08-05 10:07:46
answer #1
answered by FUNdie 7
Tsk tsk. "Don't atheists believe in natural selection, and survival of the fittest?"
Two problems.
One - Those two things are one and the same.
Two - Atheism is simply a disbelief in a god or gods.
You're talking about evolutionists. Secondly, why the heck doesn't that make YOU happy? Thirdly, beliefs aren't what's gained. That's what's grained into your head from birth. Christians are already making the US overpopulated by teaching abstinency and "condoms never work", etc. Get over yourself.
2007-08-05 10:09:22
answer #2
answered by Joe S. 3
Well, I never had an abortion, I am a stay at home mom, with 1 child... my husband, the father of my child works, and supports us.
Of course, now my daughter is 17 (an atheist, no abortions, and no children), I am returning to the workforce. But I hardly consider that a life for my career...
That is just such a broad generalize statement it is an insult. Not to mention all the christian's who do lead the life you described.
I don't get it..
2007-08-05 10:07:57
answer #3
answered by Sapere Aude 5
Go forth and multiply..
Your children are your gift from God.
Atheists may be seflish, in that they will not condisder that other people including offspring have any consequence. They probably believe the rest of the world ceases to exist after they die.
2007-08-05 11:08:20
answer #4
answered by gwhatch2001 3
Other than showing that you don't really understand the concept of Natural Selection or "survival of the fittest", I don't see the thrust of your question.
2007-08-05 10:14:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't think that means what you are construing it to mean . . . .
So, what you are saying is . . . Christians don't have abortions? Apparently, you're one of those folks who throws around the phrase "not a true Christian" when referring to those who you disagree with.
Also, you assume that all Atheists are pro-choice. That is generalization, and it is an inaccurate generalization at that.
Lastly, not all Christians are able to have children. I can provide you at least one Christian couple who would love to have children, but are medically unable.
I find your assumptions and attitude arrogant and disgusting. Re-read your Bible and study the "love thy neighbor" part closely.
2007-08-05 10:09:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Just because we accept basic science doesn't mean we have to go along with it. Sure, I'm getting a PhD, so I must be pretty smart, so maybe I should have 20 kids. But I don't want to. I don't like kids. Natural selection works, but I don't have to help it.
2007-08-05 10:06:54
answer #7
answered by eri 7
No, I don't "believe". Belief suggests that there is no concrete proof to back up whatever it is that you must "believe".
Evolution is an observable, testable naturally occurring phenomenon. I acknowledge the reality of evolution.
I have no need of "belief" in regards to evolution.
2007-08-05 10:05:41
answer #8
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
Your assertion is true, except for one thing; The percentage of people who are Christians is declining! I guess there are other factors besides prolification rate.
2007-08-05 10:12:21
answer #9
answered by oogabooga37 6
Atheists don't have children? Where did you come up with that?
2007-08-05 10:06:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous