Because to this point Christians have been to tolerant, and to passive.
Btw, the public schools are not the state. And all are locally owned and operated, but we have let the NEA and other liberal groups dicate to us, force us to pay taxes and dicate what will be taught. It is time for that to change. And it will. A recent poll showed that 66% of all Americans want creationism taught in schools.
2007-08-05 08:52:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You CLEARLY don't have the most basic understanding of what SCIENCE is... let alone understand the principles of evolution.
Creationism is a theological issue, not a scientific issue.
"Isn't it true that a great flood was over all the earth".... Um... no actually it isn't. There is evidence that there was flooding in certain areas in certain periods, but it is nuts to believe that the ENTIRE earth was completely covered with water during the time that humans occupied the earth. If you could find a source of this data I'm sure you'd quickly be humiliated when it is debunked. "Isn't it true that there are wooly mammoths and many other animals all trapped in glacier (sic) and were frozen instantly preserving the food in their stomachs which grew in warm climates?" ... *sigh* again no that to is not true. The wooly mammoth was adapted for cold environments and expanded their range during the most recent ice age. They didn't freeze instantly through some magical process... they died in a cold environment (the body stops producing heat when it is dead) As for their food, the same types of photosynthesis that work in cold environments with low CO2 levels tends to work for hot try environments... it was a method of conserving water where it might not other wise be available (frozen water isn't very available for plant use).
2007-08-05 09:17:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
" Why limit the theories children must learn."
Children are not capable of making informed decisions for themselves - that's why we send them to school, rather than just sending them out to get jobs. It doesn't make sense to present them with every possible option and expect them to sort it out for themselves.
The reason we don't teach creationism in science classes is that it isn't science. It's the same reason we don't teach shakespear in math class.
"sn't it true that a great flood was over all the earth"
" Isn't it true there are wooly mammoths and many other animals all trapped in glacier and were frozen instantly preserving the food in their stomachs which grew in warm climates?"
No. Wooly mammoths, in fact, lived in colder climates. That's why they're wooly.
We do have some frozen mammoths, and they got that way because they fell in lakes and whatnot.
"Evolution is a lot of nonsense that someone dreamed up and thought it should be explored. Why force something unproven on children in schools. Children should not be forced to learn your religious beliefs of evolution. Not a religion? Prove it."
You apparently have never been taught about the matter. Get a textbook and read it, then ask questions. Not the other way around.
2007-08-05 08:57:29
answer #3
answered by extton 5
I believe both should be taught. Some Christians believe that evolution was the method that God used to create the universe. I am not one of them. I believe in the literal Biblical creation account.
People who don't believe in the Biblical accounts of the creation and flood usually can't even give you the specifics of why they believe that way. They say things like "you skipped a lot of class" or "don't you know it's been proven scientifically". This is dogma (aka religion) - when you don't have any specific proof to back up your beliefs, yet you believe them vehemently.
If there were scientifically irrefutable facts that disprove creation or the flood, the debate would be over. Rather, people choose not to believe in intelligent design because that would mean they are responsible to the designer.
This is no surprise, however. II Peter 3 tells us that in the end days, people will be "willingly ignorant" of the flood.
2007-08-05 10:53:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I can barely believe you're serious, but seeing as how I haven't seen you around R&S, I'm going to be as honest as possible here. I have to admit: I doubt that you'll take me seriously. Nonetheless, this is a sincere attempt to answer all of your questions. Take it for what it's worth.
"According to atheists, they don't force their beliefs upon people. "
Atheists don't have "beliefs", at least not beliefs that are general to all atheists. The term "atheist" is applied to any person who lacks belief in a god or gods. This includes Theraveda Buddhists, Levayan Satanists, Secular Humanists, Taoists, the majority of agnostics, and anyone else who simply doesn't positively believe in gods.
"What do they call their theories of evolution that will never be proven?"
Evolution and atheism are completely different things. There are many atheists who don't believe in evolution. About 35% of the population of the US do believe in evolution, but believe that it is a God-guided process. Roughly 80% of Christian churches in the US accept evolution as fact. In sum, evolution is not now nor has it ever been a prototypical "atheist belief".
"Why limit the theories children must learn."
Because not all theories are created equal. In terms of science, a theory is not a guess, a hunch, or an opinion. It is an explanatory model that ties together multiple facts (ie. observation and experimental evidence). A theory must be consistent and produce testable predictions that are verified through controlled experiment. The theory of evolution has met these conditions for over a hundred years now, and the knowledge base is constantly improving.
"Isn't it true that a great flood was over all the earth. "
If this is the case, I've never heard of legitimate research that supports it. If you have some, please pass it on.
"Isn't it true there are wooly mammoths and many other animals all trapped in glacier and were frozen instantly preserving the food in their stomachs which grew in warm climates?"
No, that's not true. Several very good frozen mammoth specimens have been found. There is no reason to suspect that any of them were flash-frozen. Many of them do have preserved stomach contents. They apparantly fed mainly on grass, like any other large herbivore. Grass, of course, grows almost anywhere where the soil is not actually frozen.
"Evolution is a lot of nonsense that someone dreamed up and thought it should be explored."
Your opinion. You're entitled to it.
"Why force something unproven on children in schools."
Regardless of how any of us interprets the evidence relative to evolution, there is no disagreement amongst professional biologists on the basic mechanisms of evolution. Of course, biologists write biology textbooks, just as mathematicians write math textbooks and physicists write physics testbooks. The obvious reason for this is to prepare children with the knowledge that they need to continue their education or enter the workforce. A student preparing to embark on a career in any of the biological sciences MUST understand the fundamentals of evolution, since all modern biological science is based on it. Whether or not students choose to believe in evolution, it would be nearly criminal to deprive them of the knowledge of it.
"Children should not be forced to learn your religious beliefs of evolution."
Agreed. Children should not be forced to learn any religious beliefs. As noted above, evolution certainly doesn't qualify.
"Not a religion? Prove it."
How? What criterion prove that something is or is not a religion? If you could define "religion", as used in this context, I'd be happy to provide a proof, if possible.
2007-08-05 09:45:29
answer #5
answered by marbledog 6
here we go again,
Human Evolution is taught in school as a scientific theory. and it is a good one to use to teach what a theory is, because it does not require a change in the class subject matter every year.
then it is backed up as a fact on the biological level. biological evolution deals with the changes that we can see in Bacteria and other simple organisms over several generations of the same strain. this is easy to teach, because bacteria have a relativly short life, but are very adaptable to enviroment changes.
all evolution is , is taking an organism, and changeing it's enviroment, and then seeing the organism change to adapt to the new enviroment.
Creationism, is basically saying
"this book written by bronze age goat herders, is a universal truth that can not be disputed, because the book itself says that it can not be disputed"
there is no science, only beliefs. and school is a place to learn facts. not beliefs.
besides, if we were to offer your beliefs as a class, then we would need to offer the beliefs of others also.
how pissed would you be if my Celtic Magic and Spirituality 101 class was held beside your Christianity 101 class?
and on the other side you had Satanism, followed by Buddahism, and Shamaism..and then you ended up with kise that could not add 5+2 and then devide the result by 3? or could not write a letter in proper English. or possibly even read it?
2007-08-05 09:03:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Obviously the answer is because there is much more fact supporting Evolution than there is supporting Creation.There is zero evidence of any such thing as a world wide flood,there are however many Creationists who have come up with some very creative and wholly unsupportable explanations to use evidence at hand to make it seem as if there could have been. however they have never been able to prove their ideas in any way that can hold up under actual scientific scrutiny.All creation is,and all it ever has been,is myth. No more valid than any of the hundreds of mythological explanations from hundreds of other religions before Christianity or Judaism. Myth is not science,plain and simple.
2007-08-05 09:01:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Evolution isn't an atheist "belief", it's a scientific theory that stands up to scrutiny.
It's not true that a great flood covered the earth, where did the water come from and where did it go? And I don't quite understand what you're trying to get at with the woolly mammoths. So what if that is true.
I would have to say you're very closed minded to assume someone dreamed up evolution. In reality someone discovered it. It might not be the final answer but it makes so much sense that we can build upon it and find possibly better explanations.
2007-08-05 08:57:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
First off, there was no global flood. Such an event is a physical impossibility. Second, creationism is not scientific. It assumes God is real, so it would be a religion class. Third, evolution is a proven fact. It is also a theory. Facts and theories are not even in the same category. Facts describe what, theories describe how. If you want proof that evolution is true, look up the nylon eating bacteria.
2007-08-05 09:44:16
answer #9
answered by azmurath 3
You didn't learn rudimentary science in school, did you? No science will every be "proven." Period, point blank, ever. No theory is every completely proven. No theory ever advances beyond the word theory. Theory is it. It's the end. It's all there is. Sorry, get over it.
Theory of gravity? Just a theory. Theory of flgiht? Just a theory. Theory of thermodynamics? Just a theory. Theory of combustion? Just a theory.
Doesn't stop you from using those theories every time you walk, talk, breathe, use a microwave, drive a car, fly in a plane, stand under a plane flying overhead, cross a bridge, climb a flight of stair, or any single thing you do every single day from the most basic functions of life to the most complicated.
Evolution, as a theory, is as close to "proven" as you generally get with theories. Like all theories, though, it gets fine tuned as more things move along. You know, like when Einstein and Quantum Mechanics proved Newton's theory of gravity was wrong?
Perhaps, before you denigrate something, you should learn what it actually is. That way, you're not spouting the same disproven rhetoric everyone else does.
2007-08-05 08:56:41
answer #10
answered by Muffie 5
Evolution is science. Creationism isn't. It isn't true that a great flood covered the entire earth. If the polar ice caps and glaciers were to melt tomorrow the water lever would rise but it would come no where near covering the entire earth.
If this question isn't meant to be a joke then you know nothing about biology or climatology. I'm not going to try and prove anything to you because the facts are on my side. If you can't be bothered to read about it for yourself then I'll leave you to revel in closed mindedness.
2007-08-05 08:59:53
answer #11
answered by Anonymous