You mean like a dictatorship, which is how heaven is defined? Read "Brave New World", it helps one realize that utopian societies never work.
2007-08-05 08:19:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Easily! First we have to remove America as the world power. That shifts world political influence to Rome or the E,U.
Also India and China both have economies that are escalating at a tremendous speed. China has so many America Dollars She could near bankrupt us over night. Add in the Arab nations and all that oil. America's might is fading. Both these countries are nuke ready too.
At any rate the seat of Government will in up at E.U.
Now before the anti-christ can show himself some things have to happen. They are unfolding as we speak. Syria is soon to attack Israel and Damascus will be destroyed. Could be the same for Iran. Remember Israel has neutron as well as nuclear bombs.
God will reveal himself and save Israel again and the whole world will see he is God. but the battle continues after three and a half years of false peace set up by the anti christ.
Where does he come from. Some will see. Who could it be? Clinton Blair the new French pres?
You may possibly be there to see all this unless of course you want to join up by accepting Jesus. The rest of us will be gone. Just before the battle (EZK38+39)All the Christians and all the children will be called by Jesus and we will be out of here. So good luck. Read your bible. Go to and study.
2007-08-13 09:49:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The world is ruled by one man. some call Him God. Others call him Mohamed, others refer to him as Dao, or Buddha, and there are even those in India that believe there are several Hims all rolled into one. But the real leader of a Single Government World will be Benny Hinn.
2007-08-12 03:11:08
answer #3
answered by johny0802 4
In the Bible it speaks of the anti-christ having Israel sign a 7 year peace treaty. But about 3 1/2 years into this treaty he turns on Israel. It states he will rule a one world government. There must be a great financial crash coming to the world and maybe a world war also. It does not seem possible now but it will happen.
2007-08-05 15:22:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ever heard of the United Nations their goal is to have all nations under one rule and the Sec. General of the UN would be that one man , you might try reading he news once in a while to see that.
2007-08-12 14:21:53
answer #5
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
We are building the infrastructure right now with the world wide web you are using.
Terrorism will force the issue. If you chip everyone so that you know everyone in the area when a crime takes place sooner or later crime and terrorism stops.
In addition to that you are being conditioned now to pay for things with a wave of you hand holding your card.
Once you are used to using electronic currency only what difference does it make what denominations it is?
So the only people who are able to do transactions are those who are chipped. Everyone else will be considered a rebel and be required to give in or be jailed.
Jesus said when this false peace enters the world then sudden destruction will come upon it. It is a false peace because it is enforced by man and not because of a change of men's hearts.
2007-08-05 15:24:51
answer #6
answered by Michael B 4
World Government is impossible without unified consensus and values. In fact, technological trends don't even favor large existing heterogenous states in the long run (100 years long run that is).
The technological trends are toward more powerful private networks of small groups(<150) and individuals compared to that of the Nation-States' Enforcers. Existing examples: Internet, cell-phone detonated IED's, etc. Emerging examples: de-centralized manufacturing(Fab Labs), small homemade nanoweapons, homemade microbial weapons, and other personal superweapons. If this trend continues in the Twenty-First Century, large Nation-States (particularly, heterogenous States) will gradually become ungovernable. Polities will shrink in the numbers of their members until the micro-state size begins to approach Dunbar's Number. No World State and no World Peace for the foreseeable future! '
Conclusion: The only possible World Peace is if the entire Earth's Crust was sterilized free of life or converted completely into computronium for a single Global AI Brain. You cannot get World Peace with separate competing organisms (whether the organisms have brains or not). You'll just have larger organisms devouring smaller organisms. The human ape (Homo sapiens) is no exception.
Your just not gonna have a World Government if it is easy to kill its Enforcers. The only wild card in these trends is AI.
2007-08-11 20:16:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There will be a world government. I don't see how one man will have power,because the government will be run by corporations. Big business knows no country. If there is one man he would be chosen by the people with the money.That is where you need to look.
It is already here in the form of a global economy.How is my answer all that different from what CJ said?
2007-08-05 15:22:44
answer #8
answered by Stainless Steel Rat 7
This is very possible and will actually happen. The U.N. is just the start of this sort of One World Government. We are also moving towards a one world currency, religion, ect.
2007-08-12 21:08:01
answer #9
answered by C.Thomas.H. 3
Yes, I do it will happen because ppl will be SO eager to have someone in control who will not bother them with "right and wrong" but he will seem to be all things to all people, you know what I mean? Like today nobody wants to call a spade A SPADE!! We are all expected to tiptoe around every type of debauchery and NOT call it evil...we should call it something like.."challenged" or "oh well, that person is just a 'free thinker'"
2007-08-05 15:24:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
It has already been happening throughout the history of our world, on a smaller scale.
Check out the history books for a list of all the world conquerors in different periods of history.
2007-08-05 15:22:26
answer #11
answered by Anonymous