I am an atheist. The brand of Jesus I like best is the humanist Jesus; Jesus the altruist, the humanitarian, the good Samaritan, the good friend, Jesus healer of the sick, defender of the poor. I would want more of this kind of Jesus on earth now.
The brand of Jesus I don't like is the one that is a sacrificial lamb. Salvation of humanity for several pints of blood - such a gory and bloody concept. Not my type, really.
2007-08-05 07:01:03
answer #1
answered by pecier 3
I was raised catholic and am now protestant. I believe the same as I did before except praying to Mary and saints. It is not right that Christians criticize each others religion. It makes non-Christians confused. If we believe in Jesus this unifies us to be brothers and sisters. The true church is not a certain religion, but those that accept Jesus as Lord make up the true church.
2007-08-05 07:06:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus is not a brand. It is irrelevant what I like. (You might as well say prefer). We only know of Jesus from the Bible. The Jews themselves know he walked the earth. They know that their ancestors killed him for claiming he was on equal with God..that he and the Father were One. They missed the boat. Their Messiah was right in front of their faces and they knew him not. But of course there ARE Messianic Jews, that do realize that Jesus is both Messiah and God made flesh that died for their sins.
2016-10-28 17:10:08
answer #3
answered by Mike Dewalt 1
There are an estimated 1,600 variations of Christianity, so at least 1,599 of them can't be right. Also, as Jesus was "declared" to be divine by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., all of them could be wrong. You don't get to decide what the truth is - you only get to decide what it is that YOU believe.
2007-08-05 07:00:05
answer #4
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
It's quite simply really, the virus of Christianity has mutated over the centuries, afflicting various groups. Some are more suseptable to the strain called "Catholicism" while others are weak to Calvinism.
2007-08-05 06:59:38
answer #5
answered by robert 6
The generic or store brand over the over priced major label brand.
2007-08-05 06:59:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Buddy Jesus, baby!
2007-08-05 07:22:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The whitewashed infants version, gentle Jesus meek and mild etc not the one who spat upon this little child.
2007-08-05 06:59:47
answer #8
answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5
Jesus 501 blue, double zipper with the word.." I'M A MAN" on the back.. I buy them always.. they make my legs look longer..and surely they make me walk stronger!
2007-08-05 07:02:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I like the one where Jesus leans up against a fence smoking a camel. He rides his donkeys, but his camels he smokes.
2007-08-05 07:00:56
answer #10
answered by 2.71828182845904 5