In the face of such proof, I can only revert to blue-green algae.
2007-08-05 06:07:46
answer #1
answered by Captain Hammer 6
The Earth is an isolated system. (In reality, the Earth is not an isolated system but I'm ignoring that point because it refutes my argument.)
Now that's priceless...
You are evolving steadily toward true understanding. But when you die, it all gets erased. Does this refute evolution?
Perhaps some isolated systems are not so much isolated as nested within greater systems. The information you gain is transmitted to others around you, so your personal death does not erase the gain...
Perhaps, in fact, the assumption of the application 2nd Law of thermodynamics is the problem with this whole argument. Perhaps we have trouble visualizing the complexity of the universe.
Ain't science wonderful.
2007-08-05 06:07:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In some ways, yes actually. Darwin's theory was incomplete and inaccurate. For example, he had no idea how inheritance worked. Fortunately, science doesn't work on the ideas of one individual. Since Darwin's days, the theory of evolution has been modified to include genetics, genetic drift, punctuated equilibrium, evodevo, and other fields. His original theory has been corrected according to all available evidence. The modern theory of evolution is accurate, while Darwin's original idea, while true in some regards was also not complete. The current theory is still not perfect. It will be fine tuned as we learn more, but the fact remains evolution happened, all we have to do is figure out how.
2016-05-19 04:32:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This shows only a lack of understanding about thermodynamics.
Your theory only holds up if the earth was a closed system.
See that ball of yellow hot stuff up in the sky? It's called the sun and it provides us with lots of free energy.
Making this an open system.
Also ...
Oh I kept reading... LOL shame on me for not reading further than the first few lines.
You got me on that one, good job!
And yes, the ONLY way that the "2nd law of thermodynamics argument" works is by ignoring the fact that the earth is an open system (well so is the universe but a little myopia is sometimes necessary)
2007-08-05 06:04:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You didn't realize that by refuting facts, you are doing exactly what all Creationist mistakenly do.
That is to ignore reality.
I really don't care which idea is correct, evolutionism or creationism. I prefer the scientific avenue because science always tests itself, while creationists are dogmatic or like you, look at the facts that they want to look at then create works of fiction.
I prefer reality, even the parts I don't readily agree with.
It's symbolic to me that this category is sandwiched between Folklore & Mythology and Royalty. All religions speak of kings and are rife with fairy tales which to me, aren't too removed from UFO and conspiracy zealots.
Nice job!
2007-08-05 06:06:41
answer #5
answered by Awesome Bill 7
Human ability to talk is scientific proof that Evolution is false.
We have somehow managed to learn to talk with voice to communicate with each other that doesnt seem to me to be some sort of mutation.
Reading and writing is a different level of communication that has to be learned by anybody.
I have had close relatives who could talk but could not read and write.
We learn to talk in our toddler years and develop it as we grow
If we, as babies were isolated for say 10-15 years without learning to talk. We could still learn to talk but we would have a funny sounding accent
Just as if you learn a forien language later in your years you end up with an accent.
I know several people who learned 2 languages similtanously in that same toddler years and they spoke both languages with no accent.
Our closest, so called primate relatives have never been able to talk. They have however been taught sign language.
How did we make this incredable mutated jump to be able to talk.
I have also made research into why we speak so many different languages. I have only been able to date back most of them including some of the Native American Languages back to 2500 BC before that I can only find evidence of one language which seems to point to the fact the the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel is true...proving God and that he made each individual thing they did not evolve.
2007-08-05 06:31:37
answer #6
answered by Tommiecat 7
Actually, the 2nd law is used to describe irreversible processes. How can I apply this principle to evolution? A simple example: Let's say you dropped a glass onto the floor and it broke. Is it possible to reverse this process? Perhaps if we meticulously glued every shard of glass together, we may have something that resembles the original. This is what is meant by irreversible process. You CANNOT get back the original glass!!! Now, how does this relate to evolution? Keep in mind all the dynamics that were involved in my example.
1. Many broken pieces of glass
2. I would have to glue the pieces back together
Is it beginning to sound like creation or evolution?
GOD bless
2007-08-05 06:21:03
answer #7
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
"The Earth is an isolated system. (In reality, the Earth is not an isolated system but I'm ignoring that point because it refutes my argument.) "
So you're kidding, right?
Good one! You probably got a bunch of creationists agreeing with you.
2007-08-05 06:06:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Evolution defies mathematical probability. Evolution defies laws of physics (second law of thermodynamics.)
Evolution claims, random change & natural selection make simple things spontaneously transform into more complex things without recourse to intelligent design. Chance and random changes simply do not produce higher levels of organization & complexity.
2007-08-07 15:34:27
answer #9
answered by Steve 4
I'll say this much, at least your questions are entertaining and not an offense to grammar, spelling and style. I agree with the guy warning against satire.
I wish you luck in hunting the bandersnatch, but beware of the jabberwock!
2007-08-05 06:05:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i say you just proved yourself wrong
he said it wont occur in isoltad system
the earth is not
you say 2 sides and prove the points that evoultion doesnt exist completly wrong given the circumstances
you cannot ignore points that prove you wrong its very typical for religous people to be ignorant
so your saying that evoultion does exist and those laws are incorrect?
2007-08-05 06:07:15
answer #11
answered by Anonymous