well sweety...the bible is just like the constitution of the U.S...(im pretty sure your american right? LOL!)...it is interpreted by each individual or in this case, the denomination...we do it every sunday for the "rememberance" like the others say... although there is NOTHING that says it HAS to be every sunday...it is just the way they practice it...i mean there is nothing that says it has to be less does it? although others do it less than the church of christ...i mean that is the reason protestants and catholics and mormons are different right? we all read the same book but come to different conclusions!!!!....and everybody on here needs to stop being rude...she asked a basic question...no reason to throw things in her face...and some of the scriptures you guys used can be interpreted in more than one way...exactly why there are thousands of denominations in christianity...
i hope this answered your question...cause you are right...us people in the church of christ "INTERPRETED" and pratice it evey sunday...but no where does it say explicitely that we HAVE to...
2007-08-07 06:33:58
answer #1
answered by Nunya B 2
Acts 20:7 says, "Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight."
Every week has a first day. This is the same phrase used in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 where it says that on the first day of the week they were to take up a collection. The NASB translates 1 Corinthians 16:2 as, "On the first day of every week each..."
We see from early church History that they indeed took the Lord's Supper on the first day of every week.
This language is very similar to the command in the Old Testament to keep the Sabbath. They were told, on the seventh day of the week, "remember the Sabbath". They knew every week had a seventh day and they kept the sabbath EVERY week. They did not have to ask, "Which 7th day?"
Some say that if you take the Lord's supper that often, it becomes routine and commonplace.
If this is the case, should we not pray as often? Should we only sing a couple of times a year?
If an item of worship becomes too routine, the problem is not that we are practicing it too often!
If we love the Lord, we will want to remember him often. That is the purpose of the Lord's Supper!
When we take it on the first day of every week, we are remembering Christ often and we are following the New Testament example in Acts 20:7!
2007-08-05 11:07:16
answer #2
answered by JoeBama 7
It's primarily based off of Acts 20:7... ' On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.'
There is not a specific NT command to take communion every week. The first day of the week is/was Sunday, which was also the day Jesus rose from the grave. This seems to be the day the early Christians met for 'church'. If you read I Corinthians 11;17-32, it sure sounds like they took communion whenever they met together for church. But I don't see a specific command/direction for Christians to do this.
2007-08-05 05:15:19
answer #3
answered by Rtay 3
Romans 13:a million says, “permit each and every guy or woman be in subjection to the governing government, for there is not any authority different than from God…” the place I stay (the USA), marijuana is unlawful. The governing government have widespread regulations that it incredibly is forbidden for everybody to purchase, sell, use or very own it. If i exploit marijuana, then i'm no longer being difficulty to the regulations of the government of the U. S. or the state I stay in. i does no longer be in subjection to the governing government because of the fact the verse from God’s observe it is quoted above instructions! Romans 13:2 keeps, “for this reason he who resists authority has antagonistic the ordinance of God; and that they that have antagonistic will obtain condemnation upon themselves.” This on my own could be reason adequate to stay remote from it, yet upload to this the wear it could do on your impact to others. The use marijuana has been shown to be bodily risky. Smoking “joints” (that have not got any clear out) has been shown to fill your lungs with greater pollution than cigarettes. many circumstances marijuana additionally finally leads to different, greater good drugs. according to risk that won’t take place to you, yet what approximately others you could impact? is this this style of impact God needs you to have? Does God decide so which you would be able to impact others to partake in risky events, to interrupt the regulation, and help unlawful events jointly with your funds via procuring those drugs? I don’t think of so! Do you? (considering you're asking this question, you likely already understand the respond in case you're effortless with your self.)
2016-10-14 00:37:16
answer #4
answered by ? 4
The "Lord's Supper" is the heart of worship. With it we see the sacrifice of Jesus, the breaking of the body and the spilling of the blood. This is Jesus' only religious command. It MUST be observed. It is called "communion" because it is the time we examine and judge ourselves, remember the sacrifice of Jesus, consider the importance of the Word, consider the importance of life that has been granted through grace, examine our place in the church, the "body" Christ on earth, and communicate with God, confessing our shortcomings, thanking Him for His providence, and submitting to His will. It is a time to be fully in His presence. I find it to be the most important time there is.
2007-08-04 19:12:23
answer #5
answered by BrandedByBlood 2
"this do in remembrance of me" it doesn't say how often. Some Catholics attend mass everyday.
2007-08-04 19:02:24
answer #6
answered by atheist 6
2007-08-04 19:02:10
answer #7
answered by AGI_SUPREME 2