Why in the world would I concern myself with what you believe? You can worship a box of crayola crayons for all I care. It is only when you tell me that I will go to Hell for not worshiping the box of Crayolas that we are going to have a problem.
I think you should find and follow your path and allow others the same opportunity. That's why Buddhists are so bad at converting others.
2007-08-04 18:33:39
answer #1
answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7
I don't know which god you are referring to. All gods are a creation of mankind which is why there are so many and the believers are always squabbling among themselves over the true nature of their gods.
The believers say that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by a supreme being but if that is so then the supreme being must be infinitely more complex so who created it and if nobody did and it existed before time began then why doesn't the same argument apply to the universe.
You always come back to the same circular argument that is going nowhere and the only way to move forward is to discard reason in favor of belief
Once you do that,however, disaster strikes in the form of conflict because once you believe in god ,you can believe in anything, even to the extent of strapping explosives to your body and murdering innocent people safe in the knowledge that you are doing the work of your god and you will go straight to eternal happiness.
That is the ultimate expression of religious belief
2007-08-05 02:21:27
answer #2
answered by brainstorm 7
There is no evidence of God. From all the way back to Masada massacre to Iraq of today, God could not even do a little miracle to save an innocent child, or a woman. There was never any intervention by God including the time when Magellan went ashore in Philipines with hostile indians, holding a large cross and the indians slaughtered him. He was a devout Christian, just to name one. There are so many occasions when God could have intervened in something but never did. The only reason you believe in it is because you have been brain washed from early childhood.
2007-08-05 01:37:49
answer #3
answered by 1st Liberal 6
If you want to believe in God - fine. Just don't tell me that I should believe in God without providing some convincing evidence that God exists. The Bible, Koran and other religious books are NOT evidence.
"There is no evidence for or against X, therefore there should be no belief or disbelief in X. Now fill in the X with either the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God..."
2007-08-05 02:07:59
answer #4
answered by qxzqxzqxz 7
There are 3 possibilities regarding God:
1) God doesn't exist. In this case, humanity would be better off trying to take care of the problems in the world ourselves instead of waiting for someone who doesn't exist to take care of them.
2) God exists and is almighty, omniscient, and benevolent. In this case, God can and does help with the problems in the world, but he would prefer for us to help out and would not have any desire to be worshiped. Prayer is useless because God already knows your intentions and that time could be better spent working to help God improve the world.
3) God exists, but is not almighty, not omniscient, and/or not benevolent. In that case, humanity would be better off working to improve the world than worshiping God because there are some things that God either cannot or will not do to help us. Worshiping such a flawed deity is a mistake.
In every case, you get the same result. Worshiping God is a waste of time that could be better utilized working to improve the world around us.
God is irrelevant.
2007-08-05 01:40:31
answer #5
answered by scifiguy 6
There's no evidence. Same reason why you shouldn't believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Zeus, Wotan, Ra, Jupiter, Allah, etc.
One does not need a reason to NOT believe in something. One needs a reason TO believe. There isn't one, when it comes to God.
P.S. Also, I can prove that God (the Christian god) not only doesn't exist, but CAN'T exist. Observe:
I can say with 100% certainty that God (capitalized to mean the Christian god), as Christians define him, doesn't exist. I can say this because God, as he is defined, is a self-contradiction, and a self-contradiction can't exist.
Example: one can also say with 100% certainty that a square with 21 sides does not exist. Not because one has searched every iota of existence without finding it, but because a 21-sided square is impossible, being a self-contradiction. Same thing with someone who weighs 150 and 250 pounds at the same time--another self-contradiction that can't exist.
I'm going to prove that the Christian God is a self-contradiction like the examples above, and therefore ALSO can't exist:
The Christian God is defined as perfect, and also as a creator (it isn't really important what God created or didn't create, just that he created something). To be perfect is to be complete. To be complete is to lack nothing. Desire can only exist when there is a lack of something (that something is what is desired). Therefore, since God is perfect, he desires nothing. Since he desires nothing, obviously he would not desire to create anything. A perfect being would do nothing but exist, because actively DOING something would imply a desire (to do whatever it is), which a perfect being cannot have by definition.
Therefore, an entity who is both perfect and a creator is a self-contradiction that cannot exist, just like a 21-sided square. Since Christians define their god this way, one can say with absolute certainty that this god does not, indeed, cannot exist.
2007-08-05 01:27:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why would an Atheist waste their time with you? You know everything! Your religion is the RIGHT one and only religion. You're just super Maurice! Your spelling is super too. You sound so brilliant really! LOL. Your question was just brilliant too! How did you get so smart?? I'd love to know, so I can spell as good as you and be "saved and born again" like you. Amen. LOL.
2007-08-05 17:51:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There's no reason to. It's really that simple. If you think about it, everything that points to the existence of God was just written in books a long time ago. That's literally all the evidence there is.
2007-08-05 01:27:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you truly want to be an atheist, you don't need to be convinced. If you don't want to be an atheist, then WHY are you asking? Atheists don't seek converts.
The Biblical God is a sadistic, immoral, killer who drowned, Plagued, and slaughtered millions (more than Hitler), conspired to have his own son brutally beaten and executed, and repeatedly commanded his followers to torture and kill people. If that kind of violence and immorality impresses you, you are free to slobber all over him. Believe what you wish, and leave other people alone.
2007-08-05 01:33:56
answer #9
answered by gelfling 7
No way dude. Religion and reason don't mix. You will believe what you wish to believe. That is the almost invariable human proceeding. Facts and arguements, or lack of same, don't affect human superstition very much.
2007-08-05 01:32:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous