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totally original?
okay lets do a project:
make up something that has never been heard of before, can't be spiritual or magic or everlasting or anything we have ever heard of before..if men way back thousands of years ago was so brillent to concieve such a plot and had such inmaginary minds..lets see todays educated intelligent people come up with something toatally orginal..you'll get 10 points for it
I think it can't be done do you?

2007-08-04 17:57:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Todd C...before scientology we already heard of aliens and so forth..it has to be completely original...sorry

2007-08-04 18:14:35 · update #1

see my point all these super educated intelligent people and they only argue they don't even try...hum

2007-08-04 18:17:27 · update #2

AuroraDawn...sorry we all know about popcorn & f*rts .....next
what point of original never heard of before do you not understand?

2007-08-04 18:19:20 · update #3

Queen of nice...again we have all heard and seen plants mouths etc.
come on guys your so much more superior educated then us dumb delusional Christan's.

2007-08-04 18:21:39 · update #4

Awesome Sauce...armadillos? again SOMETHING ORGINAL NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE...get it

2007-08-04 18:23:32 · update #5

Barbara...thanks for the science lesson..but that's not the question...next

2007-08-04 18:24:58 · update #6

I'm really disappointed
I thought for sure there would be some original ideas..and nadda...I keep hearing how intelligent of minds you all have, or is that when some else tells you what is intelligent..free thinking..open minds...? come on guys try harder.

2007-08-04 18:38:30 · update #7

brainstorm...yes I have heard of the flying spaghetti monster, that's my whole point...come up with something spectacular Like: God, Jesus ,Heaven, redemption etc...
if uneducated delusional people thousands of years ago made up God and religion..then you do it, you guys are way more intelligent and educated it should be a breeze.

2007-08-05 11:46:38 · update #8

18 answers

*Applauds* thank you for bringing the first intelligent arguement against athiesm i've seen so far

P.S. Todd C, its not original, aliens, warlords from other planets... its been done before

2007-08-04 18:00:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 9

you r not prepared to believe that the words could be written by themselves or a watch or a fountain pen could get made by itself then how could you suppose the sun and the moon to be according to set a plan by themselves? just as you cannot think any thing else than what is written on this piece of paper has taken someone to write it or the watch and the pen are the works of the maker and the car has been manufactured in a factory and if it is working on the road it is driven by somebody. it is also plain beyond doubt that this universe, with all it's sights and wonders, treasures and people has not come into being by itself but it is created by an all wise and all knowing all powerful and all being.

2007-08-05 01:16:39 · answer #2 · answered by princess sarrah 1 · 0 2

Already happened. Look up "Scientology", "L. Ron Hubbard", "Dianetics", etc. Supposedly happened on a dare too, and look how many people buy into it!

Edit. To preachs4c: OK, that may be, but did those aliens blow each other up with hydrogen bombs in the previous incarnations of this idea? I doubt it. :-P

Edit. To wanzanna: This is idiotic. Since it's obvious this is an anti-atheist project, please tell me what is so original about the thought of an invisible almighty parent figure in the sky. As with all the other thoughts posted on here, they're not original, they draw from life experiences and folklore (based on life experiences of earlier cultures...)

2007-08-05 00:59:49 · answer #3 · answered by Sancho 4 · 3 2

Armadillo fights. Done.

I used a basic forum law on this one:

Ridiculous questions warrant ridiculous answers.

But if you want something more original, yet still ridiculous as this question warrants, you've got it.

Let's say that, just like you have been brought up to believe that there was a deity who created everything, people were brought up to believe that there was a toaster orbiting the sun somewhere between Earth and Mars. Now, you'd immediately dismiss this as ridiculous, and you have ample grounds to dismiss it, although, we'd have just as ample grounds to dismiss your God as nonexistent and ridiculous.

2007-08-05 01:04:55 · answer #4 · answered by ǝɔnɐs ǝɯosǝʍɐ Lazarus'd- DEI 6 · 1 2

it is a human characteristic to create some reason, perhaps a place holder, for phenomena we dont fully understand, god was one, magic is another. We hav atoms now; what a completely off the wall, and dare i say, original idea that is. You can see this kind of behavior in children and perhaps u may remember some of the silly things u believed true as a child. just to staunch our curiosity. and while i hav no idea that god is real or not, frankly i dont care, people only BELIEVE he is real JUST like people BELIEVE science holds true, until, of course, something is disproven, a new reason is found, we hav dug deeper, moved on. history repeats itslef in this manner-- consistently-- if even the history we kno is true, what truly happened. the most simple response to this: live for now-- for today, be kind, live and let live, believe and let believe. i truly mean no offense by this, but this kind of question is what makes battles, what makes people BELIEVE THEY are right and the enemy is wrong, and that no one should continue believing what the enemy thinks. lets just be nice to eachother, we are all human. we all breath, love, hav opinions, feelings, BELIEFS. whether its science, buddhism, christianity, witchcraft, alien intervention, blah, blah blah......... my fav quotation sums it up: HUMANKIND-- Be Both.

2007-08-05 01:15:07 · answer #5 · answered by deathbykindnes 3 · 1 3

Man isn't smart enough to write a book like the bible.Man is weak and depraved without God's
inspired word to guide him.

2007-08-05 14:31:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Before their were humans their were plants. Plants are the longest living things on this planet. THUS! The plant holds the secret of life happiness and all the answeres to questions that man has ever wondered. The trick is.......how do we get the plants to talk to us? With my scientific mine I have found the answer. I will mess their DNA and give the plants a mouth to talk with and tell us all their secrets!

2007-08-05 01:02:52 · answer #7 · answered by Queen_of_Nice 2 · 1 3

All life on earth evolved through a series of chemical reactions. One of the laws of the universe is that entropy is always increasing, so when the chemical reactions slow down enough you are DEAD, and eaten by bacteria or transformed into chemical elements by fire and that's ALL.

2007-08-05 01:07:31 · answer #8 · answered by barbara 7 · 1 2

What a stupid question.
People fantasise all the time.
Have you never heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

2007-08-05 02:32:48 · answer #9 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 1 2

If it isn't Spiritual then it would have to be another man made religion---and frankly, I don't think we need another one of those. Sorry hun, I won't contribute to more mass confusion---Peace and Blessings!

2007-08-05 01:02:39 · answer #10 · answered by Native Spirit 6 · 3 1

Maybe because thousands of years ago, nobody had come up with anything, thus everything was original, but after thousands of years, everything has been thought of.

2007-08-05 01:00:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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