If you want answer for such question you will not find In Yahoo answers
Study religions, Hear from their followers, compare them
It is a life time task, but when you get the answer, most likely it will be the right answer
here in Yahoo, I need thousands of pages to tell you about only one religion, we have 5 main religions on our world, so each of them with a 1000 page you need 5000,
I tell you the truth
I studied Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam
I have a belief
But it is mine
Find your way by yourself
With my best wishes
Good luck
2007-08-04 17:45:12
answer #1
answered by S. Sulivan 5
Please allow me to refer, and do some cut/paste from that great website (see below) "gotquestions.org" for a response... it's a mix of mine and theirs... at least I quote my sources!
First of all, truth is NOT a relative thing.... there is no "MY truth" and "Your Truth" ... etc. Truth, by it's nature is singular.. there is ONE truth. It would be like saying, "Well, I believe that 2+2=7" and another says, "That's fine, but I believe that 2+2=5" when THE truth is that 2+2=4. If there were no Absolute Truths, there would be chaos.
Truth is defined by the dictionary as “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true; reality or actuality.”
We are going to dismiss the argumentations of "Situational Ethics" and "Cultural Relativism" because we are working from the basis that there IS a REAL definition of RIGHT and WRONG, morally, which is the Absolute Truth.
All the religions of the world are an attempt to give meaning and definition to life. They are born out of the fact that mankind desires something more than simply existing. Behind all religions is a fundamental belief that there must be more to life than simply this physical existence that we now know. Through religion, people are looking for assurance and hope for the future, for forgiveness of sins, for peace in the midst of our struggles, and for answers to our deepest questions. Religion is really evidence that mankind is more than simply a highly evolved animal. It is evidence of a higher purpose, and the fact that there is indeed a personal and purposeful Creator, who implanted into man the desire to know Him. And if there is indeed a Creator, then He becomes the standard for absolute truth, and it is His authority that establishes that truth.
Fortunately for us there is such a Creator and He has revealed not only Himself but also His truth to us through His very Word, the Bible. If we want to know the absolute truth / universal truth the only way to do that is through a personal relationship with the One who claimed to be the “Truth” Jesus Christ. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'" (John 14:6). The fact that absolute truth does exist points us to the truth that there is a sovereign God who created the heavens and the earth and who has revealed Himself to us, in order that we might know Him personally through His son Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we must conclude that there is such a thing as an Absolute Truth when it comes to religion and faith. So what you are asking, then is which "truth" IS the Absolute Truth, and religion "follows" or represents that Absolute Truth.
As to which religion (denomination) sticks closest to the Truth, you must find one that remains "true" to the core Truth. Different religions veer off base on some of the "details," but the core values are the Truth. I believe that being a member of an organized church is important to one's faith, because it is there where you find edification (building), and sharing of the faith, which is important to the nurturing and continuation of your faith.
If you are unsure of which of the Christian religions you would feel most "comfortable" I recommend you start with the Billy Graham organization website. The people there are very helpful and can refer you to an organized church in your area which remains true to the core Truth... which is important to them, too.
See the website below. Have a blessed day.
2007-08-06 06:41:02
answer #2
answered by wyomugs 7
Humanity has no proprietary claims on Truth. We can merely accept it or not. Regardless of our acceptance, it remains the Truth. It is a straight line that never bends, never changes direction, never breaks.
The source of Truth is God. He is the one who created all things, and His will is paramount.
How do we know His will? We can look at different books that claim His insight. However, the Holy Bible is the one book that contains His history with man, His guidance of man throughout history & His plan to reunite us with Him, for eternity.
There will be others who claim to be "the way". They will add other books, Book of Mormon, Watchtower, Book of Mormon, Quran, catechism, etc. However, only the Bible has remained the same throughout history. Only the Holy Bible is God-breathed, more than inspired.
The Bible says that Jesus is the ONE WAY to achieve a permanent, lasting relationship with God. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth & the Life. None may come to the Father, but through Me."
There are many different, Bible-believing denominations. However, the crux of their belief MUST be Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Jesus as the ONE way to God. Anything else is just so much smoke and mirrors.
2007-08-06 06:05:27
answer #3
answered by †Lawrence R† 6
The Truth far exceeds the bounds of our reasoning and expectations. It is not merely a discovery of the intellect by which we come to uncover, or demystify, all that is mysterious about the Universe. Truth is, rather, an experience had by the whole person (body, spirit, and nous) which reveals all of creation as mystery. Through this, both the intellect and the soul are illumined to reveal reality in a deeper way than human speculation or science could ever hope to, a way that exceeds the limitations of human reasoning and can only be understood at the most fundamental core of our being. Such is the nature of true Christianity and is the way by which we come to know the Eternal God as both personal and mysterious. This is the experience of life within the Orthodox Church.
2007-08-06 05:25:19
answer #4
answered by Josias B 2
Christianity. All others show "a way" however, Jesus Christ said that He is "the way" and also that He was the truth. "I am the truth, the way and the life." This is not to say that some truth cannot be found in many other religions - it can. But you asked which religion IS truth itself. Without the Holy Spirit of God, which was introduced after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, one cannot know real truth which is the Trinity.
2007-08-04 17:46:05
answer #5
answered by reasonfaith 3
Looking for truth in religion is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, if you'll excuse the cliche. Try forming a relationship with God by reading his Word and talking to him. That's the only way to discover truth. Sure churches and pastors and friends can help, but the purest truth comes from God alone. Seek and you'll find, knock and he'll open the door for you.
God bless. :)
2007-08-04 17:38:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
This is what's wrong with the Catholic Church:
Christianity is the true "Religion" I put religion in quotations because this poor word has been so abused it has lost its meaning. True Religion according to the Bible is to visit widows and orphans, NOT say 15 Hail Marys and go to mass: Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
ALL that is necessary for salvation is faith in the finished work of the cross: Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
I will NOT name a specific church, there are many christian churches that teach the truth of God's word. Beware of Cults: http://www.christiananswers.net/evangelism/beliefs/cults.html
2007-08-05 22:10:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus is the the truth and He tells us that we can have a relationship with God through Him.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Click on the Get Saved button for more info http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/cornerstone0/
2007-08-06 01:45:34
answer #8
answered by Martin S 7
God tells us in the Holy Bible that there is only one true, pure, undefiled religion. That is the one with the full teachings of Jesus Christ, in the Holy Bible. Gods words, not mine. and, He goes on to tell us what true religion is and what is false religion. Anyone that says they bring God to you , but they dont bring the full teachings of Jesus , that He came once lived as a man, was crucified and died for us all to be saved, was resurrected, and will come again to take us home....ThAT that would be a false religion.
WE are to confess Jesus as our Lord and saviour, know that He did come to earth , lived for us, and died for us, and was resurrected and will come again... and we are to obey God as He commands us to do. That is how we stay in His protection, abiding in Him, walking for Him, Living for Him, thining and being like Him, telling the world about Him, and taking others with us to Heaven. WE cant make anyone go, nor do we even try. We simply live the truth, speak the truth , boldly, without fear or compromise, just as Jesus did. Some will come to Him, some will rjeject Him. Its our j ob to live truth and speak it, but it is their choice whether they go to God or not. We just tell them and leave that to the Holy Spirit.
If a religion doesnt preach the whole Bible, that its all true and must be followed, studied and understood, then they arent bring true religion, which is Christianity. PPL will say today I dont want to be religious, just Christian. Sounds good on paper. Because most false religions, even many in Christianity , bring in all kinds of stuff to their faith that is just not Biblical. and they can be preaching truth sometimes, but rarely living it. So ppl think the word religion is a bad thing. BUt, God says there is only one pure, true and undefiled religion, Chrsitianity. Am I religious? NOt in the false sense of the word. No. absolutely No. Am I religiously (totally) believing in the full word of God and knowing it and knowing we are called to holiness, purity and righteous living?? OH YES I AM> We are all called to overcome sin. We are told we must be like Jesus. The only way is thru obedience to the Lord and knowing what He says to do in the Word.
This is a great question, and I pray it maes others think about what is true and whats not. If you cant prove it by the Bible, it is false. We dont need a different book to prove our doctrines. By the way, most today say they dont want a doctrine, as they are free to continue sin and still count on grace. Doctrines are fine. amen. BUt there are true doctrines of God and false ones, that a church brought in.
The ones of God should always have been followed and still followed, what is Biblical is the question? And the ones not Biblical, that were merely tradition and a host of other things, need to be removed. Only way we will know that is to know God and His precious word.
God bless you. Keep on standing for Jesus. I will too.
2007-08-06 01:00:46
answer #9
answered by full gospel shirley 6
God's word is the truth and the truth is the Bible. John 14:6 says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me." This scripture is referring to Jesus as being the way and the truth.
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."
The Bible is God's word to us and it speaks God's truths. If you look up the word truth in the back of a Bible in the concordance it will direct you to verses that use the word truth in them.
By faith we believe. I believe with every ounce in me that the Bible is true and if you seek earnestly for God in his word he will reveal himself to you.
2007-08-04 17:50:19
answer #10
answered by Scout 1