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I really like this girl and i think she likes me too and i want to ask her out so bad but im muslim so i was told that dating is haram, but i am seriously in love with this girl. God!! what should i do?? help

2007-08-04 17:20:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Im not old enough to get married.

Im 16 and so is she!

2007-08-04 17:27:56 · update #1

13 answers

Most people say that it is haram but thats just the people, If you really want to know if its haram then go talk to a imam or look in the Quran. Its not that dating is bad, its just that islam does not want you to have any sexual interaction before marriage. If you can go on a date without doing this this I feel its alright but i dont know about islam.

I think you should ask your parents or someone you trust, heck if your really sure that she likes you then ask her out but dont have any sexual interraction.

Hope this helps

2007-08-05 06:05:57 · answer #1 · answered by The Great One 4 · 1 0


I know how you feel. Sometimes I just feel my urges overtake my beliefs... my heart overtaking my mind.

If you have done something you shouldn't have, never hesitate to repent, for God is the most merciful.

Islam encourages marriage. Dating is a temporary thing and is more likely to bring unhappy endings in a relationship. If you are just a boyfriend, it's easy to break up with just a phone call saying "It's over;" while in marriage is much harder to divorce.

Also, you would be having relationships unlawfully in the eyes of God. If you are really committed to a woman, why not just marry her?

Unfortunately, societies today suggest one should get married in their 20s... that's WAY too long to hold back!

I'm sorry that I was unable to provide a good answer, so I refer you to the following forums, for they will be able to give you better answers:

2007-08-04 17:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by XB 3 · 1 0

Islam doesn't forbid feelings for the opposite sex..when you act on them with unlawful acts such as dating..is when it becomes haraam. Don't question dating because of what people say , but of what Allah(SWT) says in the Quran. You need to find an imam and talk to her islamicly because the only lawful relationship is marraige. It seems like you don't know much about your religon. In Islam there is a reason for everything. Forbidding dating prevents other things such as transmission of diseases and single parenthood. Not to say that dating always leads to these things, but it's common. I know i will get bashed for this..but i don't care. I live my life for the creator of this world, not the people in it.

2007-08-04 17:33:12 · answer #3 · answered by umm 4 · 0 0

Well dating is not really forbidden, but frowned upon because it brings up temptation to sin. For instance you two shouldn't go out alone together without someone with you, that way you are not tempted to do things outside of marriage that you shouldn't do *hint hint*...

If you like/ love this girl and want to be with her, you can speak to her parents, and set something up where you are given some privacy but not left totally alone - there should be someone around to make sure you two behave yourselves.

That way you can spend time with her and get to know her yet both of your reputations are protected at the same time.

2007-08-04 17:26:59 · answer #4 · answered by Tammy 2 · 1 0

I have muslim friends as well, they date too, according to sources i heard dating was supposely possible, the religion wasn't actually that strict I think people must have distorted it... Nevertheless they (my friends) said that muslim are not suppose to act indecently in public, such as kissing or hugging indecently in public, as for holding hand I'm not too sure about it it depends on the perception of your area...

2007-08-04 17:31:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Go back to 760 A. D. or so and do what any other self-respecting man would do--kidnap her and carry her off to become your wife!

Islam doesn't make room for the concept of dating because it advocates the idea of women as possessions.

You wouldn't date your car, would you?

2007-08-04 17:45:17 · answer #6 · answered by nora22000 7 · 0 2

I know muslims who date and have premarital sex, I guess they aren't good muslims, I have never understood the religion. I'm surprised woman are even allowed to see the man before the sleep together.

2007-08-04 17:35:57 · answer #7 · answered by Brook E 3 · 0 2

specific sects in Islam least confusing enable for prepared marriages, in general with women human beings as youthful as 5 being betrothed to men of their 20's. This via the community Islamic rulers. They even recommend that sexual intercourse for those women human beings isn't dangerous actual or emotionally. And in spite of the incontrovertible fact that there are people who obtain this nonsense as a worldwide "faith", instead than the idiocy that is. So in all probability your uncle would have choose for a extra robust half in spite of everything.

2016-10-19 09:21:59 · answer #8 · answered by cywinski 4 · 0 0

I guess islam doesn't like good times

I guess they don't like modern things, just live the old way of life forever.

Be yourself, don't let someone ruin your life, you will pass up all the good things in life by listening to other peoples advice that probably isn't any good anyway.

2007-08-04 17:24:44 · answer #9 · answered by You may be right 7 · 1 2

Prearranged marriages.
Your father needs to talk to her father and may have to pay a bride price.

2007-08-04 17:24:09 · answer #10 · answered by Here I Am 7 · 0 0

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