C'mon. You might not believe in the God of the Bible, but you believe there is some kind of Supreme Power. You are just pissed because of things that have happened to you or people you care about, or you don't like the way things are being handled.
28 answers
asked by
frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Hahahaha, funny, Jack. Inaccurate, but funny.
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday night here.
Twice-baked, I like your answer; and yes, I am reading all the answers.
18:08:24 ·
update #1
Oops, thrice-baked. Sorry.
18:17:34 ·
update #2
An atheist, if you're searching for a real answer, does not believe in a god or gods. This does NOT mean that the atheist cannot have other spiritual pursuits or beliefs. I am an atheist who believes there is an energy force in our universe that cannot be measured by science or mathematics. For me, it is the spirit of humanity and the drive to help others - there is a certain energy that brings us all to one another. I admit that since I don't know and never can know I may be wrong. These are my beliefs. You have yours. There is no "pretending'. Atheism is not a religion and doesn't involve faith. I am absolutely positive that there are no gods. I believe they were made up a very long time ago to bring fear to a lawless society - IF you do this, you'll be eternally tortured by fire, etc.
Atheism is not a belief, it is a disbelief. I think the story of god(s) is about as realistic as the story of Santa Claus. I don't say that to degrade you. I respect your beliefs but I don't respect your judgment. We have all had terrible things happen to us or people we loved. Some turn to God, some become atheists but mostly we all remain adherent to the same belief systems. I believe in the spirit of compassion, empathy and kindness and I also believe that accusing atheists of being inferior somehow is dangerous to society. What I believe in is NOT a supreme power but an instinctual feeling. It certainly doesn't choose my morals for me or 'rule the earth'. It may affect it but it certainly does not have the reach or the characteristics to be defined as anything more than what it is. Since you asked this question of atheists, I hope you will read all the posts rather than just the ones that agree with you. Again, atheism is a lack of beliefs in deities; this does not throw all spirituality out the window.
2007-08-04 17:48:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not really pretending, Frenzy. Ironically they were made Atheist by the laws/will of the very thing they reject. Vessel of wrath (all are vessels of wrath in some manner, some more honor then the other), are vessels of karma (God is not mocked whatever a man soeth so shall he reap... Be angry but sin not, for the Lord saith, vengeance is mine, I will repay). Atheist came into the world to be atheist, atheism is a class of discourse in the schoolhouse of God or to be politically correct with the Atheist, the university of experiences.
Most of their disdain for a God dwells in fundamentalist definition of God. This is a god formed in the likeness of man for mans agenda's. It's a construct. With Atheist they are so against fundamentalist in their battle that they forget that there are mystics and spiritual individuals in the lump, whom they could learn from and learn more about the ideologies and how they dwindled to this state of losing all sense of mysticism, or their Gnostic element in exchange for carnality and negation of reason.
Anyways its still strong irony. Why did the Jews not believe, God hardened their hearts, so seeing they may not see, hearing they may not hear. Nothing happens outside of the "Fathers" will. Ones polarization to to disbelief was formed by the laws that designed them to be so, considering the objective within such a life. Tis is why all paths are ultimately good, even those that have no belief in a God, they serve as a balance in this world and a specific development that can not be duplicated. It's all rungs of the same ladder leading to truth, and self discovery.
2007-08-04 22:49:06
answer #2
answered by Automaton 5
Hello iqfrenzy4,
I am responding to your question because I can appreciate that you are actually sincere about this. I have confronted this phenomenon before - i.e. that some people (like you) actually think that all atheists are just pretending. In fact, I have some friends who reacted this way to me when I told them I was atheist. For some theists, there mind is so set
about their god, that they can't even imagine that life is possible without a god. This just goes to show how deep-seated the delusion of theism can actually be. In other words, you are not only deluded by belief in god, but you are even deluded about the nature of other people's minds!
Believe it or not, it really is possible to have no belief in any god at all. It might help you to consider small children before they are educated about religion, or even animals. They display social and moral interaction, with no sign of religion or theism.
You can give up your belief in god, immortality, and spirits, and still have morals and a joyful life. In fact, your life would be better for it.
I hope that helps.
2007-08-04 17:30:29
answer #3
answered by HarryTikos 4
You're acting like being an Atheist is a bad thing. Too bad that's what you're told to believe about us. Myself, I'd be more weary of someone who believed in this God:
Exodus 12:28-30 - "The Israelites did just what the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron. At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well. Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead."
I'll bet you that this is the first time you've read this passage. Isn't it?
2007-08-04 17:24:39
answer #4
answered by writersblock73 6
You are ASSUMING, dear...best advice GET OVER YOURSELF. How one SEEs their reality is largely based upon the definitions that they have for the THINGS in their lives. Some have need of a god form---others don't. If a person doesn't need it, then they will get by on their own. A better question might be WHY do ya NEED a god form? Can you not cut the mustard on your own, can you not clean up your own messes, or perhaps you are so incredibly pathetic that you only have 'imaginary friends' to talk to and give ya support.
2007-08-04 17:19:19
answer #5
answered by Lion Jester 5
Oh actually, I'm not depressed at all. I'm an atheist, and a very happy person. I'd just rather not delude myself with the myth that there's some loving being watching us, and we go to a happy magical place when we die. Heaven was invented because people can't handle the fact that when we die, we're dead. We don't go to happy magical special land, we're dead. I, however, can handle this fact and don't need to waste 5 hours of my day going to church to dig myself deeper into this crap until I'm in such a big hole, that I can't get out.
2007-08-04 17:18:52
answer #6
answered by salhavika 2
i am and always have been a very happy person. i was once christian and converted to atheism entirely on my own, i wasnt trying to rebel or anything either, infact i wasnt all that open about until a year after i converted. it seems that religous people have trouble understand why atheists are atheists, i personally beleive in evolution but have NO opinion on whether or not theres a supreme power or any huge questions.
oh and please use this site for questions not for starting arguments
2007-08-04 17:17:51
answer #7
answered by Will M 2
i am agnostic because i am not arrogant enough to believe the complexity of this world was created by one entity alone
i also do not believe we will have these answers until death visits our doorstep
until then i am not pretending anything like atheist and christians!!!
2007-08-06 06:20:32
answer #8
answered by slopoke6968 7
When His Noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster calls me to become a full-fledged pirate...
2007-08-04 17:24:58
answer #9
answered by Sparkiplasma 4
Lol, I AM the Supreme Being...
I make my own choices and follow my own path...
Don't need no stinking God to tell me what to do or believe...
If I'm PO'd about the things that have happened to me or the people I care about I will acknowledge it and own it if it is my mistake...there is no point in blaming the Invisible Man in the Sky :) To me that is what it means to be Atheist...
2007-08-04 17:18:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous