2007-08-04 16:55:16
answer #1
answered by Liquid Spear Waltz 3
God does not allow any to not know Him.
True, most go through mortality without hearing of Him.
You need to understand that we continue after death, and that all have the opportunity to learn of Him in that next life. You will be no different there, and will still have your agency to accept or reject Him. ( If you really want a mind-bender, consider this: you don't learn of Him here in mortality, you are reminded of things you have known for a very long time, before you came here. Not indoctrination, but restoration.)
The Bible that most Christians defend as perfect is less than clear on this point, many plain and precious truths having been lost.
Seeing as you have even a little knowledge of Him puts you at an advantage over the majority of humanity. But part of the test here is whether you will continue to seek Him, learning more about Him and what He expects of you. By doing so you become more like Him, which is the real reason all this happens in the first place.
God knows what He is doing, and loves all of His children.
Everything is happening as planned.
Grins :)
2007-08-12 15:42:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God created man to have fellowship with Him. He created everything else for man's benefit and His own glory. We are not told what God was doing before He created and the above is the only reason we are given as to why He created. God did indeed create all things with absolute perfection, it is sin which has destroyed that perfection. Freewill is essential for humans and for God, otherwise God would have created robots. Love must be freely offered and accepted, not compelled. Without the choice to make between good and evil, there would be no choice to make and thus no free will to choose. God's decisions are always right and perfect because He is without sin. The same can not be said of human beings. Why did Adam and Eve choose to rebel against God instead of being obedient? We may never know; we only know for sure that they did make that unfortunate choice.
2016-05-18 03:08:08
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Well, there really is no excuse. The Bible is God's word, and if you choose not to read it, then it is your CHOICE, not Gods' fault you didn't read His word. That's the very reason He inspired men to write it. Also, there are Christians (followers of Jesus) who are spreading the gospel all the time. God also sent prophet, teachers, pastors, etc. to teach about Him.
Now, Jesus said "Go into all the world, and preach the good news." We do that all the time, and there are many, just like on R&S who refuse to listen, or believe God's word.
God gives us every chance to know Him. A whole lifetime. If one is truly seeking Him, they will find Him.
2007-08-12 11:25:52
answer #4
answered by byHisgrace 7
Each person has the ability to seek out God or not to, and if you are a Christian you have the duty to help people come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you are not a Christian allow me the privilege of introducing you to the Lord Jesus
2007-08-10 15:18:14
answer #5
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
Hey, the Bible says that everyone will at least hear about God once and everyone will get a chance. We have free will. That's how you're not a Christian. Here's your chance. At least read the first chapter of the Bible.
2007-08-12 03:18:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God will judge everyone fairly, depending on what they knew (religion), how they lived their lives and such. God loves all his children. In fact, God expects more from Christians, because we know The Father's will. God bless.
"The servant who knew what his master (Christ) wanted but didn't get ready to do it will receive a hard beating. But the servant who didn't know what his master wanted and did things for which he deserved punishment will receive a light beating. A lot will be expected from everyone who has been given a lot. More will be demanded from everyone who has been entrusted with a lot." Luke 12:47-48
2007-08-04 16:56:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God is the creator of everything, including humans. Everyone knows God whether they like it or not. God is a tree, God is the ocean. God is the ground we walk on, and God is the food we eat. God gave us minds to create, so everything in turn can be linked back to God. You have just stumbled on one of the major cracks in Christianity: If only Christians go to heaven, and more than two-thirds of the world isn't Christian, what happens to the other two thirds? What kind of God would send two thirds of what It created to hell, to a place of torture? Exactly; it's impossible. God would not give us brains to think with, to choose different religions with if more than half of us would be tortured.
2007-08-04 17:01:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That's why Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity is close to the truth. The others have no answer.
Righteous men will see Jesus, just as Abraham and the patriarchs waited for His coming though they had not seen Him. Purgatory is for those not perfected, including Christians.
2007-08-04 16:58:03
answer #9
answered by defOf 4
God gives everyone the ability to make a choice. He does not force you to get to know him. It is soley up to the individual.
2007-08-12 16:02:27
answer #10
answered by icejan 2
You haven't read the bible if you are asking this question, I suggest you get a New Living translation of the Holy Bible, which is written in plain modern English and find the answers for yourself.
2007-08-04 16:56:56
answer #11
answered by Sweet Suzy 777! 7