Why do most people go to church on Sunday there are about 13 reasons but they are NOT supported by the Bible.
I will explain each of the 13 reasons below it may be a little long, but it will cover all the reasons. I do not want to offend anyone with what I say but I have to say what the Bible says.
The 13 reasons
1.The early church changed
NO WHERE in the Bible does the early church say “The new day of worship is Sunday” There is NO verse in the Bible to support this.
The early church kept the Sabbath
The apostles kept the Sabbath
Acts 13:14
Acts 13:42
Acts 13:44
Acts 16:13
Acts 17:2
Acts 18:4
the Gentiles went to Church on Sabbath
Acts 13:42
Acts 17:1-4
Acts 18
2.Sunday is the new Sabbath because of the resurrection
No verse in the Bible says worship on Sunday due to the Resurrection. God said that Baptism is symbol of the death and resurrection of Christ
Colossians 2:12
Romans 6:3-4
Galatians 3:27
3.Jesus fulfilled the law so the Sabbath is gone
Matt 5:17
"Do NOT THINK that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I HAVE NOT come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
does fulfill mean do away with or end
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to do away with them.
Isn’t that the contradictory?
4.We can’t tell which day
So, ENTIRE Jewish Nation all over the ENTIRE world woke up one morning and EVERY one of them forgot which day was the Sabbath?
That is not logical
The change of the calendar had no effect on the weekly cycle
The US Naval Observatory and the Royal Observatory both confirm the 7th day Sabbath(Saturday) is the SAME Sabbath that Jesus kept.
Mark 16 says that Jesus rose the day after the Sabbath. We all know Jesus rose on Sunday... so what day is the Sabbath?
Some people say “God didn’t name the days Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc so we don’t have to keep it.”
Essentially what these people are saying is because we speak a different language from the Jews we don’t have to do what God says
5.It does not matter which day WE choose
God did not say "Pick a day to worship" He said "THE" 7th day is "THE" Sabbath. The word "THE" means a specific item.
The first person to say "It doesn't matter how we worship God" is Cain. Cain said "It doesn't matter how we worship God as long as we give something God will accept it. God does not care as long as you give and call it holy. Don't be legalistic Abel."
Was he right?
Is God specific about what He says.
6.It was only for the Jews, or The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday and the Christian Sabbath is Sunday
The Sabbath was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden 1000 yrs before the first JEW was born Genesis 2:1-3 if they were Jews we all are Jews and STILL need to keep the Sabbath
There is NO SUCH THING as "The Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Sabbath". There is ONLY ONE Sabbath day regardless of religion, race, nationality or language. The 7th day Sabbath does not belong to the Jews it belongs to God, "I am Lord of the Sabbath" Jesus said. In addition "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord" Exodus 20:8-11
7.Sunday has always been the Sabbath
This contradicts the Mark 16 which says Jesus rose the day after the Sabbath on the first day of the week.
8.we are under the new covenant
Hebrews 8:7-12 says
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.(What was the problem?) But God found fault with the PEOPLE and said "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a nEW COVENANT with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt (Why?), because THEY DID NOT REMAIN FAITHFUL TO MY COVENANT, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.
The Old Covenant- the people failed to keep their part “They said we will do it” Exodus 19:8 and they failed
The problem with the Old covenant was the people failed to keep it. There was nothing wrong with the law.
The Old Covenant was based on the people, God says “If you will...then I will” Exodus 19:5
The New Covenant is based on God, God says “I will and I will”
Where does God say that He is changing some of the laws? Where does God say that He is doing away with the Sabbath?
The New covenant, same law
9.Jesus broke the Sabbath
If Jesus broke the Sabbath then how can he say “I have kept my Fathers commandments John 15:10
The people who killed Jesus said this, and now many christians are echoing the lies of His enemies. Jesus healed people on the Sabbath, but where in the Sabbath command does it say don't help people on the Sabbath? Jesus said IT IS lawful to do good on the Sabbath, to help people.
10.We worship on the lord’s day … Sunday
Again, NOT ONE verse to support this claim, nor is there any verse in the Bible calling Sunday the Lord's Day. the only days called the Lord's day is the Sabbath(Saturday) and the day of Christ’s 2nd coming
Exodus 20:8
Isa 58:13,14
Matthew 12:8
Mark 2:28
Luke 6:5
Provide ONE verse that calls Sunday the Lord's Day
11) We have to work or else we will be fired.
The King of Babylon said worship the golden statue or you wil not only lose your job... you will lose your life. Shadrach Meshach and Abednigo chose to follow God rather than keep their jobs.
The king of Persia said worship me or you will lose your job... oh and then I will throw you into a lion's den. Daniel decided following God was more important than keeping his boss happy.
12.We don’t have to keep the Old law anymore we are under the spirit of the Law Love God and your neighbor
A) Is it ok to murder people? Is it ok to commit adultery? Or steal or worship other gods or be disrespectful to your parents? Then why are we getting rid of the only commandment that starts with “Remember”?
B)Does the Spirit of the Law void the Letter?
Spirit- don’t hate your brother
Letter- don’t murder
Spirit- don’t lust
Letter- don’t commit adultery
Spirit- Let you yes be yes and no be no
Letter- Don’t bare false witness
How can you keep the spirit and break the letter?
C) Jesus is quoting the “Old” Law when he says love God and your neighbor
Love God – Deut 6:5
Love your neighbor Lev 19:18
D) Mosaic law was done away with but the Mosaic law is different from the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are eternal written in fire with the finger of God, Mosaic is temporary written by Moses.
13.We worship God everyday
This is a last ditched effort when people realize they have no Biblical basis to support violating God’s command by ignoring the Sabbath and worshiping on Sunday. It is a way to sound holier than thou willfully disobeying God
The disciples worshiped God everyday and they ALL kept the Sabbath.
Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven everyday in addition to the fact that He is God and He still kept the Sabbath
Luke 4:16
Matthew 12:9,10
Mark 1:21
Mark 6:2 Luke 4:16
Luke 4:31
Luke 13:10
The Bible shows that If you worship everyday you STILL keep the Sabbath
Revelation 14 says that 3 messages go out to the world right before the end comes. The first message says worship the creator and then it quotes the 4th commandment.
God is calling his people to return to the commandments and worship Him as He has described. He wants His people to leave man made traditions and come back to His word.
If you want more information on the Sabbath you can watch this video or email me
2007-08-05 17:55:37
answer #1
answered by Conundrum 4
It is not only why did they change the Sabbath, but by what right did they make the change. The Sabbath is, according to Torah Law, ordained directly by G-d, the day of the week it is, the time of day it starts and when it ends, what 'work' can and can not be done during it. There is nothing in any Christian scripture which indicates that He has changed His mind about the matters. What directly quoted counter-commandment from G-d do Christians use to justify the abuse they have done to the Sabbath??
2007-08-12 14:17:11
answer #2
answered by emesshalom 3
The Papacy gave it self the authority to change God's laws from the Sabbath to Sunday.....
Most Christians follow the Sabbath law.....
and Paul did not speak of doing away with THE Sabbath, but that the "special" Jewish sabbath holidays during the year were no long needed to observe....since Christ fulfilled the law that those special Sabbaths where for....
the 4th commandment was not canceled by the Cross nor by Paul....
The breaking of bread Sunday morning did not signify a new worship day...IT WAS BREAKFAST...
the Resurrection did not change the 4th commandment...the Sabbath is still the day of worship...
it is written in stone along with the other 9 commandments that people seem to forget...
2007-08-04 16:13:30
answer #3
answered by coffee_pot12 7
Christians did not change the Sabbath. Their decision to treat Sunday as the formal day of worship was based on the following:1/. Jesus rose on the first day of the week (our current Sunday) not on the JS -Jewish Sabbath - Saturday [Mk 16:9]. 2/. All six appearances of Jesus happened on two Sundays, none on the JS [Mk 16:9; Mt 28:5-9; Lk 24:34; Lk 24:13-15; Lk 24:33,36 & Jn 20:19; Jn 20:26]. 3/. Christians are recorded assembling three times on a Sunday after the resurrection and before the ascension, never on the JS [Jn 20:19 Jn 20:26 Acts 2:1 - the early starting point of Sunday gatherings]. 4/. The only time Christians are recorded to have assembled together and broke bread was on a Sunday [Acts 20:7] - never does it say the disciples assembled on the JS. 5/. The sign that Jesus was glorified was given on Sunday [Jn 7:39 & Acts 2:1,32] 6/. The church officially began on Pentecost Sunday; when the Holy Spirit first fell upon the apostles and salvation was first preached by Peter on Sunday [Acts 2:1]. 7/. Jesus was crowned king on a Sunday [Acts 2:33-36]. 8/. The disciples received the promise of the Father on Sunday [Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-4]. 9/. The Keys to the Kingdom of God were first used on Sunday [Mt. 16:19]. 10/. The great ‘Triumphal entry’ (Palm Sunday) happened on the first day [Luke 13:32]. 11/. The first time Jesus had communion after his resurrection with His disciples, was on a Sunday: [Lk. 24:1, 13, 28-35].
2007-08-12 04:42:20
answer #4
answered by cheir 7
Does it matter what day it is. Do you really think we keep the commandments. We live by grace and mercy,but that gives us no right to sin. God gives us a gift, his spirit. The Holyspirit aides us in all that we do. We must pray and worship daily.
The sabbath was made for man; not man made for the sabbath. Get some understanding. God laughs,do we have to wait til the sabbath to call on God,read the Bible or pray? Does God only save on the sabbath? Does he wait until the sabbath to act or heal? God hears us always everyday it would not be a good thing for him to wait and hear us only on a sabbath day. So why would we get caught up to speak to him only on a sabbath. The world laughs, why? because we need to be sure. The question is are we?
2007-08-04 14:37:39
answer #5
answered by God is love. 6
The Sabbath in the Old Testament marked God's resting after creation and thus it was made holy. And they prayed in Thanksgiving to God for it.
But in the New Testament, Jesus' Resurrection from the dead marked a New Creation and we should pray in Thanksgiving for it. And this new Creation in many ways is far superior because some believe that even if Adam and Eve had not sinned, the most they would have experienced was an earthly bliss, walking with God in the Garden of Eden (which would have been amazing!) But because of the Jesus' Resurrection, believers after their death will experience the Beatific Vision, which is a direct, eternal, and Heavenly presence of God, apart from all temptation and evil.
This is why some call Adam and Eve's fall from grace the "Happy Fault", because without their sin, this Beatific Vision would never have come to be.
BTW, there are many other aspects of Old Testament life that Christians no longer observe and many things that Christians practice or believe that aren't explicitly mentioned in the Bible. For example, many Christians (many of which are non-Catholic) believe in the Holy Trinity...The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet the word "Trinity" exists nowhere in the Bible.
Also, who agreed on the which books of the Bible were to be included? No where in the Bible does it say which books are supposed to be there. To settle such matters, Jesus established a Church (Matthew 16:18) with Peter and his successors as the head of it and the other Apostles and their successors to be leaders as well.
2007-08-04 14:40:11
answer #6
answered by munhasen5 2
The early church began to worship on Sunday as a memorial to the day Christ Returned from the grave.
It is said "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." The law was made as a guide not dogma. Christ was the promise that foreshadowed the law. when he came old things passed away.
2007-08-12 14:17:43
answer #7
answered by Pfuzzy 2
I don't observe the Sabbath and neither does any Christian I know--at least not in the sense that it was meant to be observed under the Mosaic Law. Orthodox Jews still observe it and that means that they are not to even drive a vehicle or cook a meal, etc. on the Sabbath. That too is considered work.
Every Christian I know comes home to make lunch after church and do a little house work while they have the opportunity to do so--before returning to their secular jobs the next day. So they are not observing the Sabbath, in the legalistic sense, in so doing.
Furthermore, even Jesus, who was Jewish, was accused of violating the Sabbath by the religious leaders of his day because he was seen healing people on the Sabbath. Why did he do so? Because he came to earth to show us a new and better way--the way of Grace and forgiveness, not or legalism and bondage to the law.
He told those religious leaders "who among you, if his donkey were to fall into a well on the Sabbath, not do what he needs to do to free him?" Thus, he gave us the example to follow: God's grace is to overcome the law.
2007-08-04 14:36:18
answer #8
answered by Simon Peter 5
Let me see. This question has to do with this question - what is the role of Old Testament law in a Christian's life? The answer is, not much. You see, Old Testament law was directly towards Israelites under a covenant. I'm not an ancient Israelite, therefore I follow the New Testament law. OT was made for their society, to set them apart as God's people. The Sabbath changed because Christians are... well, not Jewish. We keep the other commandments because they are not just for OT society. Some laws such as simply "don't kill ppl" are repeated in the NT, and we know God wants us to follow them. But some laws, directed only towards OT society, such as economics and animal sacrifices (which were abolished with Christ's ultimate sacrifice) are irrevelent to Christians. I suggest looking around tektonics.org a bit. The Christian apologist I find very informative, although slightly rude for my tastes.
2007-08-04 14:31:00
answer #9
answered by JustAsking 3
They didn't change the Sabbath. The Sabbath is still on Saturday, just as it always was, and Jews still worship on the Sabbath, just as they always did. What the Apostles did was establish a Christian day of worship, reflecting their belief that the day of the Lord's glorious Resurrection was a more fitting day to celebrate worship than the day He lay dead in the tomb. Which is why the Bible tells us that they met "on the first day of the week" for worship, from the very beginning.
2007-08-04 14:32:28
answer #10
answered by PaulCyp 7