A group of people that are being led by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Most JWs are quite nice people.
This WTB&TS is affectionately called the ORGANIZATION by members.
This "organization" teaches many heretical and disproven doctrines.
Look at this comparative chart:
2007-08-04 12:33:03
answer #1
answered by cordsoforion 5
Jehovah is with His ppl.
Amos 3:7--
For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.
Compare Ge 6:13;
Ge 18:17;
1 Ki 22:23;
2 Ki 3:17, 22:20;
Ps 25:14;
Da 9:22, 11:2;
Joh 15:15;
Rev 1:1
2007-08-05 13:33:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There is so much ignorance and prejudice on here. The first few comments are false.
I feel so sorry for people who are being mislead by the world and their religious leaders.
Yes, the WatchTower and Awake are magazines we publish and everything in it is backed by the bible not by tainted teachings and traditions made up by corrupt priest and pastors. Most of what they preach isn't even in the bible. I don't believe anything unless it's in the bible.
If you are interested in what the bible really teaches and not what the world has made up about us, online is not the way to go.
Remember the only way to protect yourself from false religion , its leaders and customs is to read the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation. That can be very challenging, but we are here for you.
If you have a bible at home here are some of my favorite versus: John 17:3&14, Matthew 10:22, 28:19, Jeremiah 23:27, Romans 10:9, 2 Timothy 4:2-5, Psalms 83:18, Acts 15:14-17, Matthew 7:1-5,13-16, Mark 7:6-8 and Acts 20:29-30.
If you are just curious or not yet ready for an at home study of the bible you can visit the sites below. They are the only two 'Official Websites' everything else is fake and made up to decieve you.
I hope this helps you find the truth.
2007-08-05 02:36:40
answer #3
answered by PickiNicki 2
That they are the ONLY TRUE CHRISTIANS.
They Are The ONLY 1's That ACTUALLY DO
What Jesus Said To Do.
And Don't Do What Jesus Said Not To Do.
They Are Recognized, EASILY! Out In Public.
As Jesus Said "Easily Recognizable."
and for the remark made by paramedicgirl:
The Supreme Court ruled;
It Is Legal For Witnessess To Come Knocking On Your Door.
We Are Not A Threat To Anyone's Life.
We Are Not There To Rob, Kill, Maim Nor Hurt.
So, You Go Ahead With Your Idea Of Shooting Someone
And See If You Don't End Up In Prison!
And Anyways, What's Your Problem?
Oh, I Know; By their Way Of Life, It Proves YOU Wrong.
2007-08-05 12:03:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think they're dangerous to the family unit because of their policy of inter-family shunning of those family members who are disfellowshipped or considered apostate.
In my husband's family, his JW father, brother and sisters all will have no contact with him except to tell him if someone dies. they have flat out told him they will not socialize with him. Because of this stance, they do not know their 22-year old grandchild. He committed no sin other than to outwardly disagree with JW doctrine, for which he was cast out of the religion and his family.
can you imagine religion breaking up your beloved family? Please be careful with these people and if you decide to become involved, please do -not- get baptized. If you stay unbaptized, you can disagree all you want but you remain part of the family unit..
unbelievable, I know... they don't tell you this possibility when they're at your door or in your home bible study..
God bless you as you seek Him.
2007-08-06 12:14:44
answer #5
answered by PediC 5
In answer to the negative comment from CORDSOFORION.
They need to start persecuting some of the people that set up those web sites like common criminals. What they do is a form of manslaughter because, they block the way for others to avail themselves of the truth and the way to eternal life. They take a scripture totally out of context. If you continue to read in the chapter, you find the real meaning of the verse, and it totally disproves their allegations. They are scam artists at their worse. In a court of law those statements would never hold true. In other words, "They are lying!" Why do you think JWs have the freedom they have today, because they are telling the truth and their right to preach has been upheld in many courts of law.
These bible verses clearly apply to those false Christians.
2 Cor 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.
Mt 15:14 Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.
Jehovah will ask back the blood of those they lead astray.
2007-08-05 14:20:12
answer #6
answered by ? 4
If you were any kind of biblical scholar, it would seem obvious that, they are more or less on the "right" tract as to what Christ Himself would have wanted.
They have abolished all celebrations of pagan origins from their doctrines. If you look it up, even the Holiest of "christian" holidays have deep pagan roots: including Christmas and Easter.
Also, you'll notice that they are the only Cristian sect to not venerate the Cross. Don't get them wrong, they believe and depend on Christ's sacrifice just as much as anyone, but they view the act of worshiping the instrument of Christ's death as insulting to Jesus himself. Logically it makes since, how would Dr. King feel if someone picked up the shell of the bullet that killed him and began to praise it?
Another key point is that they were the first to believe that Marry did not die a virgin; meaning that She and Joseph had children of their own. According to not too recent studies of the scriptures, most biblical scholars now believe that to be true.
There is an indefinite number of subtle differences out there that key in to what I first stated about the religion in the beginning. Next time one knocks on your door let him in and see for yourself.
2007-08-04 19:48:03
answer #7
answered by Dragon LXXXVIII 2
Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion. They are Christian (of course), but they are unique for their rejection of paganisms, use of God's personal name, and global preaching by every active adherent. No other religious organization can claim such purity of worship.
These facts about Jehovah's Witnesses are perhaps relevant to this question. The more one compares this Christian religion with others, the more remarkable it is shown to be.
1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy. Yet they remain tightly organized with more than 6.5 million active Jehovah's Witness preachers (about 16 million associate themselves with the religion). Even fulltime preachers and workers at their branch offices are unpaid volunteers.
2. There is no elite class among Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the few 'anointed' among them enjoy no special privileges in their congregations on earth. An anointed person (one of those relative few with a heavenly hope) is not elevated above his fellow congregants in any way, and he may not even qualify for appointment as a simple 'deacon' or elder. There are no titles; EVERYONE is addressed as 'brother' or 'sister'.
3. No person benefits economically from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the 8 to 20 men who serve on their Governing Body receive simply room, board, medical care, and reimbursement for certain personal expenses according to the exact same provision as every other branch volunteer.
4. About a hundred men have served on Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body committee during the past 125 years or so. The vast majority of them have spent the vast majority of their adult lives volunteering for their organization's purposes, and the vast majority have died faithfully and near-pennilessly while still under their legal 'vow of poverty'.
5. Amazingly, Jehovah's Witnesses did not splinter as a sect from some other religion. Instead, a truly tiny but sincere group of bible students studied only the Scriptures to determine the will of God. Thus their religion remains absolutely independent of and not carrying the sins of Christendom's history, yet carries the authority of Christ's teachings.
6. Despite the distortions of anti-Witnesses, throughout their modern history Jehovah's Witnesses have refused to claim divine inspiration or infallibility for their teachings. They have pointed to the bible (and not any particular translation) as the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's thoughts. For over 125 years, their teachings have been presented as merely the results of sincere bible research by imperfect but godly humans.
Learn more:
2007-08-06 01:39:13
answer #8
answered by achtung_heiss 7
I think that when they come to my house to the point where I have to have a sign on my door that says "no soliciting, including religious" it's rediculous! Their religion believes that only a certain number of people are going to be allowed into their heaven, so why would you be trying to recruit?
I'm glad some states are putting the law of protecting your own property back into affect... the one that says if you feel your life or property is in danger, you can shoot someone on your property!
I have a right to not have people soliciting their religion to me. That's tresspassing in any book. I have told many JW's to leave my property, only for them to stand there asking me why. When I tell someone to leave, and they don't, that by any law is TRESSPASSING! Gee, I can now legally feel threatened enough to shoot! I know many of my gun-bearing co-workers feel the same. Get a life.
2007-08-04 19:36:55
answer #9
answered by paramedicgirl 6
I love people who turned there back on Jehovah or who know nothing about Jehovah Witnesses, rather slander us. we follow the bible, not the watchtower or awake. they are magazines. we are not being mislead. learn what soliciting means. that is selling. we give free bible studies and magazines, we never ask for money. learn about Jehovah Witnesses at the kingdom hall or website at www.watchtower.org
2007-08-05 12:42:50
answer #10
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
(1)Â Bible: Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs.
(2)Â God: They worship Jehovah as the only true God and freely speak to others about him and his loving purposes toward mankind. Anyone who publicly witnesses about Jehovah is usually identified as belonging to the one group—“Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
(3)Â Jesus Christ: They believe, not that Jesus Christ is part of a Trinity, but that, as the Bible says, he is the Son of God, the first of God’s creations; that he had a prehuman existence and that his life was transferred from heaven to the womb of a virgin, Mary; that his perfect human life laid down in sacrifice makes possible salvation to eternal life for those who exercise faith; that Christ is actively ruling as King, with God-given authority over all the earth since 1914.
(4)Â God’s Kingdom: They believe that God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind; that it is a real government; that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things, including all human governments, and that it will produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail.
(5)Â Heavenly life: They believe that 144,000 spirit-anointed Christians will share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom, ruling as kings with him. They do not believe that heaven is the reward for everyone who is “good.”
(6)Â The earth: They believe that God’s original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled; that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of Jehovah and that these will be able to enjoy eternal life in human perfection; that even the dead will be raised to an opportunity to share in these blessings.
(7)Â Death: They believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing; that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure in some spirit realm; that they do not exist except in God’s memory, so hope for their future life lies in a resurrection from the dead.
(8)Â Last days: They believe that we are living now, since 1914, in the last days of this wicked system of things; that some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world; that lovers of righteousness will survive into a cleansed earth.
(9)Â Separate from the world: They earnestly endeavor to be no part of the world, as Jesus said would be true of his followers. They show genuine Christian love for their neighbors, but they do not share in the politics or the wars of any nation. They provide for the material needs of their families but shun the world’s avid pursuit of material things and personal fame and its excessive indulgence in pleasure.
(10)Â Apply Bible counsel: They believe that it is important to apply the counsel of God’s Word in everyday life now—at home, in school, in business, in their congregation. Regardless of a person’s past way of life, he may become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses if he abandons practices condemned by God’s Word and applies its godly counsel. But if anyone thereafter makes a practice of adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drug abuse, drunkenness, lying, or stealing, he will be disfellowshipped from the organization.
2007-08-04 21:40:13
answer #11
answered by LineDancer 7