Those idiots who say "god hates evreyone" are stupid satanists.
God hates nobody, he can't.
The guy loves Satan!
you stay a good Christian and always remember: your time to shine will soon come, and God will make you successful if you DO NOT question him like you are doing now.
2007-08-04 11:59:21
answer #1
answered by nerris121 4
God loves you and cares for you. In fact He loves you so much that He happily died for you, that you might be saved. He did that for you mother too. And He did it for me as well, and for everyone so that those who believe in Him will not find death but life, even though we (our bodies) die one day.
Each of us goes through a lot of difficulties and problems in life - sometimes we are tested and just like gold is refined in the fire so also our faith in Him is made perfect through tribulations. However, our Lord is with us all the way and gives us strength whenever we need Him. Every person who is born, has to die one day, so it not the length of our lives which is important but rather the quality of life, of being in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ! For such a person will never die (the promise of Jesus himself) even though he/she passes away.
Yes, you can help your family. It is at times like this that we need someone to help keep everyone together and remain focused on Jesus, for with God nothing is impossible. And however bleak the situation may be for you, there have been countless Christians who have gone through worse and yet were victorious due to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please read the following verses, if possible with you family, according to your situation (it's from a Gideons Bible); it shall give you hope and comfort:
1. Bitter: 1 Cor 13
2. Depressed: Psalm 34
3. Doubting: Matthew 8:26
4.Discouraged: Psalm 55:22, Matthew 5:11-12, 2nd Cor 4:8-18
5. Faith fails: Psalm 42:5
6. Prayer: Psalm 4
7. Sick / pain: Psalm 38
8. Abundant life: John 10:10
9. Jesus a faithful friend: John 15:13-15
10. He is with us: Matthew 28:20b
You may feel I have not given you any practical advice or solution: if you are a Christian, have you not tried with your local church for help? Christians help each other, even in cases of financial problems and medical treatment. Where do you live and what is the cost of your mother's treatment?
I pray that she finds healing and wholeness through Jesus, as many have before and do even today.
May God give you hope and strength at this time of need,
2007-08-04 13:04:52
answer #2
answered by Andrew W. Peoples 3
My young friend! God loves you and he wants you to know that he will help you. There are so many things you still need to understand about your God? One thing is that he promises that soon he will cause you and your family to be in better health and financially secure. If you have a Bible Read Revelation 21:3,4 because this is one of his promises.
He also wants you to know what he plans for his earth and how you and your family fits into his plans?
Jesus said at Mathew 5:5 that the meek would inherit the earth, and His God promised this at Psalms 37:9-11,29.
If you have questions that you need answered then ask them and see if the scriptures can give you the answers that you need? Know that now your mom needs your support both in a physical and in a Godly way. Be strong and courageous, pray to your creator and finish your prayer in Jesus name. (1 John 4:7-10) . . .Beloved ones, let us continue loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born from God and gains the knowledge of God. 8 He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. 9 By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. 10 The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent forth his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.
2007-08-04 12:48:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God does not hate you. He loves you. Talk to Him. He is big enough for your questions and doubt. The Bible does not say life would be easy it says "In this world you will have trouble but he has overcome the world". Remember Jesus' life was far from easy and he is God's son.
I will pray for you and your family. A few scriptures that may help: Psalm 23:4, Job 2:10, Job19:25 and Romans 8:35.
2007-08-04 12:02:11
answer #4
answered by auntienanny230 3
So Sad to hear of your families misfortune. But Remember there is a reason for everything. I know sometimes it's VERY HARD to Understand WHY thing happen the way they do. Especially when you are hurting. Try your hardest to Not let this sad time get you down. Pray for your Mom. and instead of saying what you did, ask others to pray for her too. I will pray for your Mom. Go to the SAINT JUDE site, on your computer, St. JUDE was a near cousin of JESUS CHRIST, and if you send a prayer request to St. Jude you will feel much better knowing you are trying to help your family Who knows why your dog died maybe so that you'd have more time to spend with your Mom, she probably needs her family around her very much right now, think how she is feeling. GOD DOES NOT HATE YOU. You may not understand GODS way right now, but one day you will. believe me. GOD BLESS you and your family.
2007-08-04 12:01:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know maybe you have heard this many times, but it is not that God hates you that these things are happening. Many times in our life we face hardships and sometimes we may want to be angry towards God for that...but don't look at it like that. Our lives already have a written path that we must go on, each of us has a time when we will return to God. This life is for us to praise God and live accordingly so that when the day of Judgement comes we will answer to God accordingly. It feels so hard right now, but God knows best, trust in that, trust in your faith. And know that sometimes when you feel that everything is just so horrible, that God is there. Try to think of the postitive things in your life, try to focus your strength on making those around of you happy. Right now your mom is sick, instead of asking why God hates you, be there for your mom, show her how much you love her. Be strong ... you are only 15, try to learn from this life, and do your best to be a good person, and trust in your faith always.
2007-08-04 12:00:49
answer #6
answered by Allison H 2
Nobody hates you. We all go through hard times, for some people it is worst than for others, but with courage and the help of our friends, we pull through. You are young and you will manage. You should not feel that you have to be the support of your family at your age. If you are religious, why not seek the help of your minister or priest? They can give you advice. You need a shoulder to lean on. Don't worry so much. Courage!
2007-08-04 11:57:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are a good Christian but you are living in a world that for the moment is full of evil and that evil impacts on everybody - the good and the bad.
For God to eliminate evil, He would have to eliminate our capacity of choice and thus our capacity to do both evil and good. And such a world is inferior to the one we have: one where love is possible, despite its inherent evil.
And remember, this world is only temporary, it and the evil in it will not last forever - there will be a day of reckoning when justice is handed out and everything is put right.
2007-08-04 12:19:49
answer #8
answered by jeffd_57 6
Please don't think god hates anyone. You are going through a rough time and need someone to blame. You are young and you need god now more than ever.
God only gives us what he knows we can handle. I'm not knit-picking on your family but, the financial crisis is caused by bad planning. Before spending, we should save for a rainy day. As for your dog, how old was he / she? How did she die?
And your mom, I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can say, other than you need to pray for her and be there for her. Again, I'm sorry!
2007-08-04 11:57:09
answer #9
answered by C D 4
God doesn't hate you, Roman. When difficult times happen, It can be hard for us to ask for help, especially after we have lived good lives and haven't had to ask for help. Although you're only 15 and can't help your family financially, you can find out if there are resources in your community, state or country that can help. You're learning, at a young age, that good times don't last forever, but you should also know that most people have also gone through what you're going through now, and there's many of them out there who can help. Whether it is just finding someone to talk to, or pray with, or finding a solution to your family's financial crisis, you are not alone. There is someone out there who can help. You just have to find them.
It's human nature to think that God is in charge of everything, since he is God, and when something goes wrong, we must have done something wrong. Or something to that effect. Fortunately, it is also human nature to overcome adversity, make things better, and make our world a better place. Since you are a good Christian, you are about to find out about the power of prayer and what it's like to overcome adversity in your life. I say a prayer for you, Roman, and I have faith that you shall overcome.
I feel sorry for your mom's illness and the loss of your dog. Believe me, time heals all wounds, as they say.
I have experienced all the things you have mentioned. At times I would think of the terrible things the Son of God, Jesus, went through in His life and overcame. It made me feel like I could be strong too and find a way to make things better. Times are better now for me and my family, and I have a feeling things will get better for you. All you have to do in your life is never give up, learn from the mistakes of others, and the inspiration of others. There's a whole world of inspiration out there to make life a little easier. Just go out and find it.
2007-08-04 12:27:05
answer #10
answered by endpov 7
God works through the love humans have for one another.
Miracles happen because people love one another.
This is the only proof of God you'll get in life.
Tell the people at your church about this, mass prayer helps, but some of them may be moved to do more than wish you well.
Sadly that's all I can do is to wish you well.
I'm sure several Y!A regulars will be praying/sending positive energy/casting beneficial spells or whatever else they do to channel the good will and love of God.
It will be resolved because your story broke my heart and God would have you know that you really are loved.
♥Blessed Be♥
2007-08-04 12:01:05
answer #11
answered by gnosticv 5