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personaly i dont see anything wrong.

2007-08-04 11:51:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

They want to be perceived as Christians so that they can gain mainstream acceptance. For years they wanted nothing to do with Christianity wanting to be called "saints" instead.

First, mizmead is correct. They believe that god was a man who earned his godship. The god of the Mormons is not the God of the Bible. To the Mormons, Jesus is the firstborn son of an exalted "man" who became the god of this world. The man-god of was made the god of this world because of his good works on another planet somewhere out in the universe. He "earned" godhood, and was thus appointed by a counsel of gods in the heavens to his high position as the god of planet Earth. The Mormon god of this world was a man, like all men, who became a god. This is what the celestial marriage and the temple vows are all about. LDS men, by doing their temple work, are striving for exaltation by which they, too, shall one day become gods. This is the Mormon doctrine of "eternal progression."

Clearly states in the bible, Numbers 23:19, "God is not a man..."

The Mormon Jesus is the son of this man-god. The Mormon Jesus is the brother of Lucifer, and according to LDS teaching, he married several of the Marys of the New Testament. He is not, to the LDS church, "God incarnate" as the Bible plainly states. Clearly, the Mormon god and Jesus are not the true

So how can they believe to be Christians when they contradict the bible? Can I be mormon if I don't believe in the book of mormon? Also kepp in mind that the Book of Mormon has been changed over 3 thousand times. The truth does not need to be changed.

Edit: Go figure. A mormon says I am wrong but offers no information.

2007-08-04 11:59:09 · answer #1 · answered by alana 5 · 1 4

Well, from my understanding, Mormons believe that EVERYONE goes to Heaven, there is no Hell, and that there are different levels of Heaven for different behavior. That is not Christianity, that is an Eastern religion. Mormonism also seems to believe that you get to a certain level of Heaven based on how "good" you are here. None of the above beliefs are supported by Scripture, and it would also make Christ's sacrifice null and void! If everybody goes to Heaven, then why did Christ have to die?

2007-08-04 12:05:12 · answer #2 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 1 0

Almost everyone here seems to have a misunderstanding about the LDS Church...here are some misunderstood teaching given in the correct way...

Christ was and is deity. He was born that way.

The story given by "Jesus Christ Superstar" is completely made-up. I don't even know the basis for such an idea...

Alana G. Kelly doesn't understand what she's refering to or speaking about...God isn't a man...

Luvdals68 is incorrect...there is hell...you just misunderstand the LDS concept of the Plan of Salvation (God's Plan for us)

American's reference to Joseph Smith running away from home is made-up...never happened...

Finally, "Adam's Rib" is both right and wrong...no religion's ideas are from the Bible...they are based on man's interpretation of the Bible. The LDS Church's doctrine goes along hand in hand with the Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ, however, guides our church and its doctrine through direct and modern continuous revelation...I know such to be true.

Latter-day Saints are Christians.

2007-08-04 12:22:44 · answer #3 · answered by Chris B 4 · 2 1

Personally dont care whether they are christian or not the whole religion is based on a 14 year old boy who ran away from home. then after running away came back with some story that god spoke to him and told him to go home and spread the word. I cannot believe a religion based on the lies of a 14 year old.

2007-08-04 12:09:48 · answer #4 · answered by Lorena 4 · 1 1

There is no evidence. The true name of the "Mormon Religion" is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am Mormon, and I believe in Christ. Nuff said!

2007-08-05 14:53:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Definition hijackers say we are not Christian because they have put arbitrary rules on who can be called christian.

Actually not arbitrary -- they look at our doctrine and make rules to exclude us.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with a "realworld" definition from a credible dictionary.

LDS/Mormons are Christian no matter how much people say we are not.

Look at the link!


2007-08-04 17:23:09 · answer #6 · answered by Dionysus 5 · 1 1

The only people who doubt their Christianity are of course other Christians.

2007-08-04 11:56:04 · answer #7 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 6 0

Perhaps you should do a little more research. I am not going to use this forum to bash the Mormons. I have several friends who are Mormon. Their teachings, however, are not Biblical, and they do not support Christian beliefs.

Edit: Actually, they do not believe in Christ as Savoir...they do not accept the deity of Christ...they believe that Christ was a man and earned his Godship. They also believe that Satan was Jesus' brother.

2007-08-04 11:56:24 · answer #8 · answered by mizmead 4 · 1 4

Just do a five minute google seach on Joseph Smith to see what is wrong with mormon faith. He was comolete nutter. I love the story of when his wife stole his "bible he was writting and told him "if god is inspiring this, write it again". Needless to say he could not reproduce it.

2007-08-04 11:58:34 · answer #9 · answered by Gawdless Heathen 6 · 1 3

Hitler told everyone he was christian. So did the KKK. So do the Catholics.

2007-08-06 09:01:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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