I love when Christians tell people to live their own lives and not tell people how to live theirs. That is the most ridiculous thing to say. Take your own advice.
My son did not start sinning the second he was born. Yes, they do start telling lies without being taught so, but that isn't for a few years. Plus, they do not know they are lying. It is our job to teach them so if anything the sins of the child should be placed on the parents. (If you believe all that)
I think that religious people are bitter because other people don't need religion to feel good about themselves. It is quite freeing to not believe there is a big kid up there with a magnifying glass just waiting to burn me. I life my life without the chains of religion.
2007-08-04 09:28:09
answer #1
answered by alana 5
I am far from bitter..In fact my relationship with God has actually helped me not be bitter towards people that have wronged me, and has genuinely enabled me to forgive them.
I understand that Socrates said we were all born without sin...however, how does he know? Is he God? No.
According to my beliefs we are ALL born into a sin nature. The world is full of sin and we experience it from the very beginning. It does not make us bitter, the fact that we are forgiven and saved from this nature makes us just the opposite..Happy and free.
No offense to you but by the tone in your question and teh way you have written it you sound like you are the bitter one..As for being glad that religion is my problem to "deal" with and not yours..thanks I am glad that it is my "problem" as well..I was pretty miserable without it. Trying to figure out why I felt so empty and betrayed by everyone.
2007-08-04 16:34:43
answer #2
answered by Nicole B 4
Religious people suppose to be the happiest people in the world.
We were all born sinners.
Let me explain. Adam and Eve the first man and woman created did sinned. They disobey God and choose to sin. The Bible says as one man sinned (meaning Adam) so did sin was past on to every man that came after Adam.
Our natural inclined is to sin.
Let me give you an example so that you can understand better.
When a baby Born's and he is hungry he don't care if the mother is sleepy or doing some thing else. He will cry and cry until you feed him. Not True!!!
Take for example a toddler. She is angry she pulls a tantrum in the supermarket and embarrassed you in front of everyone.
What about the first lie you told? Who taught you to lie? No one.
We just know to do these thing naturally. We were born sinners because our fore fathers sinned.
BUT, thank God Jesus Christ came and died for our sins to save us from the penalty of sin which leads to death.
I thank God that he send his son to died for us
2007-08-04 16:44:02
answer #3
answered by Karen W 2
I think there is some bitterness in every "group". I don't want to
go all religious on you, but God is supposed to have sent us Jesus to forgive our sins, hence bye bye bitterness. Now mind or, this is comming from someone who would probably get kicked out of church for using the "f" word or something.
(LOL). Find me a group with no bitterness and I bet they won't let me join because I'm too bitter!!!
I am going to make a point to try to not dwell on things that make me bitter thanks to your post.
Don't be offended, I just think everybody's bitter about something and I am big time guilty of that. Thanks for the reality check. It came at a good time!!!!
2007-08-04 16:33:06
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Weather you agree with original sin or not really does not matter. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Even with out original sin, men and women do sin against God and thus separate themselves from Him.
You are hung up on an unimportant issue that causes you to loose focus on what scripture teaches about living a good life in service to others.
2007-08-04 16:29:37
answer #5
answered by L.C. 6
It's just a contradiction in terms. One is fact and the other lighthearted but having said that, we are all sinners somewhere along the line, it's human nature.
2007-08-04 16:31:15
answer #6
answered by soñador 7
You know what? If you have children (which you must not) you will see that they inherently begin sinning, without any outside influence.
They try to lie from early on. It is astonishing, but true.
I was taken aback when my son, started to try and deceive from so young an age.
I am not bitter about inherited sin, by reason of the fact that I now understand, that the God of hope has provided the means to have the sin covered of with the once and for all time propitiatory sacrifice of his perfect son.
2007-08-04 16:24:56
answer #7
answered by Tim 47 7
The child carries the sins of the mother and father. Why do you think children are baptized? Just to get water on their foreheads. They are bitter because like yourself you don't understand what they believe, and that's your right, but now mind your business, and stop being bitter yourself.
2007-08-04 16:40:12
answer #8
answered by Sweet 5
The Little Girl and the Wrinkles
A little girl is sitting on her grandpa's lap and studying the wrinkles on his old face. She gets up the nerve to rub her fingers over the wrinkles. Then she touches her own face and looks more puzzled.
Finally the little girl asks, "Grandpa, did God make you?"
"He sure did honey, a long time ago," replies her grandpa.
"Well, did God make me?" asks the little girl.
"Yes, He did, and that wasn't too long ago," answers her grandpa.
"Boy," says the little girl, "He's sure doing a lot better job these days isn't He?"
2007-08-04 16:29:40
answer #9
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
The Bible tells us that we are not to let any root of bitterness spring up because it will trouble ourselves and others.
So there you go; some good advice from the Bible.
2007-08-04 16:28:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous