Many people are.
What is weird, is that there exists a famine for the truth, and the majority of people are spiritually starving for it.
Whether people are physically starving or not, the food that is the truth, is in desperately short supply the world over.
I think that the religious organization that is frugal with their building projects, but freely giving, with their dispensation of the word, is doing the works of Jesus.
2007-08-04 09:01:30
answer #1
answered by Tim 47 7
One of my first clues that there was something wrong with the Church was when I was thirteen and the Ethiopian famine was all over the news. My pastor got up on the pulpit and started talking about giving gifts to the Church for good causes and I thought, "Oh this is great! He's going to raise money to help those poor, starving people."
My mouth dropped open when he announced that the funds were needed to buy a new $40,000 organ. I'm not sure what was wrong with the old one, t sounded just fine to me. It was that day that I realized what a bunch of self-serving hypocrites those people were. In the weeks that followed there was no mention of the millions that were dying, only repeated reminders that the organ goal had not been reached.
Does God love your beautiful churches, or do YOU love them?
2007-08-04 09:10:56
answer #2
answered by MBC 4
I agree with you to a certain degree. I see all kinds of million dollar churches being built, along with gymnasiums, daycare's and play ground's on the church property. Although I think it's great that they can have those things I believe that it is ridiculous for a congregation of say 100 to have all of those facilities. It would be better if they helped their members or the community with assistance, rather than building a state of the art gym. I think they do it for bragging rights, kind of a "my church is bigger than your church" kind of thing. I have also noticed that churches with larger congregations have taken the term "dressed in your Sunday best" to a whole new level, and it's more like a fashion show than a place to worship. I was raised in a very small church, where worship, community closeness and bible study were more important than the size of the church, or what name brand cloths you are wearing! It's become like everything else in the world...Bigger is better.
2007-08-04 09:12:13
answer #3
answered by Smarty Pants 4
No we are not... But many of these false churches full of false teacher are.... And the saddest thing of all these churches do absolutely nothing about helping the poor other then talk about how these poor people need help so give this church more money so we all can help them... While he or she is driving a new car and living well and traveling all over this world with his or her family....... And the people that attend these kind of churches buy into this crap..... While In the mean time the poor people are still feeding their families with Cans of cat or dog food..................................................
2007-08-04 09:33:51
answer #4
answered by kilroymaster 7
I do believe some people have gone over the top, but I love the churches in Europe. I couldn't imagine those churches never have been built. I do think that people should always come before a building. You don't need a building to worship god, but you do need people.
2007-08-04 09:08:01
answer #5
answered by alana 5
This is not new. We are not, just now, "becoming" but, we have been concerned about beauty in churches for hundreds of years. Look at history. Google "old churches." It's been a mark of hypocracy.
2007-08-04 09:06:53
answer #6
answered by moontrikle 4
There's nothing wrong with being concerned about "Beautiful" Churhes AND about "Needy" people. If you build a house dedicated to God, it SHOULD be beautiful. And we SHOULD be concerned about those in need too.
2007-08-04 09:02:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I can see O'l Rob Schuller can't fool U with his "Glass Cathedral" hey??? U "Illuminate" just One of the "Problems with Organized Religion", Thank U!!! John
2007-08-04 09:15:14
answer #8
answered by moosemose 5
You notice that to. It is all about money for fine buildings and rich preachers and fancy stuff. Give and God will give to you.
What ever happened to lets help the poor and needy and not do it expecting anything back?
2007-08-04 09:02:32
answer #9
answered by Vanessa 6
Yes... some people depise the poor... and consider themselves good sophisticated christians...
2007-08-04 09:02:01
answer #10
answered by think_of_the_bubble 3