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If your an athiest and don't believe in god then fine thats up to you. Its free will. What i have a promblem with are people who try to say that believing in god is pathetic. There was even some who called jesus gay. People who truly believe in god are faithful and at least it shows that you believe in something greater then yourself instead of the evils in this world.

2007-08-04 08:57:47 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

There are some atheists who get a little rude, but then there are some Christians that get rude, too.

But I do think it is true that atheists generally consider themselves the intellectual superiors of Christians and probably believers in other religions as well. Atheism flourishes in colleges, it is the fashionable thing among the intelligentsia.

What they do not understand, I think, is that many very intelligent people are believers because they see the myths and symbols of their religion as serving an important purpose in their life, not because they take them all that literally. I see the gods and goddesses of my pagan tradition as archetypes, ways of personalizing something too abstract and esoteric to communicate any other way.

But I do believe there is a spiritual side to life, however difficult it may be to contact it or come to know it. Whether or not I believe in God, with a capital G, is not the point. And my IQ scores are nothing to be ashamed of.

2007-08-04 09:37:00 · answer #1 · answered by auntb93 7 · 0 0

>Why are athiests prejudice against christians?

Those that really are against christians are the ones who don't understand the concept of education properly. The intelligent, logical ones, like me, are not against christians in general, what we are against is CHRISTIANITY. The religion itself is false, but that doesn't mean its followers are bad people, just that they need to be educated so that they understand the Universe as it really is.

>What i have a promblem with are people who try to say that believing in god is pathetic.

I think their idea is that religious people believe that even if they make mistakes and do immoral things once in a while, if they repent then their giant invisible friend will make everything okay in the end, and that even if bad, nasty people are successful, it's not a big deal because they'll be punished eventually anyway. On the other hand, atheists have to accept a universe in which there is no divine forgiveness or punishment, in which correcting the world's wrongs is actually something that will never be done for us, something that we actually have to work for, because if we don't no one is going to come help us. And in a sense they're right. Believing in an all-powerful, all-loving invisible friend feels so nice, and it's so easy once you abandon logic and science. What's difficult is living with the cold, hard truth.

>There was even some who called jesus gay.

Before we start talking about Jesus's sexuality, let's verify if he really existed at all.

>People who truly believe in god are faithful

...and that's exactly the problem. Religious people put their trust in something there isn't actually evidence for. It really makes no sense. I mean, if I put my trust in the idea that a giant puffy cushion would appear underneath me if I jumped off a cliff, people would call that crazy. But if I put my trust in the idea that a giant invisible friend would bring me to Heaven after I smashed into pieces at the bottom of the cliff, people call that religion and somehow that's accepted as being okay and totally sane. Get what I mean?

>and at least it shows that you believe in something greater then yourself

Wait a second. So now the issue is whether or not you believe in a higher being? Whatever happened to the importance of BELIEVING IN THE TRUTH? I mean, no matter what the truth is, whether God exists or not, isn't the idea to believe what's true? Think about it: If God didn't exist (I'm hoping you are capable of imagining such a scenario), would it be better to believe in that nonexistent God, or believe in the truth?

2007-08-04 09:14:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Prejudice is defined as: An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. These people are not being prejudiced because they have examined the facts before judging you. It is perfectly reasonable for a religious person not to respect an athiest. Someone who denies the possibilty of a power higher than himself is being egotistical and narow-minded. The world is a big place. Do you think you are the best there is? Furthermore, denying the existance of God who can punish people for their misdeeds leads to moral degredation. If I can get away with being bad, why shouldn't I? This allowed the Nazis to unabashedly attempt genocide. They thought no one would punish them.

2016-05-18 00:47:43 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You sir are grouping, I am not prejudice against anyone, I try and accept the people around me. It is my personal belief that believing in the Christian God may or may not be the right way, I don't know, and as Socrates said, (and I'm paraphrasing) I'm intelligent enough to know that I know nothing. And I live by that. As for evils, I do not know what you're talking about...but I do belief in something greater than myself, human potential, we have the potential to do SO much more than what we are currently doing. Nothing religious or scientific, but just living...why ruin the world with extra CO2 from cars when walking and riding a bike or horse is so much better? Why praise God when God may just want you to go out and have fun? The Bible is mans interpretation of what God MAY have said...nothing more, so maybe God wanted us to praise him by enjoying the life he gave us? Who knows?

2007-08-04 09:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Actually, I am not against Christianity. I have many Christian friends and family members who I respect greatly. It is people who use their "Christianity" as an excuse to belittle, mock, harass and injure others that I have a problem with.
Atheists aren't against Christians per se, they are against the bigotry, prejudice and hypocrisy that some Christians exhibit.
If you want to know why people have a bad impression of Christians, look at Rev Albert's answers. He hates every religion that is not Christianity. When non-Christians see answers like this, they get a false concept of Christianity as a whole. As a Buddhist, I believe everyone has a right to follow their own path. I do not believe that anyone can state with 100% ccertainty that there way is the only, true way.

2007-08-04 09:03:49 · answer #5 · answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7 · 9 0

"People who truly believe in god are faithful and at least it shows that you believe in something greater then yourself instead of the evils in this world."

So much for decency on your part.

Didn't it occur to you that if you wanted to complain about others' behavior, you should behave yourself while doing so?

I can't help but notice that each and every one of the defenders of Christianity responding to your question chose to lie about non-Christians in his or her response. Batgirl, Holly, Rev. Albert, Mawia, and Jed - every single one of you. You people deserve what you get. Either start behaving like adults, or learn to live with people calling you pathetic. Lying about atheists to defend your religion IS pathetic.

2007-08-04 09:06:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If you've been at Yahoo Answers a while, you've read hundreds of insults thrown at Atheists by holies.
Why do you think that if you don't believe in god, you believe in the evils of the world ?
I have no belief in god, but I do believe in the good and the beauty of the world.

2007-08-04 09:05:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I have no problem with Christians. Most of the people I love are Christian. What I have a problem with is people who are filled with religiously "justified" hatred for all who are not Christian. I think religions are bad because of this. If there was any real and good truth, it would be of the humanistic kind. Wanting the best for everyone...not wanting to be right and wanting to see all others suffer. I think that's what I dislike most about religion...the delight in other's suffering. It's not about love, or the heart, it's about being superior, arrogant and chosen. People who keep this side of their religion to themselves, I can consider worth knowing.


2007-08-04 09:13:30 · answer #8 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 2 1

I'm not prejudiced against any religion. I'm an atheist but I don't say that your religion is pathetic, I wouldn't have the audacity to suggest that, but please don't associate my beliefs with the evils of this world. By doing that you are simply being the same as the people you are criticising calling your beliefs pathetic.

2007-08-04 09:05:54 · answer #9 · answered by soñador 7 · 4 0

Atheists are prejudiced against Christians because they've been persecuted by Christians for the last 2000 years (or longer). That's why.

2007-08-04 09:31:31 · answer #10 · answered by Sid 2 · 1 0

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