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Recently I read an article that intimated women overplay the pain to get pampering and sympathy which surprised me. Is there any truth in this?

2007-08-04 08:42:15 · 47 answers · asked by Dave H 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

Oh, my....the ONLY place you would be safe asking this question is on the Internet...

Any man who asked this question with women in the room would be beaten to death!

Here's hoping you don't ask that question in the wrong crowd...unless your Life Insurance is payed off!

Yes, it is painful!

2007-08-04 08:46:11 · answer #1 · answered by mizmead 4 · 6 0

Well I can only tell you how it was for me & you may be surprised...
I found the birth of my son to be the most wonderful experience of my life. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I wouldn't say I found it painful, it was more like really, really hard work (like labouring for a builder in the sun, for 8 hours without a break!) And no, I had no pain relief whatsoever, not even gas & air. I was more afraid of the drugs than I was of the labour at the time. I was only 20 & at the time had never even tried alcohol, so drugs were completely out of the question! Overall it was a beautiful experience.
As for the article, I dont know who has written it but I would take it with a pinch of salt. Most women do find childbirth painful, the ones who don't are the lucky ones.

2007-08-09 10:28:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Not everyone has the same tolerance for pain. Some have quite a bit, some have nearly none. That doesn't always mean they're faking it. Look at it this way, if a penis fits comfortably and somewhat tightly into a womans vagina, a baby's head, which is much bigger would have to stretch it considerably to come through. You also get really bad cramps in your stomach because your uterus is trying to push a usually 7 or 8 pound baby out of you. Maybe some women do this, but I'm sure it's a very small minority. For the rest of us, it just freaking hurts.

2007-08-04 08:50:21 · answer #3 · answered by Devil's Plaything 5 · 2 0

No man on earth can do it, too good memory!

Mercy on the women to foget such things and 20 min later say "OH LETS HAVE ANOTHER ONE" Lol surely that is Allah SWT removing that pain. If I dropped bowling ball on your foot you would never let me drop it on your foot again I am talking about a man. You remember the pain and next time you see that bowling ball you say ouch.. "kicked in the nuts theory" where you watch someone get kicked in the nuts and you say OOOOOOOOHh. same thing!

But women is like, "Oh she's going to be fine girl, you go girl you can do it" Lol

No women can remember what mercy has overcome pain.. so ya we would all be dead if it wasn't cause they would never have had nother one! But mercy is mercy, and blood is blood! Oh did I say blood hmmm your digging proof out of me, we are not at that lesson yet but inshAllah soon

2007-08-12 07:20:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a student nurse many years ago I got to be present at one birth. The girl had her mother in attendance, wept, cried, groaned and gave suppressed screams of pain. She spent hours begging her mother to stop the pain and even said that she hoped it died. Immediately after birth she rejected the baby, but a few weeks later I saw her at home with her new born and she was happy, the baby was lovely and everything was normal and fine. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes and yes, yes, yes it's agonising. Although many women will be kind to younger women asking this and say oh no it's not that bad!

2007-08-04 08:58:02 · answer #5 · answered by purplepeace59 5 · 3 0

Having seen what my wife went through during the birth of our two sons - by the way, she has a pain threshold that make rugby players look wimpish - I can say that the pain is very real.

She has my absolute admiration and, no matter how much I would like to try for a girl, unless she asks me for another baby i think she's done her bit.

2007-08-04 08:53:57 · answer #6 · answered by cafcnil 3 · 4 0

Oh, really don't try to downplay something you have not achieved yet. Instead, try giving birth out of your 2nd-hole like women do. Uh, hahh, even the thought of that......hurts. Maybe you are a little bit too vocal to be so naive. One of the punishments for being disobedient to God is: painful childbirth.

2007-08-12 08:24:51 · answer #7 · answered by NISSI 6 · 0 0

Let me guess, was it a man that wrote that article?

Childbirth is PAINFUL! ... I know as I am a mother and went through natural childbirth, and I can tell you that anyone who says otherwise is a liar... the only thing that maybe will lessen the pain of childbirth is an epidural, or some other kind of pain-relieving drugs (as long as it isn't harmful to the child of course).

2007-08-04 08:55:39 · answer #8 · answered by Tammy 2 · 2 1

The labour is worse than the birth. Once the pushing stage is reached, you just want to get shot of the little f@@ker!! Believe me, I've had eight kids!!

Why did I go back and keep doing it??

Because nature makes you forget just how bad it is.

The reason for the pain?

If it didn't hurt you wouldn't appreciate what you've worked for. Natures way of making you look after it.

2007-08-04 11:23:57 · answer #9 · answered by cananddo 4 · 1 0

Any pain that turns a sweet, shy and loving woman into a foul mouthed abusive animal must be really bad, as that's what happened when the mother of my children gave birth !, so i know and believe that childbirth is Really painful !!!!.

2007-08-04 09:00:04 · answer #10 · answered by Richard 6 · 5 0

It was the worse pain Ive ever experienced. Ive had a gall bladder removed that had huge stones and was gangrenous, a total hysterectomy and several other things. You couldn't pay me enough to ever do it again, and I got an epidural eventually.Obviously your article was written by a man.

2007-08-04 08:58:12 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 2 0

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