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The 15th August is Assumption Day. In Roman Catholic doctrine it is the end of the Virgin Mary's life on earth. Does anyone know if this is where the word assumption comes from. The infinite verb will be to "Assume". If so why is it called Assumption day.

2007-08-04 08:23:56 · 5 answers · asked by soñador 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you for those replies, but my reason for asking is whether the word to "assume" is derived from the religious meaning of assumption day. If you assume something you believe it to be true, but it may not be. Is this the case with the demise of the Virgin Mary. Is the date an assumption!
I apologise for my ignorance on this subject but I find the topic interesting.

2007-08-04 08:46:11 · update #1

5 answers

Jesus "Acended" to Heaven of his own accord. He did this because he is God.

Mary was "Assumed" by Jesus. This means that Jesus picked her and assumed her soul, mind, and body without death. She cannot acend because she isn't God. We all hope and pray that Jesus will assume us too.

2007-08-04 08:30:05 · answer #1 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 1 1

It's the day that she was assumed (i.e., taken) into heaven.

From Wikipedia:

"According to Roman Catholic doctrine and the traditions of the Catholic Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mary, the mother of Jesus) 'having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.' This means that Mary was transported into Heaven with her body and soul united."

2007-08-04 15:27:41 · answer #2 · answered by solarius 7 · 1 1

it is the false tradition of the doctrine that Mary went directly to heaven.It totally flies in the face of the fact that Paul wrote that all the disciples would 'fall asleep in death' unitl the last day, when they would be ressurected to heaven.

Also, it disagrees with these verses:

Phil. 3:20, 21: “The Lord Jesus Christ . . . will refashion our humiliated body to be conformed to his glorious body according to the operation of the power that he has.” (Does this mean that it is their body of flesh that will eventually be made glorious in the heavens? Or does it mean that, instead of having a lowly body of flesh, they will be clothed with a glorious spirit body when raised to heavenly life? Let the following scripture answer.)

1 Cor. 15:40, 42-44, 47-50: “There are heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies; but the glory of the heavenly bodies is one sort, and that of the earthly bodies is a different sort. So also is the resurrection of the dead. . . . It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. . . . The first man [Adam] is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man [Jesus Christ] is out of heaven. As the one made of dust is, so those made of dust are also; and as the heavenly one is, so those who are heavenly are also. And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one. However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s kingdom.” (There is no allowance here for any mixing of the two sorts of bodies or the taking of a fleshly body to heaven.

2007-08-04 15:30:41 · answer #3 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 3

"Assumption Day" is just one of the many lies of Satan, which is not found in the Bible. It is insignificant in it's context.

2007-08-04 15:35:49 · answer #4 · answered by TIAT 6 · 0 3

I have no idea

2007-08-04 15:27:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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