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Are there any Christians on here who have a relationship with Jesus Christ and not just the book.

Do you think there is more to Jesus than just the Bible? Don't you think that all the books of the world would not have room to list his accomplishments.

If your Bible was taken from you would you be able to continue on as a Christian?

2007-08-04 08:21:18 · 25 answers · asked by A Voice 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

larissa - I introduce my wife to people who do not know her because I love her. Why not Jesus?

2007-08-04 08:27:47 · update #1

25 answers

Yes, I am here. I have a very real relationship with Christ. While I believe the bible is God's love letter to us to help us and encourage us, I know that without it I would still continue on as a child of Christ.

And yes, the amount of things Jesus did in His lifetime would never have fit in the Bible. The stories and accounts of his works and teachings that are in the bible are the ones that were inspired by God to be included to help us on our journey.

2007-08-04 08:26:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well Abraham wasn't hauling around a copy of the Torah and neither was Moses. Many early Christians never saw the the New Testament; as it was 50 to 90 years before what we know of was gathered together.

God is in His word, both written and spoken. It remains true however that reading the Book does not guarantee that you know the author. Both can be very necessary. Still those who have only an academic connection, or have been fitted with a sacramental halter, would be lost on their own; and may be lost anyway.

If you are called and walking in the spirit the answer is yes.
I guess many could continue, as I did for years, as a member of the many church social clubs that abound today.

2007-08-04 09:05:32 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

i am a CHRISTIAN, and i have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST not just the books of the bible, i am with GOD. yes i do, but the reason why JESUS picked these books just to keep us going to heaven, or should i say the NEW CITY. yes i would be able to continue as a christian, it would be just like the Chinese how their r some who believe in GOD and they r not supposed to have a bible so they just rip a scripture out of the bible and if they r caught they will die. so even if they can live for Christ and die for him, just like he died for us, the Chinese they r willing and they will do anything to read a scripture, even if they get caught, so i don't care if my bible gets taken away, i will still be a christian for JESUS CHRIST. G.B

2007-08-05 16:24:50 · answer #3 · answered by Rita 2 · 0 0

Wow.... what a deep question! I consider myself to be a "real Christian". I'm trying to learn more about the bible, but to honest my daughter probably knows more than I. I don't need my bible to have a relationship w/ Christ, I had a relationship w/ Him long before I bought the bible. And yes I do believe that Jesus' accomplishments far exceed what we as mortals will ever be able to comprehend. There is so much more to Christ that I may never know. I do hope that this knowledge comes to us when our souls meet Him in Heaven. God Bless!

2007-08-04 08:28:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First let me state that I am a member of the lords church, the only one established by him and not man, the church of Christ.

So yes, I have a relationship with Jesus the Christ. The "book" is the word of God revealed to us through the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ the son of God. My relationship with became when I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, and was baptized in his blood as the scriptures command us to be, those who will follow him, it's all a part of following God's plan of salvation.

I don't think there is more to Jesus that we need to know then what was revealed to us through the Word-the bible. Whatever else there might be is not essential to our salvation or it would have been revealed to us. I believe you are correct, all of the paper in the world could not hold all that he did.

If the bible were taken away from me I could successfully live as a Christian, and I know someday heaven will surely be my home.

2007-08-04 08:39:10 · answer #5 · answered by Oreo 2 · 2 1

Yes I believe that there isn't enough books to tell all the things Jesus did. And is still doing. The Bible is Gods Gift to us, it is divinely inspired. Like King David said, I have hidden your word within mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Yes I do believe if say the government set a law and all Bibles were taken, that Christianity would thrive. Because he Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit. And Jesus is well able to sustain his own.

2007-08-04 08:36:04 · answer #6 · answered by Rev.Michelle 6 · 1 1

Greetings Marcus! Praise God there are still 'genuine' believers and lovers of God left on this planet! Otherwise we'd be in the 'tribulation period'. Ugh! It's hard enough to be surrounded by so much of 'satan's works' as it is. I don't want to imagine what it will be like when God's people are gone for that seven year season. Anyway, "Absolutely!"..."And with my Heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit!!" Jesus is 'THE LIVING WORD'. As well as the revelation of His Heavenly Father. You are correct to say, His deeds cannot be contained..... In any earthly book that is. However I am sure there is a manuscript in Heaven that records every detail in the natural as well as Spiritual. We'll have Eternity to be surprised and amazed by the discovery of 'all' that he did out of His love for us! Yes, I would continue to follow Jesus, Because not only has He written His Word on 'my heart'. , but He also gave me the Holy Spirit as a gift of His Wisdom and a comforting reminder of His Love, Not to mention 'a photographic memory! I am indeed humbled and blessed by the revelation of God in my life. My relationship with The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit are the source of my life!!! It is Them I could not live without!!!!! Sincerely, Rose

2007-08-04 11:25:30 · answer #7 · answered by God's Fountain Pen 4 · 0 0

Some Christians have been imprisoned without a Bible and they have survived and kept their relationship intact. But those are exceptions. Basically we need to look into the book to reinforce our confidence In Both God & The Christ.

2007-08-04 08:29:17 · answer #8 · answered by conundrum 7 · 1 0

You bet! My relationship with Him is foremost in my life! Reading scriptures, that is my guide book!

More to Jesus? Oh my yes! Man just limits Him as we have finite minds!

I do agree that NO one Book could ever hold nor, describe the Lord!

If my Bible were taken from me...well, those words are imprinted upon my heart. I would miss reading it but, it would not change the fact that I gave my heart to the Lord and that will never change!


2007-08-04 08:45:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well yes, I guess I could, but I think the Bible is a good guide that he left us for a reason.
Here's a quote you might like: Something people have struggled with since the beginning is how to talk about God when God is bigger than our words, our brains, our worldviews, and our imaginations. It makes sense then that when Moses asks God for his name, he replies "I am".

I think maybe you would enjoy the book that came from "Velvet Elvis."

I agree with you that there is more to God that can ever be confined to one book, our minds, or this world and we look around for tastes of what is to come. But that doesn't invalidate the Bible's influence, or the importance of studying it and finding out what it's trying to tell us.

2007-08-04 08:23:37 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6 · 1 1

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