You Sir, deserve a drink!!! ha ha
2007-08-04 08:40:06
answer #1
answered by Frank Knows All 2
Buddhism is not Satanism at all.
Satanism is a Western Commandment-rejecting,Beatitudes-dispising perversion of Christianity.
Many forms of Buddhism have the concept of demons but most forms condemn worshipping evil principles and wicked beings for that would be contrary to the 8 fold Path.
2007-08-04 15:09:25
answer #2
answered by James O 7
They are very different religions. For a start, Buddhism is Atheistic in nature, while Satanism is Theistic (they worship Satan).
The best way to destroy your Buddhist demons would be to go and ask them for a little more information on their beliefs. Provided you listen to what they have to say, pretty soon you will have no Buddhist enemies.
May peace go with you throughout your life.
EDIT: By the way, Am I the only one who actually twigged the fact that this was a dare question? And does that qualify me for best answer?
2007-08-04 15:15:22
answer #3
answered by ? 5
This questions is only a reflection of your ignorance I'm afraid to say my dear friend.
As it is, Satanism is a cult in which people worship Satan or however you might want to call that entity. They pursue evil and all they want to do is destroy goodness on Earth. Buddhism could be classed as a religion or a rather a life-style or philosophical system applied to life. Buddhist do not worship Buddha as God. He is only an example, a referent of how they think they should be, which is being a "Buddha", an awakened one. Buddha's teachings seem to be very logical but they do not tell people to pray to Satan, to do evil, to destroy other religions and convert others into Buddhism. Buddhists try to be good people, they abhor war and violence and many of their precepts coincide with Christian values and some of the ten commandments, especially the "thou shalt not kill" one. They respect other religions and they do not wish to destroy you. In fact, they are very friendly and will always be willing to give you a hand whenever you may need one and asking nothing in return.
Why would you want to destroy other people if they have not hurt you? Whether they will go to hell or not is their problem. You be a good Christian and be saved. Let them be as they please.
2007-08-04 16:31:10
answer #4
answered by Der weiße Hexenmeister 6
Hey Jon Boy...let me throw something down on you...Satanists (depending on which sect they are in) either believe that they are God, or that they worship Satan, Buddhists, try and reach Nirvana and follow the teachings of a great man (the Buddha, or Enlightened One) Buddhists do normally do not believe in God or gods, Satan or Devils, or anything like that...they just meditate and what not...look up something, then ask it if you have any questions about it, if you're not joking and you're serious, then I call you a fundie.
2007-08-04 15:16:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i have to assume your jokeing. if not. look at yourself and ask if you are turning the other cheek, and being tolerant of others until they find the miracle of god.
and no they are not the same. just because soemone doesn't worship god doesn't mean they worship the devil.
I recoomend you exchange books of lies with them. you give them the bible, any they give you their holy writs, read it all the way through and try for a week to live by its scriptrure and see if your a better person for it.
2007-08-04 15:06:57
answer #6
answered by Tom 3
Lol, no, most Buddhists don't believe in Satan, or any god for that matter! We just think that we'd be alot better off if we didn't get so attached to material things...
2007-08-04 15:06:47
answer #7
answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6
there both atheistic philosophic religions but they teach things diametrical opposite Buddhism is for altruism Satanism is more selfish
yes Satanism is not devil worshiping they don't believe in any gods or devils
if you don't believe me look it up on wikidpedia
2007-08-04 15:15:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Buddhism and Satanism are most definitely not the same but I do believe Christianity and Stupidity are the same.
2007-08-04 15:07:06
answer #9
answered by Tom 4
It is not a RELIGION, because the followers of BUDHA don't believe in ANY diety.
Satanists, they believe that the devil is The Most Powererful, and will win the final war of wars, between God and him.
2007-08-04 15:09:32
answer #10
answered by thewordofgodisjesus 5
The best way to destroy them is move away .... far far away from everybody.
2007-08-04 15:07:23
answer #11
answered by Johanna 4