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I had never been in trouble before until a few months ago when I got into a fight with some guy. I missed my court date because I didn't have a ride and the place was an hour away so they came to get with a warrant. Ever since that day I've had this frustration, anger, and nervousness that overwhelms me sometimes. I've always had depression but since that happened I noticed it's worse. Also my anger towards cops, judges, prosecutors, and people who I think are racist has skyrocketed to the point where I fear that I'm gonna snap someday and go crazy and end up in trouble again.. I don't know maybe I have schizophrenia or something because ever since that day I think white people are against me and want to deport me back to the Dominican Republic. I'm 30 years old and I came here when I was 3 years old. I'm here legally and I have a green card. I wonder if I'm a paranoid schizo and I'm being irrational.

2007-08-04 06:45:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

16 answers

You had a real bad day for sure, but it's not PTSD unless you re-experience the event via flashbacks for vivid nightmares. It's good that the event causes some anxiety in you, you won't miss anymore court dates as a result.

2007-08-04 06:52:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You're not schizophrenic or mentally ill. It's definately post traumatic stress. Even one hour in a jail can make a person stressed out if that's not the life-style that they're used to. You need to talk to your doctor or see a counselor, though, to try and find a way to calm down. In time, you'll begin to feel better about this whole situation as long as you find some kind of outlet for your anger and fear now.

2007-08-04 07:08:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think you are schizo. Maybe being a bit irrational. You have to understand that being different is part of life here in USA. So you went to jail; do you think of yourself as different since this happened? I am white, and hearing your story doesn't make me think that you should go back to your homeland. This is your home now, so maybe you belong here. I live in a place where I am around people from all over the world. And I believe that I am not a racist, but I do get frustrated when I try to speak with someone that doesn't have good english. But I do understand. There was a reason that your parents brought you here, and you have to respect and understand that. So you messed up and went to jail for a day; just because of this doesn't mean that the legal system is going to become racist towards you. I have to admit that there are some out there, but please believe me when I say that not all public officials are like this, and not all people are like this.

My grandfather would never admit it, but he was a racist. He raised my mother to think that it was wrong to even communicate with them, but my mother never raised me like that. I think being different is a unique thing to encounter in ones life. What does it make me if my heritage comes from a bit of scotch, irish, german, and probably even indian? My kids always ask me where did our family come from, and honestly I don't know, so I tell them that we are mutts. The only reason that you would have to worry about being deported would be if you were just a hardened criminal. So please don't worry about those things. Just try to live your life the best that you can. You know the laws, and you know the difference between right and wrong. Just do your best.

2007-08-04 07:02:19 · answer #3 · answered by summer 3 · 1 0

Of course dealing with corrupt government officials is a traumatic experience (corruption rolls down hill - just look at those who are heading up the three branches of government and and you'll see what I mean (Can anyone say Alberto Gonzales, Bush, just about every Republican and most Democrats, Fat Cat Supreme Court Theocratic Justices...))

My advice to you is to get some professional help, PTSD is something that is treatable. And don't confuse the way that you were treated with race... the fascists will mistreat you no matter what pigmentation your skin has, if you don't belong to their "inner circle", and don't conform to their systems of beliefs. Don't let the fascists get you down. Hopefully Americans will stop electing the corrupt Republicans and Democrats into office, and America can work at becoming great once again.

2007-08-04 06:57:57 · answer #4 · answered by Solarcide 3 · 1 0

It seems like you may be going through some post-traumatic STRESS issues, but it doesn't sound like the full-blown disorder, since you aren't getting flashbacks or having nightmares or anything. I doubt it's schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenics are more likely to think they're someone else, like Jesus, or that the government is intercepting their thoughts.

It just sounds like that unpleasant experience left you very angry and without someone at whom to safely direct that anger. It also could have triggered some subconscious feelings that made you feel powerless to defend yourself during that situation, and now you're feeling anger at people and things that remind you of that helpless feeling, making you feel like you have to constantly be on your guard around them, or they'll hurt/take advantage of you.

If you're worried about snapping, you may want to take some anger management classes, or see a therapist for a bit, to help you work through these feelings without anyone getting hurt. Good luck to you!

2007-08-04 07:24:55 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

I think people can harbor resentment for years and not realize it until something happens.. I would suggest that you take an anger management class to understand how to deal with inner anger that doesn't always show on the surface but can harm you just as much as anger we see. The man who hits out at people, whether physical or verbal,,need just as much help. Get help before you do something that you will regret..

2007-08-04 07:09:48 · answer #6 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 0 0

YES!! IF going through processing & your first day is a rough 1,sure,it can effect you for years to come.I think you should see a professional asap & talk about this so you can move on with your life & put all this behind you!May GODBLESS U & yours with peace,Love & happiness !!& have a good day eh!Keep the faith & stay positive.

2007-08-04 06:57:43 · answer #7 · answered by joeniceguy2005 3 · 0 0

#1 Social Reprogramming Method - http://SocialAnxiety.uzaev.com/?IJHj

2016-06-21 18:57:20 · answer #8 · answered by Arturo 3 · 0 0

The punishment often exceeds the crime. If you miss a court date, automatically a warrant goes out. At least call them ahead of time, they might reschedule.
It's the same with all of us, depressing. It costs more to defend ourselves than paying the fine.

2007-08-04 07:02:14 · answer #9 · answered by ted j 7 · 2 0

well, you are not likely schizophrenic, unless you hear voices in your head telling you to do something you wouldn't ordinarily do. You are simply angry, and you are not letting go of your anger, instead you are nursing it, rehashing it, letting it grow all out of proportion. The following website can show you how to let go of all that emotional baggage you have attached to your memory of what happened.


2007-08-04 06:51:36 · answer #10 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 0

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