Not only am I alive, but also my life is about attributing life (mostly by increasing the quality of life) in others. I understand death, though I have never been dead. I understand what deceit is without lying, what hurt is without hurting others. It's like the song says, "we don't need a broken heart, to know a heart can be broken". If I said to you that in order to know what something was you had to know it's opposite, then told you to put your head under the tyre of a semi (a really big truck), would you do it just so you could 'experience' life (or whatever) more?
These are my views, and as I said, I don't need to be deceptive to know the inherent goodness in telling the truth, so I can only imagine the increase in purity that God possesses. He does feel anger, He hates unrighteousness, but He still loves us and refuses to give up on us. To me that shows something that I could never fully grasp, I truly believe that I would hate someone if they treated me badly enough, but God still loves that person.
2007-08-04 03:19:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People or God can know what is evil without being evil, I think, but it's hard to understand good without thinking about it compared that would be better or worse.
Even a purely good being who had never done anything evil could turn on the 5 o'clock news and find something to be horrified by,
2007-08-04 03:12:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
just another contradiction in the flawed religious theories. well, god created evil so it must be a part of him and if he was not evil himself, why would he create evil? i mean shouldn't he want a GOOD or just world?? and people who believe in god do call him goodness, they should call him evilness too, coz good or evil can't exist without each other.
bottom line is, i don't think there is a god.
2007-08-04 03:09:53
answer #3
answered by krishnokoli 5
God hates evil, God did not create evil, the devil did to get back at God for throwing him out of Heaven. When Jesus was on the cross dieing, He ask God why He had forsaken Him? That is when God had turned his back on Jesus. You see, Jesus took the sins of the people upon Himself and made Himself a sacrifice. God can't look upon sin, God hates sin, so God turned His back to Jesus at that moment in time. That is where the Bible says it got very dark at that time.
2007-08-04 03:11:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In the book of Genesis chapter one, God created everything and everything was good, so it explain the God created everything good, and in the book of Matthew it states that God is a god of goodness, then why would God created evil if He is a god of goodness. God knows good and evil but He didn't created evil but humans did. In the book of Revelation you can see there the scene of the falling angels, at the time when angels fell from the ground, evil dwells on earth already. because of the greedy attitude of Satan, God punish him and all his disciples. Back to the book of Genesis, when God created man and woman, they were created in likeness and image of God, which means, they only know the good side but when they ate the knowledge of tree thats the time adam and eve knew good and evil.
We can know good without knowing evil if adam and eve didn't dwell into temptation. and we will all be living in paradise right now.
But because of what adam and eve did, God tested us in our generation, that's why we have to encounter evil in order to know and to good, through this God will know how faithful we are to Him. And through are faith we are save.
2007-08-04 03:30:17
answer #5
answered by JHEMARIE A 1
I'm an Atheist, so I will answer without God in the equation.
I think people are inherently good. Evil is, by and large, a learned behaviour.
2007-08-04 03:12:40
answer #6
answered by Jack B, sinistral 5
Yes absolutely, that is why both good and evil are necessary. It is also why we live in an imperfect world. The only way to do away with evil is to also do away with good. We would not be good or evil, we would be neutral.
2007-08-04 04:11:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Good and evil are perceptions, they don't really exist. Actions are perceived as good or evil by the beholder. I think it's good to totally reject the notion of God and others think this is evil. In reality we would both be correct as it's simply our perceptions.
2007-08-04 03:08:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes! By exercising obedience. Adam and Eve's disobedience brought death upon us, when they were told clearly that they will positively die if they disobey. Now, how did they now what death meant if they were the only humans alive on Earth? All the other living creatures were not designed to live forever; therefore, they perish. By this, obviously, Adam and Eve understood the concept of death.
2007-08-04 03:16:52
answer #9
answered by Aeon Enigma 4
Highly improbable. What is evil is doing good to most of the people in the world.
2007-08-04 03:08:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous