Becasue MAN created God at his own image,not viceversa.
A GOD with human emotions, jelous, violent,It is so OBVIOUS those are all human traits .
Christians are BLIND not to see that.
If a God does exist, it simply cannot be the God religious people talk about. It would be a contraddiction of the concept of God, which is PERFECTION.
Religious people make me laugh!
2007-08-03 18:21:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Genesis1:26 says ... Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness". So you've not only got the quote wrong but you also talk about 'mental' image as though that is a quote too - and it isn't. The Bible makes it clear that God is spirit and reference to him with arms and legs etc is a well known anthropological construction of God to aid understanding. Just how we are made in his image is not known for certain.
2007-08-04 01:13:34
answer #2
answered by cheir 7
you can take this at least 2 different ways. The Bible says the word was made flesh- Jesus. God manifest. So you could say that we were made in the image of what Jesus would look like.
But me, I see that we are made in the image of God in the way that the Bible says God is a spirit. Not only that but he is an eternal spirit with the knowledge of good/evil. When He created Adam, he said, "let us make man in our image" If all the scriptures that say that there is ONE God and none else beside Him than the a pre-existing Jesus, or trinity is unfitting. However, if he said it to the angels than we are indeed in like "image" having an eternal soul and conscience. The Bible says God looks at the heart and man looks on the outer things.
2007-08-04 01:00:37
answer #3
answered by Melodya 2
God is not in our image we are in his image. God created us from his own image. And no its not totally absurd for god to have legs and arms and lungs after all he is god, literally anything is possible if he wanted us to breathe under water instead of on land then we would all be living under water.After all god did create the whole universe from the biggest animal to the smallest living organisms and or cells. everything around you even technology is created by god because he gave us the knowledge to learn and create such wonderful things. he created all the planets and every star literally everything. it all goes back to god. so it all makes sense because god made it make sense he put the knowledge in our heads. he put this question in your mind, he's everywhere and just when you think he's not he is. i hope this helps
2007-08-04 01:05:46
answer #4
answered by rbalohs 1
The image is an internal reflection.
God has certain qualities.
In the beginning mans qualities were Gods qualities.
Man deviated and took on negative qualities.
Man must discard these negative qualities and allow the qualities of God to once again fill the heart.
This will allow a new state in man, some call it "Born Again".
When mans qualities are a reflection of Gods qualities then once again....God will be within man and man will be within God.
This is the duty of man to return to that pristine form.
Surrendering to God is the true duty of man!
2007-08-04 01:11:31
answer #5
answered by WillRogerswannabe 7
It isn't that God is created in OUR image - we are created in HIS image. By that, it doesn't necessarily follow that God has arms and legs and looks human, although that is most likely the case. Rather, it is more that we have a conscience, an ability to reason and think in ways that animals cannot, and we are able to think intellectually, rationally and spiritually. As God is perfect and can do all of these things, and He has set us apart from the animals of the earth by equipping us with the ability to do these things, then it follows that we are created by God, in HIS image.
2007-08-04 00:59:25
answer #6
answered by Chimichanga to go please!! 6
Here's a suggestion: The Light of Other Days
by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter
Religious people may not like this one, but It's a terrific idea nonetheless. It invloves a time-transcendant device called the 'worm-cam', and people who have access to them can tune in and watch anyplace, at anytime they wish. Following this line of thought, when time-trancendance becomes accessible to any particular being, what would they naturally try to do with it? Save people, or play pranks and jokes on them?
And in the end, when the truth is unveiled, what will we do, laugh, or rage?
2007-08-04 17:07:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As I recall, the idea is that the image has it's meaning as "Abilities," that is Adam in the garden could name creatures, and thus have power over them. Essentially, speech [Recall, when it was started, it was passed along orally, and to primitive men, words are what seperates them from beasts]
Essentially, it's saying "Only Man and god can talk."
2007-08-04 01:07:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You've got it backwards. We are created in God's image. The Hebrew word that was translated into the English word "image" is the same word used for an idol. In other words, when God created this planet and put human beings over it we were supposed to be sinless beings who would remind an outside observer of God.
2007-08-04 00:57:42
answer #9
answered by Martin S 7
It is absurd. 'Sides, God created us in His image, not the other way 'round.
God is spirit. He doesn't have a physical body and so it is only the mental and spiritual in us that is in the image of God.
2007-08-04 09:58:24
answer #10
answered by Cinnibuns 5