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After all, it teaches good morals, and Harry is a very Christ-like figure (especially at the end of the seventh book). Not to mention that both are made up drivel.

2007-08-03 17:46:54 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

First of all, I'm being facetious.

Secondly, Jesus did not write the bible. Men who didn't even know him wrote it sixty years after his death. Many details must have been exaggerated.

There is historical proof that a guy named Jesus existed, but the only text that says he was anything special is the bible.


Jesus died and rose back to life so that humans may be safe from Satan.
Harry died and rose back to life so that humans would be safe from Voldemort

By the way, if you thought this question was stupid, why did you answer it?

2007-08-03 18:10:17 · update #1

There is no way to disprove Harry Potter's existence. Just as there is no way to disprove God's, but that is no reason to believe in either of them.

2007-08-03 18:14:05 · update #2

39 answers

Sure, in 5000 yrs. Harry potter might be a savior.

2007-08-03 17:51:57 · answer #1 · answered by Apollo's Revenge 3 · 2 1

Harry Potter was written in an already developed world.

Most of the prominent religions hold their roots from the ancient times where people were often confused and needed an explanation for things in life.

Harry Potter is purely fictional as well. The Bible and other religious scripts (Not necessarily Abrahamic) have a good chunk of some historical texts in there to make it a little more credible than Harry Potter.

When it comes to telling the story for moral value though, they are pretty much at the same level.

The only thing that really matters is being nice and respectful to others, not the part about the story telling.

2007-08-03 17:56:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Errrmmm ... no. I mean, I enjoy Harry P. more than I've ever enjoyed the bible, but... just no. Harry Potter is complete fiction, while the bible has very strong historic roots, and is obviously the real thing. Kay then. Loves,
~!*Mr. Izzy Fabulous: Diva in Training*!~

2007-08-03 18:06:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

simply by fact the harry potter e book has not withstood centuries of opposition to nonetheless be with us. neither is it supported by means of the tens of hundreds of thousands of manuscripts that the the bible has helping it... The bible additionally has historic actuality and accuracy secure in it. to not point out the various of course complete crammed prophecies besides... one in all those prophecies telling of Alexander the greats branch giving upward thrust to the roman empire. And final Harry Potters author has made it sparkling it to be a fictional writing... wish that helped..God bless you !

2016-11-11 04:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Interesting just had this debate elsewhere.

Wouldn't so much as say "worship" like the bible, BUT there are definitely some positive spiritual (not to be confused with "religious") messages.

Like asking people to chose between "what is easy and what is right".


2007-08-03 18:08:17 · answer #5 · answered by Rai A 7 · 1 0

yea man, your RIGHT! i should have thought this sooner i mean why would you beleive in jesus, and god... when you have harry potter, i completely fictional fairy tale about magic.

DAMN you are a genious

start a religion, i can see it now... dumbassology. slogan- we worship fairy tales.

and.. hey not all thing in the bible are accurate, by why do people automatically think that it disproves jesus, he didnt write it. nothing he said is inaccurate. i dont beleive all things in the bible but every that jesus has ever said i stand by completely.

2007-08-03 17:55:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yep, because of this: "both are made up drivel."

Except Harry Potter isn't quite as hokey as the bybo.

2007-08-03 17:53:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

as much as i like harry potter he was never meant to be taken literally. he is just a very good work of fiction. that is the difference.

not a christian.

actually there is a way to disprove harry potter. just ask the author j.k. rowling. since she created him she would know.

2007-08-03 17:52:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I think so. Maybe Harry Potter iw Jesus.

2007-08-03 17:49:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yep... hehe, the whole book, I was thinking, Dude, he is such a friggin Christ figure, he's gonna die, and knowing the series, he's not gonna stay dead... hey, at least the Harry Potter series is well-written...

2007-08-03 18:01:50 · answer #10 · answered by Sacred Chao 4 · 1 1

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