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A friend is talking to me in chinese, and I can't quite seem to understand this. The first word is I, the second is all, the third is love, and the fourth is new to me?

2007-08-03 11:57:15 · 2 answers · asked by valentinesdisaster 1 in Society & Culture Languages

2 answers

Fred, don't think:
It's not just used in Cantonese, but all Chinese dialects use this: This is a reply to someone who says "I love you", person spoken to replies: "I love you, too!" Where the character for "ni", "you" is different depending on gender.

dou doesn't suggest "both", but everyone who's in attendance whether you use the feminine word "ni" or not.

But this is grammatically incorrect: "ni" is singular. dou indicates "everything, everybody, all". It's used differently here.

2007-08-03 13:32:25 · answer #1 · answered by bryan_q 7 · 1 2

Even though this is written in Mandarin characters, as Mandarin is the only written language in China, I think that it is not Mandarin but Cantonese. The second character, in Cantonese, means also.

The fourth character is an acceptable way of writing 'you' when the target is a girl.

2007-08-03 13:11:49 · answer #2 · answered by Fred 7 · 1 1

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