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Gratz n stuff.
What comes after.
Not that it matters but I’ve heard speculation there’s more.
If there’s more what is it and what does one do to develop toward it, if anything.
Thank you for your answers beforehand.
To help the nay Sayers I’ll go ahead and save you some time by saying:
Poppycock, Fiddle Faddle, Balderdash, Hogwash, Piffle, Hokum, Hooey, Intellectual Tomfoolery, Boloney, Bilgewater, Bosh, Humbug, Tommyrot, Tosh, Twaddle, Taradiddle.

♥Blessed Be♥

2007-08-03 11:28:05 · 27 answers · asked by gnosticv 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I didn't say I was enlightened, I said you were and someone was trying to convince me the other day of spiritual and then physical transcendence. Having never heard of this before I thought I’d ask. Their case study was Jesus but I don’t remember Buddha or anyone else physically transcending. I thought the notion interesting.

♥Blessed Be♥

2007-08-03 11:42:26 · update #1

Passerby I have to read your post several times an consider them deeply before commenting. You are such a joy. It's like fractal spiritualism...

2007-08-05 20:13:35 · update #2

27 answers

I disagree with almost all of the above. When we focus on the spiritual nature of our existence, we are working toward acquiring clarity of our energy. The more clear we become, our energy centers are open and receptive to higher, less dense vibrations of energy. The faster something vibrates, the less dense and physical it becomes. THIS is what ENLIGHTENMENT is all about -- REDUCING the PHYSICAL DENSITY of our being to make room for a light-er spiritual Presence.

This is and will be an ongoing process, until the first of us, as evolved, enlightened human beings, ascends, or transmutes through to the fourth dimension. And then comes back and tells us all about it.

Oooooh. I cannot WAIT to hear THAT story! Better yet, I cannot WAIT to be the ONE to TELL it!!

2007-08-03 13:33:44 · answer #1 · answered by Shihan 5 · 3 0

I am highly qualified to answer this question in that I am NOT 'enlightened' in the sense I suspect you mean it.
People who actually are will, at the most, drop a hint or two. A poem maybe.

I have, though, read a lot and listened to and watched quite a few who are.

What people call enlightenment is more accurately called Kensho, Sartori or Samadhi. It is the 'timeless moment' when the universe 'explains' itself to you.
Most people then continue to lead an ordinary life - but they are changed. This ordinary life, with its little moment that make you dance is called your second Kensho.
What you then do is your choice. Some teach, some write books, some paint houses.
Some people then experience a third Kensho, which takes a lot longer than the first and is much deeper in its impact.
Once or twice in a thousand years someone comes along for whom a fourth Kensho occurrs. For such people the enlightened state then never fades. They are fully enlightened and that makes them Buddhas.

I should really have prefaced that lot with 'thus have I heard'. I want to make it plain that I am quoting others. I claim no personal immediate understanding of the subject.

2007-08-04 11:41:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I follow my own path, examine the knowledge that I find and what comes my way, then decide whether or not to apply it to my life. The joy is the search, the practical part is the application of it which is also quite enjoyable. Learn from the bad (negative) and also use it to help me to remember the good (positive). However it is I view it becomes my reality. Living and loving this way has taught a great deal of patience and persistence. The getting "there" (my final destination) is my spirituality, everyday I try to leave room for positive changes in my thoughts and my character. It's rarely easy, but what would life be if it wasn't a challenge right!!

2007-08-04 15:46:21 · answer #3 · answered by PaganDad 4 · 1 0

I don't think there is really any "enlightened" beyond a few moments of epiphany. Once those pass, you are more enlightened than you once were, but you are not officially, so to speak, enlightened to the greatest extent possible. And you're right, it probably doesn't matter what comes next since you would be in harmony with everything and have no concerns, including about what comes next. Much of enlightenment comes from acceptance and letting go of things that hold you down. Including the need for there to BE something next.

2007-08-03 18:48:40 · answer #4 · answered by steele_feher 2 · 2 0

And there will be none a' those Shenanigans in This Forum young lady! Tomfoolery indeed! Enlighten? How do we let light in?....... N Light N..... Get doubt out.....fear far.....There's More Joy when fear and hate are gone? Hooray!
Very Beautiful Eve, Raji, Robin, CC, now I have to go back and read all these answers....
Love your question and your avatar by the way!
Wood Uncut and Jon, Quite So! Even after the Universe reveals its self to you, you chop wood and carry the water.......Comprende!

2007-08-03 23:41:08 · answer #5 · answered by Valerie C 3 · 3 0

Excellent question. I've heard plenty of people claim to be "enlightened" according to their chosen religion or spirituality, but they don't offer anything more than what I can find in a book or on my own. To claim another was enlightened yet even that person not offer anything than what I have already learned on my own doesn't give much. Revelation (in the general sense) is merely a stepping stone on the path... sure, we get excited when we realize something, we may even call it a revelation and it may even help us personally or help those around us, but I would hardly call that Enlightenment... just another piece to add to the puzzle.

Piffle... now that's a new one on me. lol

2007-08-03 22:55:59 · answer #6 · answered by River 5 · 2 0

Enlightenment is not the end. It is only the end of the beginning. There is MUCH more beyond enlightenment to learn and experience. Once you have achieved enlightenment then the REAL job of learning begins. That is how we develop as spiritual beings on our way to oneness with Divinity, which IS the endall for us as spiritual beings.

Raji the Green Witch

2007-08-03 21:29:41 · answer #7 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 3 0

"Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." Zen saying.

As Eve says, to most of us, those who are 'enlightened' appear no different to how they were before. It is in their intentions that they change. In that what they do has purpose, although the rest of us may find these hard to discern.

As for physical transcendence, well, not sure about that at all. We are already That. The real change is within. IMO.


2007-08-04 10:44:12 · answer #8 · answered by Wood Uncut 6 · 3 0

Most enlightened being for go leaving the cycle of life so as to come back time and time again to assist others in becoming elightened.

They are called Bodhisattvas.

Thye vow to continue until all are enlightenend.

Thos one hopes that you become one such being for the good of all.

May it be well with you.

2007-08-03 18:35:57 · answer #9 · answered by Big Bill 7 · 6 0

There are many levels of enlightenment, although enlightenment would be better said to be education, but not which is mistaken reclaimed within the institutions of this world, but from that which you emanated from. It has to be understood that the true objective is to become complete, and reach such perfection at the omega of being, which rectifies the alpha. This mean that not only are you developing yourself through experiential knowledge, that also there are kingdoms you are composed of which have their own reality so to speak, and you are developing each to their completed state, until which time you manifest in the kingdom of man and unite the heavenly kingdoms with the earthly kingdoms and are born into the Logos, or mind of God. Enlightenment is the unfolding and folding process of reaching your core of being, as you are but one level of inner emanations and it is all a cause to know thy self repeatedly, as many have no idea the gravity of the phrase, know thy self.

What is of this world returns to this world, what is transformed is the earthly nature, or earthly kingdoms which exist as varying levels of consciousness/ or emanations of being 9animal, plant, and mineral kingdom). It is the consciousness that is associated with the body that is refined and developed. The tell of the soul is as the tell of humpty dumpty, strangely. Just as humpty dumpty had a great fall and broke into many pieces, so they our individual being in the beginning as needs to fit specific conditions of discovery and to rectify that defect in knowing and come about true fullness. Division was necessary in order to develop each part completely, so each part knows thy self, since experiential knowledge was lacking. You can't know God until you know thy self, you must know the divinity from which you immersed to be known.

In Gnosticism, there was no then what, because the objective was perpetual knowing, and moving through the emanations of being, until such an individual reaches the First Cause, or as they referred to such a reality as the First Father.

Enlightenment is the end of suffering, is what Buddha said. If enlightenment is the end of suffering, then the end of suffering is the end death, the end of death is the end of division, end of division is harmony, and the fulfillment of harmony is completion, the offspring of completion is oneness, and oneness is the highest state of knowing (but of course there are many onenesses).

2007-08-03 20:56:00 · answer #10 · answered by Automaton 5 · 2 0

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