Yeah, the incest laws were not made until the days of Moses. Egyptians married their sisters all the time. Abraham married his half sister. Sex between distant cousins doesn't constitute incest in any country
And a note to Mr. Diminati--evidently, Adam preferred older women (or woman as his case was) They say we improve with age.
And the follow-up question. Cain probably married a sister or niece. Just because the details of only three of Adam's sons was told, doesn't mean that Adam and Eve didn't have a lot of sons and daughters. There is only so much room in the Bible. They were probably boring characters anyway.
2007-08-02 12:42:45
answer #1
answered by Gma Joan 4
Yes, that's why you should have kids with the opposite race, right? J/K
Well, after 4 milleniums we are still apart of them in a way but not as close as out own relatives today, still have similiar DNA but we're all different.
Always wondered about how Adam is a relative to Eve, because God made Eve out of his rib, also what happened to their family, they only had sons that were mention in the Bible and the world is cover and they start a new story with Noah. Only God knows, but God is the only one that makes us special no two person is alike, not even twins.
God said we are all brothers and sisters of one another, but he means to say treat each other with love and respect, we are all the same.
2007-08-02 11:57:58
answer #2
answered by scorpiontiger00 3
That is true in the mythology of creationism as well as the fact of evolution.
In fact, even those who get a little wild with sheep are sleeping with their distant relatives.
Mr. Bad Day: The Mitochondrial Eve lived about 140,000 years ago. That is our matrilineal most recent common ancestor. The Y-chromosome Adam lived about 60,000 years ago. That is the patrilineal most recent common ancestor.
Both are quite a bit more removed than 2 or 3 thousand years.
2007-08-02 11:44:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We are all yes sis
I think that we are all connected (related) spiritually and in different ways or in different contexts, consiously within some people, but it's unconscious within the masses. Most of us do not even know it or feel it ........we are all hu-MAN).......Have you ever met someone that you've never seen before, but feel as if you known them? .......the eyes are the windows to the soul...... the body is a vehicle...but who's driving, and what is it's purpose, ...I hypothesize that we are on an exponentially "enlightening" path toward spiritual evolution where the interactivity of the internet and/or cell phones...the media etc. are going to cause diversions in some but create a unity with many .......groups or "families.....of similar values, morals, beliefs........
"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth ...'" (Genesis 1:27-28). God created two beings, a male and a female. From these two was the earth filled. Genesis 2 gives the details of that creation. "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. ... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."" (Genesis 2:7, 21-23). We preserve this in our language to this day. Both the words "woman" and "female" means "from man."
Paul told the Athenians, "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth" (Acts 17:26). So, yes, we are all related. Eve was formed from the rib of Adam (Genesis 2:21-22), so we are literally all descend from one blood, which is Adam. The notion of race doesn't exist in the Bible; instead it speaks of nationalities which is much more accurate. This is why any human male can produce children with any human female, we are all of one family.
Further, we all descend from Noah because only Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives where saved from the flood (Genesis 6-8). Thus all males share DNA from Noah.
2007-08-03 01:37:54
answer #4
answered by William C 2
Yes, that is one point. All humans do share several common ancestors, so we are, in fact, all related. It is a pity that the idea of the brotherhood of mankind doesn't spread the idea of a peaceful co-existence.
It would be nice if all of this capacity to love would spread beyond our bedrooms. Unfortunately, we seem to be caught in the OTHER aspect of the Adam and Eve story: the struggle of Cain and Abel. That sucks! I wish THAT would stop! It is far worse than thinking your spouse could be your cousin-to-the-n'th-degree!
2007-08-02 11:56:58
answer #5
answered by MamaBear 6
adam and eve . they were supposably sent to repopulate the earth . so think about it how did they manage that ? did adam fu*k eve so hard that 3 hundred billion cave men poped out ? NO i dont think so . even if they did have kids what happened after that . were they so desperate they DID there own family ? i dont think so because we would all have horrible mutations e.g two heads
the whole adam and eve thing never happened they were never here its all religous bull .......
2007-08-03 23:13:16
answer #6
answered by sex machine 4
We all have common ancestors anyways. The one Common ancestor has been speculated to have lived only two or three thousand years ago. And that's the person ALL of us descend from (you, me, Saddam Hussein, Nelson Mandela, Santa Claus, Chairman Mao, etc.)
The person who you kissed in high school is probably more closely related to you, like twenty generations or so (400years or so.)
Now, I still don't believe in a literal reading of Genesis, but the incest thing doesn't rebut it.
2007-08-02 11:44:44
answer #7
answered by Mr. Bad Day 7
If that were true, then yeah. But there were other people in the bible who lived outside of the garden, one of adam and eves sons went to live with them. But where did they come from!?
2007-08-02 11:41:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Technically that's true, but God worked it out that genetically AND morally that is no longer an issue. You can't meet someone from 10,000 miles away and say, "Hey! We're related!" Today, it's just a legal, medical, and moral issue to stay away from your ACTUAL family.
2007-08-02 11:41:48
answer #9
answered by Just_One_Man's_Opinion 5
Well, we didn't all come from Adam and Eve literally. It's a story. But I guess we are all kind of related, huh?
2007-08-02 11:42:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous