A better question might be why someone as stupid as you is even allowed to poses a computer.
2007-08-02 11:20:03
answer #1
answered by Gawdless Heathen 6
I am smarter than A Einstein because when i die, I know where I'm going. I am smarter because I know how the Universe began..I am smarter than A Einstein because I know why I am here and to top it off, I know the chicken came before the egg....
If they really believed God didn't exist, would they waste their time in a debate about it? I sure wouldn't. It is because they are afraid deep down, they may be wrong. Christians have been where they are so we understand them and their way of thinking,,they haven't been where we are, so they can't understand why we feel so strongly about God. They actually fear what they can't understand, especially when one of their own,,,starts believing.
In early December of 2004 the world renowned atheist author Dr. Antony Flew at age 81 astounded other atheists with his candid admission. Flew, who is an emeritus professor of philosophy at Britain's Reading University has said that the scientific evidence available to us today is overwhelmingly in favor of the existence of a creator God. Flew, who was raised Methodist became an atheist at age 15, has been an influential champion of atheism for more than fifty years. He has argued repeatedly that there was not enough evidence to support the notion of a creator. But Flew has changed his mind and now believes in God based on the scientific evidence. Flew concluded that a super-intelligence is the only plausible explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of the universe
2007-08-02 18:43:02
answer #2
answered by dreamdress2 6
I'm not but that won't stop me from stating my opinions when a question is asked. A christian can believe in what I don't believe in - no skin off my nose. They can believe I'm going to hell too for all I care because I know I'm not going to a place that doesn't exist. The thing on this type of board is many questions are directed to both groups and then all of the sudden each is accused of trying to brainwash the other because it is a matter of the perception of the person reading.
Thus I just state my opinion, christians state theirs and we each go on our way.
2007-08-02 18:22:08
answer #3
answered by genaddt 7
Most of the Atheists I've met here on Answers are intelligent people who just want to quit hearing about a God that they don't believe exists. They are not bad people, they just think that people like me (Christian) are wasting their time. They don't like being preached to anymore than we like being told that there is no God. It's simply a difference of opinions and beliefs. Peace.
2007-08-02 18:26:03
answer #4
answered by superfluity 4
I'm not sure they're trying to convince us that God doesn't exist as much as they are trying to point out how much more rational and reasonable they think they are than us, and let's face it.....I think they need to keep reassuring themselves that they REALLY believe it. Every human being has an inborn, innate sense of God, and in order to quash it, one has to continually beat it down, or drown themselves in sin. The more intelligent someone is (generally) the more they will lean toward the 'beat it down' philosophy.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. " ----
C.S. Lewis
P.S. to oozÉÆ ÊÉÇÉ¹Æ ÇÉ¥Ê :
Why does it bother you so much that we keep poking our heads into science? When a man knows the truth, he doesn't mind someone investigating it. It's only when he isn't truly sure of his hypotheses that he gets antsy....
2007-08-02 18:19:28
answer #5
answered by lady_phoenix39 6
Atheists are not trying to convince Christians that there is a God. Your question makes absolutely no sense. TRY AGAIN!
2007-08-02 18:17:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hate to say it but I don't try and convert, they ask me what I believe and I tell the truthfully, if that convinces them then it does, if not then ok. If they say, "prove it" then I tell them the reasons why I believe, most Atheists don't try and prove, they just simply state what they believes. Some Atheists here do, but not all Atheists do that.
2007-08-02 18:19:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
All kinds of people try and convince other people of their beliefs or disbeliefs. Christians do, atheists do, etc etc.
Do Christians try and convince Satanists not to follow Satan? You betcha.
Do atheists try and convince people who they are sure are deluded by religion otherwise? You betcha again.
atheists aren't a mass-mind, they are all different.
I'm agnostic and don't try and convince anyone anything, but question and discuss all the time, especially my own beliefs (or lack of.)
(LOL at bad liberal, he nailed it)
2007-08-02 18:18:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, don't understand your question. It appears to read either:
"If no god exists then why are atheists trying to convince Christians that God does exist?"
"If no God exists then why are atheists trying to convince Christians that that is the case?"
neither of which makes any sense. Please rephrase.
2007-08-02 18:18:30
answer #9
answered by Citizen Justin 7
There's no reasoning with Christians. Faith is remarkably impervious to reason, so why bother? There's a scientific reason for Christians and other creationists to believe the way they do. Obsolete genes do not die overnight, so we'll be seeing people with a distorted worldview for some time to come.
2007-08-02 19:24:14
answer #10
answered by Its not me Its u 7
Atheists are not trying to convince anyone otherwise. Reread your sentence or nice trap.
2007-08-02 18:22:07
answer #11
answered by Anonymous