someone answers a dog question with a huge cut & pasted answer that was obviously lifted (plagiarized) from a website?? So, you read through what might have been a decent answer and get to the bottom and they have given NO SOURCE for who they stole the answer from...
Would you prefer to have the answer cut and pasted or just an inserted link? And how do you feel about plagiarism?
13 answers
asked by
Pets ➔ Dogs
13 answers
I don't like it when there's no reference or if it's very long (some of them you have to scroll through forever). What really bugs me is when they paste the same answer over and over, that's sheer laziness.
If I cut and paste, I usually just take a relevant excerpt, I say where it's from, I put it in quotes so that it's obvious it's not my writing, and I provide a link to the source.
Plagiarism is of course bad, and people must always write their sources. However, Y!Answers is not a scientific publication area, but a forum where people help each other, not even with their own names. So I don't think it is strictly considered plagiarism to copy paste sth. here. I prefer it from the link, it is easier, because sometimes the links don't work or you can't find the exact passage you need there, etc. However, it would be best to state the source too, because often you can find more info there and it is best to see where the info comes from, how reliable it is, and for reasons of ethics, too.
I feel the same way about that as I do about giving a good solid, correct answer to a question that obviously isn't what the person wants to hear. It's irritating.
I spend time answering questions about things that I have specific knowledge and insight. I try to make sure I give enough detail to help someone with their question and not just say, "yeah me too". It really bugs me when I see them choose an answer that is just what they wanted to hear and it's obviously bad advice.
I hate it when someone takes someone elses work and then claims it as their own. It's stealing and it's petty.
But you know, if that's what they have to do to make themselves feel good... what the heck.
That's why so many times it's not even worth answering the same question over and over. I know many people who cut and paste the same answer numerous times.
It's also funny when you post an answer that is unpopular but it may be truthful and someone dings you and they take your points away.
Goofy system, goofy people.
Re: Everything is Plagerized. I disagree. I am a professional writer by day. Knowledge is universal. We share knowledge so you cannot plagerize it. Because we share knowledge and ideas but put them into our own words - that isn't plagerism. If you cut and paste without giving credit or if you steal someone's words - that is plagerism.
I have found my professional web content on other sites verbatim including my screen shots numerous times. It's very sad and very irritating. It's also illegal.
Hate the cut and paste. Would much rather just have the link. In fact I've often answered saying Ed Frawley knows better than I, or Ed Frawley answers your question in detail HERE.
The problem is, you never know if the asker bothers to click that link. We are an instant gratification society, so if that person has to click...... will they?
In any case, I'm not going to retype or copy and paste. I'll lead the horse to water, but I can't make them drink.
It does bother me. If you can find the information by using a search engine, you really shouldn't be asking the question; it's a little lazy. If you are looking for advice or opinions, questions are a great tool. When I ask a question, it's because I couldn't find it from searching or I simply want some advice on something. It sort of sets the person up for getting a copied and pasted answer.
In the "real" world plagiarism is not tolerated, but this is a sharing and open forum - and I am a teacher who asks students to write papers!! - I don't get annoyed other than, if I wanted more info, I sure wish I had that link!
I consider this conversational and if you and I were talking, I wouldn't ask you to cite your sources while you were talking to me.
Do I wish they gave the web address - yes. Am I offended or infuriated or think they are little stealers who deserve a failing grade - not in this forum.
It does bother me. Just put a link up and let people research on their own if they are that serious about getting an answer. This site is for sharing ideas, knowledge, and where to get information.
as long as it a right on answer, lifted or not I'm happy and will give the 10 points. WHY YOU MIGHT SAY? simple sometimes i want a quick answer and would rather not wast my time searching, so its all good.
If you think about it everything is plagarized. Everything we know came from someone else.
But you are right. Things being plagarized is bad. If you take something word for word you should say what it is from/