The Bible cannot be the word of God in such a way that any of us can be certain, given that it was written, compiled by, and edited by humans. Believers have "faith" that this was all done legitimately and, more importantly, through the Holy Spirit, but this is dangerous and nonsensical. Anyone can claim he is guided by the Holy Spirit and be wrong - just look at how many denominations exist today that each claim to be correct. Furthermore, by the time the Bible was officially collected, Jesus/Yeshua had been dead for many years. That means the people who lived between his death and the Bible's creation were believing in all sorts of texts. If God could allow "fake texts" to exist for that period of time, why not now?
There's also the facts that the Bible contradicts itself and that proving a few or even MANY aspects of a book does not make the entire book true. You don't open up a textbook and believe everything it says just because SOME of it is true. It has to be established independently.
And let's not forget how many different religions there are, each claiming to be the truth and offering "evidential" and "logical" support for this. They can't all be 100% true. Besides, why should I spend my life studying every single religious text to figure out what's true when it's just as likely that NONE of them is true? A lot of Christians will tell you that you have to look deeper into the Bible and study it closely, but it seems to me that any book that is supposed to concern every human being on the face of this Earth should be less cultural and generally limited as it is.
The Bible is outdated, inconsistent, inaccurate, not unique, and irrelevant.
And even if I did accept a Creator, that does not make it the God of the Bible.
EDIT: The fulfillment of prophecies does not impress me, given that some failed, most are vague, and many are so obvious that any idiot who knows history could come up with them.
2007-08-02 08:43:58
answer #1
answered by Skye 5
It seems like I have answered this a million times, but lets try a million and one.
I personally believe it to be 100% the word of God. I base this on the "proof" that so many claims does not exist. Look at what the bible says. Its tells us that the Hebrew people built the treasure cities of Ramesies. We can see these cites today. It tells us the Joshua fought and destroyed the city of Jericho with fire. We can see its ruins. It tells us there was a king named David and a Giant named Goliath. They have found records in Babylon with David’s name and details of his kingdom; they have pottery shards with Goliath from the Philistines. There is no doubt about the Temple of Solomon. We can read where the prophets said, that the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed by King Nebuchadnessar. It was. We can read about Dairies, the king of Persia and how he let the people go back to their homelands, he did. Daniel tells in detail, over 500 years before, the life and death of Alexander the great. How he rose to power, how he conquered many of the old kingdoms, how he would die in his prime how his kingdom would be split into four parts.
But look at today. The bible tells us in the last day the Jews will be hated. The whole world will be focused on Jerusalem, how its neighbors will try to destroy the people, all of this is taking place to day. How anyone reasonable person can not see this is beyond me. The list goes on and on if you don't want to believe, that’s up to you, but the alternative, "everything just is because it is” and they say we live in a delusion?
2007-08-02 08:25:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe I the Bible. And that it is Gods word.
Just don't use the King James bible; because he ordered 400 words to be changed to mean other words. The devil was sitting with King James. Since English Bibles were being smuggled into England and he could not stop them King James ordered his made wrong and with out any extra info. at the bottom of the pages too. He believed the Bible should only be in Latin.
The NIV Bible and the American Standard are two good modern Bibles.
2007-08-02 08:11:50
answer #3
answered by geessewereabove 7
I DO believe that the bible is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17) The reason for my belief is based on faith- the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) I have faith that God exists and that He is the beginning and end. The bible is a tool that He has given us to know him more personally and to expand our faith.
On a more personal note, I know that the bible is the word of God because ever time I read or meditate on scripture, He speaks to me. Not audibly of course but the communication is there even so.
2007-08-02 08:07:35
answer #4
answered by Arrica H 3
Actually, the answer isn't relevant in my case. As a non-Christian, it doesn't matter to me if it is or isn't the Word of God - I don't follow God, so it's not terribly relevant to me what commands he gives to his followers.
If one does evaluate the Bible from the stance that it's an accurate depiction of God, then I'm not sure why people would want to be his followers. There's some actions in there, attributed to a supposedly perfect deity, that I simply cannot stomach. So, in a way, I hope that it's *not* the Word of God - because, if it is, it makes me rather sad.
2007-08-02 08:40:01
answer #5
answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6
If you look at the prophecies which were accurately fulfilled will recognize a divine power. ok listen carefully.
Daniel talked about king Nebuchadnezzars dream
/the head of gold was Babylon
/the silver chest and arms were to be the next kingdoms medo and persia
/the bronze thighs were to be Greece
/the iron legs were to be Rome
/and then the feet and toes shows the kingdom of Rome splitting up into many nations e.g. em gland and America and Germany and Russia..I'm talking powerful nations
Notice all these were one world kingdoms until Rome, and Daniel prophesied it at the time of Babylon and it happened exactly as he prophesied, now the bible talks about another one world kingdom of Babylon which is a prophecy similar to Babylons but of cause it will be evil and not perfect, then a more successful forever lasting one world kingdom of God will crush the coming Babylon...that's why i believe in God, if he can accurately fulfill prophecies, wont Jesus come again? I hope this helps .
2007-08-02 08:06:20
answer #6
answered by quester 1
I believe the Bible is the word of God because I have faith. Faith is what keeps everybody believing. Everything in the Bible teaches us a good lesson after reading it. If the Bible was not actually the word of God, why would events in the Bible so closely relate to our world today? and the past events? Jesus was real, just as he was in the Bible and he's also present in many textbooks. He is God's son and our savior- so many things fit together that gives me even greater faith in our Lord. Many miracles happened because of God, Jesus, and saints. It all fits together like the pieces of a puzzle.
2007-08-02 08:06:53
answer #7
answered by marshmellows 2
I believe the Bible is most definitely the word of God and that it can be proven it is of supernatural origin by virtue of the fact that it gives answers to EVERY question in life, when studied from a pastor who teaches from the original languages. Here is just one detailed example:
In the book of Genesis, Chapter Five when given the geneology from Adam to Noah, check out what each name means when traslated from the original language (Hebrew)
Get a sheet of paper and write down in the left hand column the first 10 generations named:
Now in the right hand column, write down the translated meaning of those names:
Adam = Man
Seth = Appointed
Enosh = Human
Kenan = Curse
Mahalalel = The blessed God
Jared= Shall come down
Enoch= To consecrate himself
Methuselah = His death shall bring
Lamech = Conquering
Noah = Rest
When you read the translated meaning of the names of the first 10 generations God chose to name in the very first book of the Bible it reads:
Man (is) appointed (a) human curse, the blessed God shall come down to consecrate Himself (and) His death shall bring conquering rest.
Thus announcing the purpose of sending Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins so that we can have eternal life and rest in the presence of God.
This is just one example. There are millions more. The key is to study it from someone who knows the original languages so that the real meaning is revealed and true Christianity is identified, rather than a bunch of heretic religiousity taught in the majority of churches today.
Check out:
You will find a goldmine of lessons available, and at no charge. My pastor firmly believes that no one should have to pay to hear the truth of the Word of God. Anyone who wants to know can have it.
I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who became man without ceasing to be God, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful man; that He accomplished our redemption through His spiritual death on the Cross as a substitutionary sacrifice; that our redemption is made sure to us by His literal physical resurrection from the dead (John 1:1, 2, 14; Luke 1:35; Romans 3:24, 25; 4:25; I Peter 1:3-5); that the Lord Jesus Christ is now in heaven, exalted at the right hand of God, where, as the High Priest for His people, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate (Hebrews 9:24; 7:25; Romans 8:34; I John 2:1, 2).
I hope I have given you enough details for now. I have many, many more. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Hope to see you in eternity :)
2007-08-02 09:27:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well I belong to a Sikh faith. You can read about it on line. I believe Jesus was a prophet, but I have hard time believing that Bible contains his word. That language can not be spoken by a saint or a prophet. To me Bible is filled with stories and stories and stories. I don't see and thing in it that would interest me. I have read Bible and I was not impressed. Its word of GOD and doesn't matter if you are a Hindu, Buddhist, or Jain, IT should affect you in some way. But it doesn't.
I respect People who follow this faith. If someone can improve their life with the help of Bible...that's great.
2007-08-02 08:00:50
answer #9
answered by soniakidman 4
i don't believe because i am more of a "need to see to believe" kind of person. I don't like to go based on word of mouth. I haven't seen any proof of the existance of any "higher being". BUt scientific evidence have provided the answers for many of the questions asked by skeptics. God, I believe, is a character that humans made up to validate their existance on Earth.
2007-08-02 07:58:56
answer #10
answered by Ashley B 1