1. Lying about what is written in the Bible
2. Lying about what Darwin did or said.
3. Lying about another member of R/S
4. Lying about _________________?
(I can't report anyone cause I took a vow with Acid Zebra, et al to never ever do it. Warning: Don't take that vow, it will eat your brain (there are always exceptions, but my vow was to never ever report anyone.)
26 answers
asked by
Uncle Wayne
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Dear Sybil - good point. But, how would we know? (E-mail them and ask them, and then get reported secretly by them?)
07:36:28 ·
update #1
Dear Jack, - If your profile is open, and you don't block a suspected troll, they can get into your profile and zap you an unlimited number of times. - It happened to me 14 violation of 14 questions in a row - on variegated subject matters. ----- then another 10 violation and my account was deleted.
07:39:43 ·
update #2
Dear Earl, Lies are not just conclusions they are also part of the ingredients. But good point, and we don't always know?
07:42:50 ·
update #3
Dear Notfooled - you are right about that. - Thanks for the reminder. -
07:46:22 ·
update #4
Dear "skalite" - Acid Zebra came back a few days ago. (His time zone or whatever puts him here mainly in the morning hours of Central Standard time.)
07:49:51 ·
update #5
Assuming malicious intent on their part, and not just ignorant error, you may have to ask to be released from your vow.
Your only other recourse is to challenge the liar and then weather their retribution. Which in this forum usually means you lose your account.
Or, you ignore them and it eats your brain.
2007-08-05 15:23:39
answer #1
answered by awayforabit 5
I was ask to take a similar vow. by a different user, I declined, although I seldom report, and only for the severest violations.
I like to have a little fun as much as the next guy.
and if we reported everyone who told a lie on here there wouldn't be anyone left.
I don't believe every thing that i read, but then I don't believe every thing that I write either.
so my motto is "live and let live" it comes right behind that Judge not thing.
when I get upset about something, I am reminded of a phrase Jessus one said, vengence is mine saith the Lord.
2007-08-02 15:05:03
answer #2
answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7
To speak other than the truth is by defination lieing. Many people, especially on R&S are telling a lie, but they are so indoctrinated and filled with dogma, they could probably pass a lie detector test because they believe what they have been told, and that includes quoting the bible or Darwin. I know you to be a Primate of your word, so the reporting is out for you, but when you let others know about false witnesses, that is not reporting, and would be appreciated. You are appreciated, Uncle, so keep the peeps up to date!
2007-08-02 14:48:32
answer #3
answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6
I don't know how you'd prove to the Y! Answers Gods that someone was lying about another member. I know a member who has included lies about me in their answers - but that was in a pathetic attempt to get me to see them and actually care. I don't care. I know my truth. I generally just ignore the losers and folks who post answers or questions just to be ugly. But, I too, will report postings that say Muslims/Atheists/Christians - WHOEVER eats fried babies and such.
2007-08-02 07:40:04
answer #4
answered by Marvelissa VT 6
4. Lying about dying or one of their relatives dying.
I can sense if someone is attention seeking, and will leverage any means to collect sympathy votes, even lying about death and/or the death of a loved one. That is pure emotional and mental instability!
Reporting is relative and voluntary, but there are always consequences for the reported AND the reporter. I kick it upstairs, up the chain of command, and let the judging be up to the Almighty. For in His time, He hands out the penalty.
{{{HUGS and kissy kissy}}} silly orangutan!
2007-08-02 07:43:48
answer #5
answered by Dr. G™ 5
they'd've been jealous. Dude, I have been given the comparable element to different than it replaced right into a compliment and the rationalization is it had violence... i replaced into giving a compliment! no longer even genuine that it had violence and that they even denied my allure i replaced into saying the certainty and the questioner replaced into questioning if it replaced into good or undesirable or something is incorrect or suitable.. that's SOO UNFAIR...if we could in basic terms now who's reporting our solutions...
2016-10-01 06:37:01
answer #6
answered by ? 4
No. How would you know they're lying anyway. But in the case of lying about another R & S member I would hope those who know that person would have their back and make the truth known. :)
2007-08-02 07:46:15
answer #7
answered by beano™ 6
The bigger question is, do you think Yahoo is actually going to research every reported statement to find out if it was a lie or not?
2007-08-02 07:36:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dear Uncle Wayne,
The problem, of course, is that in order for one to lie one has to know that one *is* lying - one has to know that what one is saying is not true.
Refusing to question or investigate makes it very convenient for people to deny they they are lying, even to themselves..
2007-08-02 09:35:27
answer #9
answered by Raven's Voice 5
no the only reason i would think is legitimate is directly lying on the board about a specific member ... and i wouldnt report anyone myself anyway ...
2007-08-02 07:35:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous