Hahaha! You thought I was a crazy Christian going off on Athiests.... but I'm not. I actually accept that people have different beliefs than me, and even though i dont agree with those beliefs, they need to be respected. We'd be a bunch of animals if we didnt respect eachother. Every Christian that i know or that goes to my church (Methodist) would never be outright mean or disrespectful to someone with different beliefs or try to force them down their throats. Some Christians act otherwise though ( I am talking about the people who SCREAM and yell at non beievers how they are going to hell) So yeah i just wanted to tell people that those kind Christians are the minority and apparently dont follow the teachings of Jesus. If you have ever read the bible, Jesus didnt scream and shout and stalk people who didnt believe in God. Those people give Christians a bad name. Fellow Christians, who agrees?
32 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Oh i am sorry about the typos.. wow. I am one of the few sane christians on here and you still attack my typing skills??? Btw... i am a very good speller... typing not so much. I type really fast and sometimes i hit the wrong letters.
07:36:28 ·
update #1
Yeah hahah i can already tell how many people read my Q details.. shame on them!!!
07:40:52 ·
update #2
i agree. i don't think ur crazy. i think u can spell. i think sane christians accidently hit the wrong letters and can spell. i think people should stop attacking one another [especially about asking questions...and..spelling]. i think they spend so much time in R&S because they wanna tick off people that have a religion. maybe they are jealous and don't want to admit that they wanna have a relationship with God. i think this answer involves way too much thinking. i think ill stop now. =] i think ill pray for all the atheists.
2007-08-02 14:09:38
answer #1
answered by melissaaaa 3
That me try to give you a sincere answer to a question that has been asked many times. I hope this makes sense, it is how I feel and it is honest. If all religions were like buddism I myself would not be here. But when the religious beliefs of others affect your life I myself become very annoyed by it. If you want to believe, that is fine, but stay out of my life with your beliefs and morals. In the Middle East woman who commit adultery are executed still in this day and age because of religion. People there think this is fine. I mention this as things that you may think are fine may not be with other groups of people. In America gays don't have rights because of religion. I myself cannot hold public office because of religion(atheist can't hold office in certain states). So much for separation of church and state. They want to make my child dumb in school because they are afraid of science proving them wrong. The Bible teaches bad morals (and a few good ones that would be here without the Bible) I really don't care if you are wrong, you can believe in a purple tree that has magical powers that made the first man. Believe away, I won't bother you. What I do care about is when people with these beliefs start making laws and discriminating because of these medeival teachings. If I can make more people aware of how wrong this is then my time is not wasted. Hope this gave you some insight that you may not have thought about of why some atheists are on here.
2016-05-21 02:02:48
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Theism seems to have caused too much trouble in the world. I think it's at least worth a try to see if I can convince theists to attempt to get along others without the fear of an invisible man in the sky. I look at this way...there's no harm in trying to convince them not believe if it ends up making things better. R&S section is a rather peaceful way for this to happen, contrary to what many people say. A lot of people complain about the contention going on here. I think all this contention is great because it gets us to share views and think about things without actually physically ripping each other's throats out. Sounds corny. But what other alternative do we have? The worst that can happen on my end is that theists will go on believing, I will have failed to convince them of anything and we all go about our day hoping muslims and christians don't the nuke the hell out of the planet.
2007-08-02 07:36:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Because without god there is emptiness and longing to understand. As far as screaming I dont think people should run around pushing their beliefs on other people. However Jesus did go off on the people in the temple. I think some of our religious leaders could use a good yelling at about their abuse of Gods word to make themselves richer.
2007-08-02 07:33:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree.
I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that they don't believe in God. What bothers me is that the amount of time they spend on this site could be going towards working at an actual job instead (a second job if they already have one). The wasted hours of human life is what bothers me. The same can also be said of the Christians who are "Sunday School Theologians". Wasting everyone's time.
I mean...look at some of those POINTS!
2007-08-02 07:33:37
answer #5
answered by Thop ite 2
Lets see. Why would an atheist spend time in Religion and Spirituality? Its one of two answers.
1. They just want to cause trouble. The very essence of being an atheist is to deny or not believe in the existence of a Creator. This is their right to do so. But to come on the R&S blog, tends to make me beleive number 2.
2. They are searching. They realize that someday they will die. If they are wrong, woops, they are in big trouble. If they are right, and there is no Creator, well, who cares.
I personally believe most atheists come to this blog to find the one answer that may convince them there is a Creator. Everyone is afraid to die, if you say otherwise, you are lying. For those of us who believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, even though death may be scary, the relationship we have with Jesus Christ will get us through it.
Kinda like a Doctor I knew. He said, "when a non-believer is dying right in front of you, they are fighting death." "It is scary to watch them struggle into the afterlife". "When a believer dies, it is generally a very peacefull process."
This tells me one thing. The non-believer or atheist struggles in death. Maybe at that one moment, when still alive, they realize that they are wrong, and dont want to die, to change their ways. When a believer dies, the Grace of Jesus is there to help us along with the process.
2007-08-02 07:41:29
answer #6
answered by frosty 3
I agree that there are many Christians who miss the point of Jesus. They fall back into the rules of what it takes to be saved. When there is only one rule... accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
When you truly do this the Holy spirit can abide in You and guide your life.
All the doctrinal stuff is just another way for Satan to divide us and scare people away from Jesus.
2007-08-02 07:33:31
answer #7
answered by easyericlife 4
all depends what the word christian means to you. and as far as many ways to heaven,,their is only one way, and all religions that teach that jesus is the only way ,are the same! but those who dont believe that,including religions, are going to hell. that's why true christians tell people ,or should I say warn people of this fact not out of hate but love..and saying we are not following the teaching of Jesus is just wrong! If Jesus is who he says he is, and he taught that no man will see heaven unless we believe in Him ,then no belief in Jesus means no heaven ! Jesus also taught ,we, as christians that we should warn people of this fact! but as always, its mans free will to reject all religion,just dont stand in the way of someone who might want to believe or hear the gospel! we as christians,have a command from Jesus to go into all the world and preach the gospel ,but sad to say we have the blind leading the blind (Jesus said that,also called them vipers, ect..) to all people that stand in the way of the gospel being preached (all were "religious" by the way) I would not think that any religion that does not teach or warn the lost of their reservation in hell could be a christian! I know the politically correct crowd soon will try to silence all true christians . sad to say they will succeed. then we will truly have lost our free choice!
2007-08-02 08:12:02
answer #8
answered by roadrunner 3
Well.. Judging frm the looks of ur replies i would say to piss the believers off, to have a go at the believers or... to drink. lol. i personally spend time in R&S because i wana give the believers a run for their money in pointing out flaws. but thats just me. Live and let live. I dnt believe but i accept that others do.
2007-08-02 07:40:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't mind atheists asking questions but since this is the religion and spirituality section, I do mind when people ask questions that have nothing to do with either. Too many questions in this section are just there to be jokes or make fun of people.
2007-08-02 07:29:32
answer #10
answered by Don't Fear the Reaper 3