They want you to save them. Or make fun of them, which proves their point.
2007-08-02 07:26:57
answer #1
answered by Tim 6
I'm an atheist, but I'm also studying theology in school. I agree that it's not cool just to come on here and insult Christians, but it is called Religion and Spirituality not The Christian forum. So I think atheists, Hindu's, sun worshipers. satanists, whatever should be allowed to get involved in the debate on the spiritual nature of the universe. And why do you find it so unsettling when Atheists point out what parts of the bible are untrue? It strikes me that you may have some doubts about it if you don't want to here what the other side has to say about this book that so many people base their life decisions on. By the way, I find it very condescending that you think just because someone doesn't believe in God that you think they must be miserable. I went to twelve years of Catholic School; that made me miserable. I am much happier since I left behind Catholicism and started living for myself instead of an imaginary deity. I think people should believe whatever they want to believe they should just still keep an open mind about other things(and yes I do keep an open mind to the possibility of a God it just doesn't seem very likely to me.)
2007-08-02 07:34:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Are satirical comedians "in misery", no, they are pissed off about the ridiculousness of people's public opinions.
The emotional insecurity theory is so cliche.
No matter where you go, you will find someone with a different opinion to your, deal with it, if everyone agreed nobody would get any advantages.
Oh yes, I have certainly noticed how depressed people seem to clump together these days, I now totally agree with the saying "Misery Loves Company" even more than I believe in Fortune Cookies.
2007-08-02 07:27:57
answer #3
answered by Ian G 3
I suppose because of all the strife caused by religion? All the proselytizing by religion? And Sparky, why do you continually insist atheists are in misery?
2007-08-02 07:33:18
answer #4
answered by Johanna 4
First of all, why do you bother to ask this? You must be miserable that there are so many of us. Invading America, gaining strength, gaining a bigger voice. Things have never been better for us.
There are about as many atheists in this the great USA as there are smokers, just to give you a sense of how numerous we are (~51 million)
Plus, we know we're never going to convince YOU. We're trying to put out our message for those with the mental capacity to think for themselves.
2007-08-02 07:30:18
answer #5
answered by sprocket9727 3
Atheists are not miserable by default, only when coming in contact with christians who happen to also be idiots at the same time as being christians(not to say all christians are idiots, but some are). if ignorant people were allowed to think ignorant things all the time with no one correcting them i think our world would explode; so in reality us atheists are saving the world. hows that for a midday snack!
2007-08-02 07:28:25
answer #6
answered by Ryan, Atheati Magus 5
Hey if someone managed to convince you of an invisible sky daddy that magically appeared from nothing to create the universe from nothing in 7 days, then punishing his creation for the intake of knowledge after which his creations were then told to practice incest in order to spread the species and eventually killed nearly all of his creations because the all knowing sky daddy didn't like the way things turned out but saving 2 of each which magically appeared across oceans then magically migrated back....
If you believe that then it would seem you would be naive enough to believe anything.
2007-08-02 07:30:27
answer #7
answered by BOB 4
Why do you Bible-thumpers think that Atheists are miserable? All the atheists I've ever met have been happy people. I've met more miserable Christians than Atheists, so cut it.
2007-08-02 07:29:27
answer #8
answered by Ayana 6
We have a right to our opinions, and when you ask questions of in this case...we feel obligated to answer honestly and truthfully. You Christians always want to know what we believe and why. Then when we get specific, you don't like it. Sorry, but this isn't your section and we have a right to be here and express our opinions about what we believe and why.
2007-08-02 07:29:32
answer #9
answered by AuroraDawn 7
I'm not atheist nor christain, you both have stupid views/too many contradictions. I don't believe in evolution nor religion, I believe to deny evolution in my religion is to deny god's greatness in some part. But, to play the timeline off as gods will is to really a stupid idea concidering he probably left us to be for a reason. But I'm more athiest than religious. Why? Because athiests ask less questions, demand less attention, and in general they never ring my doorbell/ask me to believe. Why I'm here tho is because there are interesting questions. :P
2007-08-02 07:30:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I would like to believe that you are a lame, stupid child and NOT a true example of Christianity. It seems like you are the one in misery....misery seems to be something you are obsessed with. Obsessions are not healthy; why don't you see your pastor and talk this out with him/her?
2007-08-02 07:28:51
answer #11
answered by Anonymous