I am christian myself, but I know why I am christian and I do believe in evolution and some other scientific theories. (this does not make me any less christian)
I have always noticed that so many christians can't defend their beliefs at all. They will say that evolution does not exist, dinosaurs never existed ect. It seems like by explaining themselves they are digging a bigger hole and just make others look bad.
So many people make generalizations about religious people based on what they hear, isnt it important to be able to explain yourself?
35 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Holy Cow: You should see the creation museum in Kentucky. A $27 million embarrassment to humanity.
- Isnt that the one with dinosaurs on Noah's Arc? lol
06:40:34 ·
update #1
First of all Hank, if you are a Christian, you should not be putting down other believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, they will know us by the love we have one for another.
If you are a Christian, I would ask you why you would believe in evolution, over the outline of the creation of all things, in God's word, the bible. You didn't go into detail, so I don't know exactly what it is you're saying. If a person denies there were dinosaurs, I agree that's kind of silly....but please be careful how you speak about others.
Please keep in mind that Christians have enough people calling them names without one of their bretheran doing the same thing.
I am not putting down other christians, I am glad they are christians if thats what they believe. It would just be nice if more people could defend their own beliefs, it would help soo many people.
Concerning evolution, you cant ignore the facts. Science cannot explain God but it can explain some natural occurances.
06:45:00 ·
update #2
You are very right, you just explaned my own point of view :) I don't agree blind believers, they just believe something because somebody told them - i see that every day, people doing exactly what the priest told them, and i think a priest would easely persuade them into killing if he would tell them it is right.
I think religion and science could one day be combined, when we will know more
2007-08-02 06:36:34
answer #1
answered by larissa 6
You don`t actually know what you`re thinking and saying. Read more...before talking, or discussing anything in public. I can see, you can`t even defend yourself being a Christian or how you become Christian at all. Little knowledge is very dangerous!
Christians say:
God created human being & breathe life unto them (the Holy spirit in each and every one.)
Evolutionist say:
Human being emanates from centuries transformations of apes to human form.
Now, do you want to be classified as animal? or...
...you want to be classified as a special man-created by God with a purpose and living a meaningful life.
Science introduces all the species which God created, including the earliest creature...the dinosaur. Everyone knew the existence of dino...it is only you, who doubts.
To be a Christian, is to believe & experience God in their hearts, mind body and soul. If God reveal Himself to you...then you will know God fully and can tell everyone about God.
...but Christianity is not for debates in public, nor prove, disprove, distrusts, doubts God or anything.
God created everything including science. He can explain science...but science cannot explain God...that`s His mystic.
I hope, you have deep understanding on anything...so you won`t get lost.
So, Good Luck !!! ... and ... God bless !!!
2007-08-02 07:10:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think it's the same deal with ignorant citizens. As a citizen of a country, you're presumed to know its laws. Ignorance thereof is not an excuse. There are 85 million people in my country. Only 45,000 ++ are lawyers. You can bet you bottom that although 85 million are citizens not everyone knows the law. They just have a general feel for what is prohibited and not. And not all of those (not even the lawyers given their specialization) will be able to explain it well if given the opportunity). Still, they will proffer their opinions when asked and answer based on what they know.
It's an analogy. My point is that although it would be nice for members of a certain religion to be able to explain that religion to others, you cannot expect others to have the same commitment to it as you perhaps might have. They do what they can, what they think may help even if it truly doesn't promote better understanding for all.
That's why I usually don't engage in religious debates.
2007-08-02 06:41:04
answer #3
answered by Trillian 6
First of all Hank, if you are a Christian, you should not be putting down other believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, they will know us by the love we have one for another.
If you are a Christian, I would ask you why you would believe in evolution, over the outline of the creation of all things, in God's word, the bible. You didn't go into detail, so I don't know exactly what it is you're saying. If a person denies there were dinosaurs, I agree that's kind of silly....but please be careful how you speak about others.
Please keep in mind that Christians have enough people calling them names without one of their bretheran doing the same thing.
2007-08-02 06:37:01
answer #4
answered by Esther 7
The first ignorant Christian you need to deal with, may very well be youself....Do you understand that evolution goes against God's word?
"In our world, modern theory says we evolved as a species from a primordial soup over the past 4.5 billion years. Our Bible says God supernaturally created earth out of nothing, and man from the dust of the ground on the order of 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. The arguments for evolution, though weakened with each scientific discovery, are still taught in the mainstream of education as if they were true. From a statistical point of view, the requirements for even the simplest form of life are so enormous, that even billions of years would not be enough time for chance mutations to bring life from inorganic matter. Evolution has never been observed, yet millions accept it in blind faith. It is a new religion: secular humanism. Many evolutionists are grasping at straws to find credence for a waning theory. The popular notion now to explain the unexplainable is that life must have migrated here from another world. I predict that evolution will fade from prominence within the next twenty years. It is on its last gasp".
clink on the link below and educate yourself a little.
2007-08-02 06:41:01
answer #5
answered by dreamdress2 6
Ya, there are ignoramisus in christianity, but who are you to say. You just spoke your piece. Go to www.drdino.com. Your ignorance shows. Who is generalizing now? For us who do know the lies of evolution and what it brings, find that your the ignorant one. Christianity involves growth some need mlk, some need USDA Prime. Your still at the nibblets stage. Smart christians like you need to help those who are starting in their faith. Don't knock them or you will pay the price in the end. Suffer little children to come onto me, Don't put a stmbling block in their path. Millstone around ones neck for whomever makes a brother/sister stumble. Chill and help.
2007-08-02 06:51:11
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Christ died, Christ rose from the dead, Christ will come again.
Everything else is second, on a second list.
The 'ignorant Christians' are more a case of "ignorant American Christians," I think.
Just like Americans believe non-sense about the good of a war in Iraq (if it was really so dire, and so important, wouldn't the other countries of the world be there, too? Or are Americans the only ones who understand how serious it is?)
So, Americans support a wastefull, useless war (and aren't they all?) without being able to explain or seriously defend why.
What makes me sad about "ignorant Christians" is the people who call themselves Christians, but who don't understand what can happen when they really, deeply follow Christ.
2007-08-02 06:39:13
answer #7
answered by jimmeisnerjr 6
Very true, I'm a Christian and I believe in evolution. As you said, believing in science doesn't make us any less of a believer. Besides, I've also been reading, studying, researching and comparing the three main religions for many years.
2007-08-02 06:40:49
answer #8
answered by Millie 7
reckoning on what style of lack of understanding they show, i'm chuffed to debate fallacies of their holy books with them, diverse examples of the church doing one undesirable concern after yet another to stay in ability, fundamentalists who make the main there followers whilst commiting all varieties of sins (in accordance to their very own 'morals'). in short, i'm going to play any game they choose for different than sink to their point. If I do, they're going to easily win using homestead benefit.
2016-10-09 01:45:14
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Wouldn't evolution basically disprove the Christian idea of heaven? Since they believe only humans go to heaven, why would humans be any different from all the other animals. And Adam and Eve, which is not real, basically is their reason for bad things. Since they never existed wouldn't that go against Christianity.
2007-08-02 06:38:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous