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I was told today by psychic Mary Occhino that I was a psychiatrist in Denmark in the 1700's. Just wondering what all the religious wackjobs think? lol jk jk

2007-08-02 06:03:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Past lives do play a part in our current lives. For example phobias we have could have been carried over from a past life....

It was a radio show I called into, I didn't pay

Also when I was a child I always said I wanted to be a psychiatrist, when I told my mom this she said wow and said the same thing.

2007-08-02 06:14:00 · update #1

26 answers

I believe it happens. That explains some events in my life and the diseases that "innocents" are born with, and odd things that happen to people, "natural" consequences. That meaning, You get back the same kind that you give, and a lot of people receive things that they really did not do before, in this life. Jesus knew that his cousin *John was Elijah of old. It says so in The Book. People say he came in the "Spirit" of Elijah. Jesus didn't talk about the Spirit of Elijah being in John, but He talked about his beheading. You can't behead a spirit, nor can they "do what they like" to a spirit, only a body. The Jews believed in reincarnation, as they were looking for the foretold Elijah as a sign the the Messiah was to appear just after Elijah. They didn't except John as Elijah, so they refused "Jesus" as well as the foretold Messiah. [The Jews are still looking for Elijah and The Messiah. (Many have found the Messiah, as they are having *visions and dreams of Him coming again as "Jeshua" in the next few years.)]

*Here are 2 of 3 references:

Mark. 9:11-13
Matt. 17:10-13

By the way, Starry Eyed, If it's how you described, I saw that symbol in a vision years ago, and wondered what it meant. It looked to me like a stylized (birdhouse) just the roof and a large hole, written in heavy black lines. I put it on a quilt I made for my son. Thanks for reminding me Star...

I don't talk about it much, as I think if we all concentrate on another life time, we miss the picture. There is a reason we have to drink of the "Cup of Forgetfullness." when we come down here.

2007-08-02 10:15:08 · answer #1 · answered by Blank 4 · 0 0

I believe in past and future lives because every once in a while I will have an image or memory from those lives. It also makes a certain sense that karma will make sure you pay for past mistakes and reward you as you progress in knowledge and virtue.

In addition, I have had what is called paranormal experience in that I saw a ghost of someone I know to be dead. If there was no existence beyond this life, such an experience would no have been possible. I was not raised with any of these beliefs. I have come to them from my experiences.

I will give an example of a past memory. I fought with a shield with a design on it of two lines at right angle to each other. They formed a rather umbrella shape. Centered under the lines was circle. I can see the symbol and know it is on my shield. I did not know what it meant.

I watched a TV special about "the Lost Tomb of Jesus" and found that symbol was used by early Christians. The TV did not mention any meaning beyond that it was used by early Christians. I remembered then that the symbol is highly stylized depiction of Jonah being spat out after three days by the giant fish. The lines symbolize the fish mouth, the circle is Jonah. It is the symbol of resurection and life everlasting. I am as sure of that as if someone told me and drew it for me. I am certain that writings yet to be found will explain that symbol in that way.

So, from one wrackjob to another, welcome to the present.

2007-08-02 13:21:09 · answer #2 · answered by Owl Eye 5 · 0 0

If you were a psychiatrist in the 1700s you were one of the few. The field didn't really grow into a professional specialty until the 1800s.

2007-08-02 13:17:34 · answer #3 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 0

All of us who lived before and remember despite our efforts do believe in past lives and their power to reenact rapport with family and those beloved neighbours we did not miss for long after rain or weekend travel. We somehow see awkward things are very funny and unfortune can be truly hilarious, this is why bad things do not last a hundred years, it is true and rewarding to know about being a ridicule sometimes.
Sometimes psiquiatrists will seclude the world´s unconscious or reminder of future fears and duties, to remind some lazy folks about their futile attempts to escape fate and smarter people, like swimming frantically inside a bag, not good. Sometimes people see these studies and are aware against their own will they need to do this and that so fear will not be unfair to their memories and future efforts to call them somehow nicely. People have very dormant senses and organs, and it sure takes a noble character the effort to raise his kundalini to be able to know sex and performance first handedly. These people (and I include myself) are like swimmers who get out of water with no fear and show some funny details to those still in warm water (to which they would not enter unless in company of those first departed), it is like watching a friendly bonfire and being able to enjoy beverages and music, also see pictures and listen music, while being an idiotic teenager with no brain but very funny popularity. He needs no more for his parents told him he has plenty and he dares not believe them out of respect, very much deserved. So are sentient and supreme beings, we do not falter or make a show every time, it would not be a good example or funny.

2007-08-02 13:15:40 · answer #4 · answered by Manny 5 · 0 1

I believe in past lives. In fact, I have very clear past life memories, from at least seven different lives, both male and female. (And by the way, I was a poor peasant for almost all of the lives I remember.)

2007-08-02 13:38:51 · answer #5 · answered by Mashiara 2 · 0 0

Umm...you call others 'whack jobs'? And yes, I think past lives are possible but why do most people who think they had a past life always it was as someone high up in society...why no peasants???

2007-08-02 13:07:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The idea that another person could have somehow been 'you' is absurd. Everything that makes you who you are exists physically and is specific to your body.

2007-08-02 13:08:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yeah, I've been meaning to speak to you about that. I was one of your patients and I'm suing you for malpractice. Expect a letter in the mail tomorrow.

2007-08-02 13:06:43 · answer #8 · answered by The Bog Nug 5 · 2 2

nonsense! you were actually an african tribeswoman born around 1701 fortunatly neither you or your family were ever captured during the slave trade.

2007-08-02 13:09:54 · answer #9 · answered by O&APest 2 · 3 0

If you're a psychic then why would you need to ask this question?

2007-08-02 13:07:26 · answer #10 · answered by Agnostic Front 6 · 0 1

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