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I just cannot get the concept of hell, many believe ,Christians and muslims, in hell as a place of eternal torment, fire, and blah,blah. It just does not make any sense, why eternal torment for a FINITE crime? IT IS NOT JUST. Even a bad person, does not deserve ETERNAL PUNISHMENT.
Many christians think that only Christians will be spared Damnation, WHY WOULD GOD HAVE CREATED HUMANS JUST TO PLAY A SALVATION GAME?
I really do not get it.
I am not atheist, I belive in a higher power, and do not think this power has a place of fire and torment for non believer. IT IS INSANE TO BELIEVE THAT. Why do many believe such a horrible thing?

2007-08-02 05:47:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

opinionated, I buggles my mind that you think such a horrible thing. God would not be good , would not be just.

2007-08-02 05:57:33 · update #1

ELMJUMBURKY, the first part of your comment makes no sense. IT IS INSANE, PERIOD. A normal decent person would not believe such a horrible thing.

2007-08-02 06:04:22 · update #2

jane I am truly sad for you, you believe that God has a place of ETERNAL TORMENT. IT IS SAD.

2007-08-02 06:06:53 · update #3

sorry Christians, my idea of God is better. No hell, o ETERNAL TORMENT.
sorry if you think such a horrible, disgusting thing about God.

2007-08-02 06:09:05 · update #4

22 answers

Many people have a sadistic nature but cannot express it openly. Belief in hell is a way of accessing their need to torture others while on the surface appearing to be "good and loving."

2007-08-02 05:53:34 · answer #1 · answered by October 7 · 0 0

They believe it because they've been told it, repeatedly and firmly , usually while young. I don't believe it, but I used to. I do believe that and absence of god (where you've forgotten, or not yet learned, that god is everywhere, and loves you[loves you isn't the same thing as "will solve all your problems for you" nor "will force everyone to be nice" just want to be clear on that]) can be a sort of hell, but I don't believe that it's eternal. I believe that the Hell myth was started a while back by the priesthood as a means of keeping th flock in line. By now, of course even the priests believe it.

2007-08-02 13:08:33 · answer #2 · answered by cookxenya 5 · 0 1

Those man made religions created hell, let them burn in it with their God.
These people live in their own torment they created by believing in such things. It's all in their mind and oh how they suffer. They create this hell on earth by acting out their issues upon others. I think that's why 'therapy' was created.
Everything begins in the mind.

2007-08-02 13:16:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Though this view has been popularized, it is most like a misinterpretation. Though a portion of the soul may be subject to eternity in Hell (how a soul can be subjected to physical pain, I don't know), it may that, after sufficient punishment has been received, at least a portion of one's conscious self may be saved. The eternity of the punishment is based upon the contigent that they do not seek redemption while suffering so, and that, even once they do, they will never be as glorious as those who ascended to Heaven based upon their own virtues in life (my own opinion).

2007-08-02 12:53:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. I don't believe that God is as picky as many believe. those who do not know, who are not exposed to the Christian faith, I think it unfair. I believe that if you are a good person and do right in the world and help the world, I think God would save you a spot in Heaven. You cant help what part of the world you are born, you can't help how you are raised.

2007-08-02 13:00:32 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs. Bear 4 · 0 0

NOOO brother, thats not good. hell aint a place of eternal torment, thats symbolism for the eternal removal of sin , meaning sin will be burned and never return to God,s leadership again.
Since all sins are the same with God, a person who killed a thousand and a person who stole sweets from wal mart both burning in hell foreverand ever? imagine what Kind of God gave his son to die for us then those who do not accept it burn forever?

2007-08-02 12:55:44 · answer #6 · answered by quester 1 · 1 0

Sin. It separates us from God.

Hell = Punishment for sin.
Heaven = Rewards for believing.

Look, in the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve a CHOICE whether to obey him or not. In the beginning of the world, there was no sin! There were no murders, hate, etc. God created a perfect world, but he also let Adam and Eve choose whether to obey him or to rebel against Him! They chose to take the fruit He had told them not to, and because of that, they were the first sinners. Since we are all children of Adam and Eve, we are all born with sin, and into a world of sin!

God Himself did not create Hell. There are angels in Heaven, and there was one who thought he was better than God, Satan! He went against God, took some of his fellows, and left to create a tortourous place called Hell! His friends, now demons, were sent out into the world to create trouble (sin.)

God wanted us to be pure, clean, but since we aren't robots, He gave us a choice. We all have a choice. He doesn't sentence us to death, we have the choice whether to make Him the Lord of our lives, or the punishment for that (because He cannot stand sin) is Hell, or eternal death!

Please feel free to contact me for any reason.

2007-08-02 13:04:47 · answer #7 · answered by . .... ... 3 · 2 0

Your statement "It is insane to believe that ". is not a fact. It's just an opinion.
" Why do many believe such a horrible thing " ? Answer - - superstition. All things supernatural are just plain superstition.

2007-08-02 12:56:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

hell is created in your mind . you can be in hell on this earth during your life time here .
certainly there is no "hell" of which you hear spoken of in religion.
hell is a personal thing and although very real starts and finishes in ones own mind , regardless of the realities attatched.
to add to this , it is my belief that no creator would then banish their creations to an infinite hell. it kills any argument relating to spiritual growth.
people like to see things as good or bad so they can put them ito boxes they understand,
i am sure it started from peoplein power during ancient times to scare the people into doing what they required of them .
its a simplification of a possible truth one end of the sclae to the other. hell the worst possible set of circumstance and heaven the best . we know that people live a multitude of lifes in variying degrees of heaven and hell on earth.
it is as you say incorrect to assume there will be such clarity in any life continued after death of the flesh body ,

2007-08-02 12:51:43 · answer #9 · answered by matt culling 4 · 0 1

Hell was a scare tactic used by the mideval church to drive people into the churches to recieve salvation. That idea has remained ever since.

2007-08-02 12:53:35 · answer #10 · answered by thomas 7 · 0 0

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