I recently have been in conversation via e-mail with one over the meaning of cult, occult, and the connection that can be made to most if not all beliefs from the literal meaning from a dictionary.
I find that the word cult refers to a group that performs rituals in showing worship of an object or veneration
I find that the word occult refers beyond ordinary understanding, secret knowledge known only to initiates, dealing with supernatural.
This person has found it necessary to throw sticks and stones at me instead of considering the literal meaning of the words. This person has chosen to insult me, from what I gathered, because he/she has nothing intelligent to debate this point.
This is not a question regarding who's faith is the only truth.
I am sure that this request will bring an assortment of comments from those offended by the possibility of such a connection. I am not offended and have no intention of causing such....just an exploration of the word meanings....
19 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Well, I was right in that this comment brought about many differences of opinion and I thank All who took the time to answer and visit this debate. I was not by the antagonism with the comparison of faiths or beliefs. I am pretty sure that my words did not "attack" Christians because it was addressed to all and I did not single out that group.
I also will say, as did before, that I am not offended by differences of opinion, but welcome them.
...to that person of which knows I am speaking directly to....did I say what I teach? What was your assumption? I am sure that tolerance and acceptance of diversity is not in your language...still not angry or offended by your ignorance...
10:57:40 ·
update #1
WOW, Butterfli. There are some really wonderful answers here. GOOD question!!!. Yes it brought out a FEW nutcases but for the most part, there was some very deep thinking going on here. GOOD JOB, sister. *smiles*
Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch
2007-08-02 13:45:31
answer #1
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
Yes, I see your point as there are "Christian" churches that are cults. And not the true form of the Christian faith. As they don't hold true to the general statement of faith for Christians. I will not mention them here as that isn't the point.
That is what Christians are saying when they mention the word, cult. It is a perversion of the faith.
Now as for occult v cult. There is a difference.
And since I am using the dictionary today, here is the use of the word occult.
Main Entry: occult
Function: noun
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or super normal powers or some secret knowledge of them
I see what you are talking about with the use of supernatural. So even the Christian faith can be supernatural, with the use of prayers, and the Holy Spirit. And yes I have heard Pastors as well as read Christian books that use the word supernatural.
I am sure to get back lash from this statement above, and will now put my helmet on.
2007-08-02 06:01:00
answer #2
answered by Kathy H 3
Wiccans are a type of Pagan. Pagans, in a nut shell, believe in worshiping natural and or supernatural entities of the Earthly plane of existence.
Where as Christians, Muslim's, etc. Believe in a Almighty God, that all in existence comes from. Even what Pagans consider Gods.
Thus Christians, as an example, look upon Pagans as worshipers of lower deities, thus breaking the 1st Commandment of, Take no other Gods before me, worship no graven idols (which are carved or people). Rock stars, football players, politician, etc can all be considered an idol if taken/worshiped before God.
This is the bottom line here, I could go on and on, but I feel you have the answer you seek, in a nut shell:)
2007-08-02 06:01:26
answer #3
answered by Christanti 3
These two words can often be confused by those who do not take the time to or care too consider the words' meanings.
Let's face it, when it comes to the occult some people can be closed minded. They make automatic assumptions about something that they know nothing about. You are right, the word occult means secret knowledge. I guess that it was given that title for a reason.
2007-08-02 06:10:08
answer #4
answered by peace_by_moonlight 4
Yes they do mean this but I guess I am missing your point. If a religious person is told they belong to a cult they think you mean like Jim Jones , Hal bop comet cult, Manson family stuff. But, the definition of the word fits all religions and not just some that we do not like.
Occult is not a bad word it only means hidden knowledge but thanks to the media and a few religious nut jobs they have taken this word and turned it into something that it is not.
It is sad that you can not talk about something without someone turning to personal attacks. At least you know that you have won the debate because once they go there that means that they have nothing left, they have exhausted their intelligence and are reduced to attacking. Funny how that works.
2007-08-02 05:53:55
answer #5
answered by dlee_75 3
Well, anyone who studies language will tell you that words carry not only denotation (literal meaning), but also connotation (implied, extra meanings), and slang usage.
Both words are heavily loaded with connotation. Catholic's Mary veneration, for example, could be viewed by some as a "cultic group", due to its specific religious practices. However, other folks have other usages - my alma mater decided that cults included any group that encouraged folks to stop attenting college. (Don't ask me, I don't understand that one either.)
For the most part, people use "cult" to refer to non-mainstream beliefs, generally those of a small group, and typically with some sort of fanatacism regarding their leader(s). Likewise, "occult" generally refers to magical/mystical stuff, typically (though not exclusively) non-Christian.
Now, just by looking at denotation, there's a potential for a linking - religious sub-groups often have some sort of knowledge (sometimes refered to as "Mysteries") that aren't shared with the uninitiated. In many cases, that can be classified as "occult information." But that's not a given - it's certainly possible to have one without the other, in both directions.
2007-08-02 07:44:07
answer #6
answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6
Well, 'secret knowledge known only to initiates, dealing with supernatural' certainly leaves the christians out. These things are considered evil to them, ain' they? The cross? Statues of Christ on the cross? These are not objects of worship??? I could go on but.....
I get a lot of 'sticks and stones' in my hate mail too. Its the christian thing to do. Colorful, isn't it?
But oh how they do try to imitate us Pagans!
Blessed Be
2007-08-02 06:02:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Christians that say this frequently are off course. regrettably a good number of Christians tend to communicate something they comprehend on the fringe of no longer something if no longer no longer something approximately. i've got been Wiccan for 13 years I unquestionably have never observed that we as Wiccans would desire to "artwork" to seize up with to the Divine. i does no longer even call meditation "artwork".
2016-10-01 06:27:40
answer #8
answered by ? 4
occult is taken from the greek "hidden from view"...notice the "oc" part is the same as found in words like "occular" etc. so cult taken in that context would mean simply "hidden". but modern use of the word would give a definition more akin to what you found in the dictionary.
2007-08-02 05:54:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"sticks and stones" isn't good at all!
I understand those definitions, however,
Christians use "occult" to signify
denominations and religions that don't hold to the
most basic tennants of what they believe.
They tend to include Baptist, Penecostal, Lutherine,
Methodist, Catholic, and others into their "camp",
and say that Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, and any
other religions are occultic - any religion that
does not have Jesus as God - the most important,
and a few other considerations about the
authority of the BIble.
That is my understanding of it.
They use "occult" to warn people of the
deviation from core, central beliefs.
2007-08-02 06:03:50
answer #10
answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5