you are correct .even i read this somewhere and a shlok from the holy books in an article of TOI clearly stating that bcoz. arjuna got attracted towards krishna's lips and waist so He allowed him .
2007-08-04 22:33:09
answer #1
answered by vaibhav 1
Really all of us, both men and women, are gopi's (female) to Krishna (male). The Divine Union that we have with Krishna is not dependent on what gender we are. A male devotee can experience the ecstasy of the mystical union with Krishna just like how physical sex occurs between male and females, but that is on a spiritual level. Mirabai perfectly illustrates this:
"(Mirabai)...undertook pilgrimage to Brindavan. It is considered sport field of Lord Krishna. Brindavan, a sacred place, was abode to several holy men. Jeeva Goswami had taken a vow never to see a woman--even her shadow! So, disciple of Goswami stopped her. "The Swamiji will not see any woman."
Mira laughed. "I though the only Man in Brindavan is Shri Krishan. now I see, there is a rival to him!"
In the Bhakti cult the love of the wife for her husband is said to be the best form of devotion. Hence all devotees in this world are women and God is the only man. In Brindavan the only man was supposed to be Krishna and other men and women were gopis, as gender distinction did not exist among real Bhaktas. If a devotee really felt as a gopi, he could never refuse to see another woman devotee. If anybody thinks himself a man it amounts to being a rival to god.
Mirabai's words stung Goswami and he at once understood the hidden meaning. He came out from cottage, bowed to the great lady and escorted to the hermitage."
2007-08-02 10:54:32
answer #2
answered by Amma's Child 5
don't form opinions on the basis of hearsay .Read your self the original scriptures or their translations by eminent talented Acharyas.Then you will know what exactly is told.
In India Love is a divine quality and is not a physical urge requiring that two human frames come into contact.Love can exist between any thing , how ever far they may be.That is the power of love.
Your question is completely is on physical contact and it is LUST.
What you heard is wrong.
Every human organ is created for specific purpose and it shall be used for that only.You can not smell with ears and hear with nose.They have specific construction for the purpose.So the organs of procreation are designed in man and woman in a scientific way.It should not be abused.
If it is abused so many diseases may result and it is against Nature.That is why ,in India, where Nature is God, it is illegal.
If you think for a while you agree yourself the truth.
Their functions are different.However hygienic you may maintain the body, you can not use one organ for different use or purpose than it is designed.the results will be unnatural.
2007-08-02 06:18:32
answer #3
answered by Radhakrishna( prrkrishna) 7
Sri.Krishna IS GOD --incarnated in a carnal body for a specific purpose for a short period
"Yadhaa Yadhaa Hi Dharmasya Glaanir Bhavathi Bhaaratha
Abtyutaanam Adharmasya Tat Aatmaanam Srjyamyaham(Aham Srjaami)"--
According to our Hindu religion God can select any gender in carnal body, according to need---Hindus do not spit "Fire" if somebody say GOD is a Female.sri.Krishna in the Carnal body is a male-but He is a "Nithya Brahmachaari"= observer of etenal celebacy
sri.Arjuna is human-- Male. Sri Krishna is an Universal Teacher(Krishnam Vanday Jagat Gurum) and sri Arjuna is His one of the Students.In Hinduism A Guru (Teacher) is more respectable than even the Biological or Foster parents.So do not drive Blind in lanes!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-02 06:11:37
answer #4
answered by ssrvj 7
They are both male, and they sure feel love for each other, sometimes wars make certain differences are temporary, so either out of peace or common goodness people show their true colours and enable love to flow away, they are sure loving as good leaders and military people, who wield weaponry and are very capable at killing their foes. Baghavad Gita is about first brutal war that happened before our history began being writen and when it was wiser to speak truth than show mercy, unlike nowadays when values are not carried with vengeance. Sometimes people would joke and be brutal at speech as a reminder that sex is not most intense feeling while alive, and familiarity is about condescendence not trivia, this being a common klesha.
2007-08-02 05:51:15
answer #5
answered by Manny 5
You are a proven ignorant because your friends and the people you associate with are also ignorant.
You are one of those people who has to ask someone if the thing that is shining in the sky is sun or moon, beacuse you have a brain that doesnot really work.
If you are gay just be a gay. No one is going to stop you from being gay. Leave Sri Krishna and Arjuna alone please.
2007-08-05 01:58:22
answer #6
answered by feysunny 4
Mr. Don't try to spoilt the relation of Shri Krishna and Veer Arjun they were both friends not were of same sex
there love was as friends not as lovers like as opposite sex
wash your mind and read more about Shri Krishna
2007-08-05 18:13:09
answer #7
answered by loving_human 4
This is a rascal question. same sex is between the impotents as mentioned in Bhagavatam. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His body is not cat's body or dog's body. He does not need this low class sex. His body is sat-chit-ananda means bliss, eternity and happiness. Stop asking this rascal questions.
Only loafers have same sex.
2007-08-05 18:17:17
answer #8
answered by srinivasemeskay 3
Pls don't ask stupid questions. Arjuna married Subhadra who was Krishna's sister.So,tht makes them brothers-in-law.
More than tht,Krishna was a friend,confidante and acted as a god-father of Arjuna.Arjuna was and is counted amongst Lord Krishna's greatest bhaktas. Don't try to throw filth on our ancient mythologies and scriptures,please...
2007-08-05 10:02:32
answer #9
answered by Sunflower 5
i am not very big followers of god and sant..i am more believe in karmas and now quotation about krishna was gay?
my answer is :-can possible or not..
can possible because krishna followers believing he got 16000 marriages then why not had sex with arjuna..according to me no can satisfied 16000 womens..don t be emotional and think practical..
can not possible:-there is no reason
2015-07-29 20:31:58
answer #10
answered by kamal 1
So if you love your father and your father loves you ,you will have same sex relationship. I think that your mother and sisters and brothers would also have loved you so intensely as you have loved them.Rt? I hea that yur friends also love loe are not they lovoing you. But I know that no s=locve woud e so intense as the one woud be in between you and yur mother.Rt.You statement is born out of your personal experience , it seems .So it is respected .OK?
2007-08-02 06:44:59
answer #11
answered by Infinity 7