Actually yes.... we're all related by DNA, in a sense. Hold on, I'll find a video to explain.
Here, make sure to watch this:
2007-08-02 05:41:39
answer #1
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
"Who cares that we share some dna with chimps. What does that REALLY prove?"
It's about more than sharing DNA it's about the location and what is found within the DNA. I'll be right back.
Have a look at this page. It shows, pretty conclusively, that we share a common ancestor with the non-human great apes.
dze has also brought up a good point. 25% similar DNA doesn't really mean a great deal because there are some fundamental biological functions which are universal.
For example, the process of DNA replication is universal. So the DNA which encodes for the enzyme DNA Replicase will be identical (or very nearly so) across all species.
2007-08-02 12:39:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It means if our DNA were 75% different, we'd be daffodils. We share 99.9% of our DNA with dolphins, so if our DNA were .1% out, we'd also be dolphins. That's not the same as being 25% daffodil or 99.9% dolphin.
It means we all have genetic similarities which is a likely cause from all being descended from the original lifeform on earth - little amoeba, 3.5 - 4 (roughly) billion years ago.
2007-08-02 13:29:29
answer #3
answered by Devolution 5
I agree we do not come from them we are related. But, I agree that we are all earth based life forms that evolved from the primordial soup and that is why we all share DNA and chemicals that make us all up. No great invisible being from outer space did it. It happened on its own. No one has a reason yet give science some more time this science is only 140 years or so old. While religion all the way back since the beginning of recorded history has never given us any evidence of the invisible man . Other what a few people in power want us to believe.
2007-08-02 12:41:31
answer #4
answered by dlee_75 3
This shows that we aren't as closely related to flowers as we are to mammals. We share the most similarity in DNA with apes, because they are our closest relatives. All life on earth is related because we have common ancestors. Please view this short video for a better explanation of the theory of evolution. It's a bit dated, but pretty accurate. Some scientists now theorize that the first amino acids may have come from meteors striking the earth. Perhaps a God put the amino acids on the planet starting the chain of events. That's the part we're still trying to figure out.
2007-08-02 12:46:07
answer #5
answered by Graciela, RIRS 6
That we share 25% of our DNA with daffodils means that much of daffodil biochemistry also occurs in humans. As always, it also means that humans and daffodils share a common ancestor, probably from long before animals evolved.
Don't you appreciate the damage spreading your ignorant dis-information propaganda does to America's economic future? Some people are foolish enough to actually believe your deliberate lies. America now has a serious problem retaining high school biology teachers because teenaged Christian punks shout them down when they try to teach basic biological evolution. What you are doing seriously undermines American public school education and costs our economy untold billions because other nation's kids are so much better educated than ours. Molecular biology promises future technologies which will redefine healthcare and reshape the world's economic landscape. The impact of bio-technology will be even more profound than the electronics revolution, which saved America's economy when steel-making and heavy industry moved overseas. If America's current generation of students fail to get the biology, chemistry, and physics education they'll need to compete in the global economy, America's economic future is doomed.
It is true that you have a perfect right to your own opinions, however misguided they may be. On the other hand, the Christian propaganda war against well established scientific principles -- simply because those principles contridict the ancient folk tales recorded by Moses in Genesis, thirty-six-hundred years ago -- is no less than a cynical attempt to undermine America's economic future. Freedom of Religion is one thing, abusing that freedom to deliberately undermine America's economic future is no less than treason.
2007-08-02 13:39:22
answer #6
answered by Diogenes 7
Um..dude, you got one part of that little rant right and I quote, "What does that REALLY prove? Nothing other than the fact that we are earth-based life forms." And I agree, we're nothing more than Earth-based life forms, but we have a common ancestor as well, so all Earth-based life will have some percentage of of DNA that matches the other, hate to pop any bubbles but that's the truth.
2007-08-02 12:42:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No. It means that we have a COMMON ANCESTOR with flowers. Say it. "Common ancestor." "Common ancestor." Repeat. "Common ancestor."
NO ONE has ever said that we come from chimpanzees. NO ONE. Have you heard any biologist announce that we are 98% chimpanzee? Of course not, because that's not what that means. It only means that we have a much more recent common ancestor (there's that term again!) with chimps than we do with daffodils.
Please stop getting your information about evolution from creationists. They don't know a DAMN THING about evolution. Everything they told you about evolution is wrong. Everything you think you know about evolution is WRONG.
(Sorry for the yelling. It just gets frustrating trying to explain the same thing over and over and over and over and over again.)
2007-08-02 12:51:30
answer #8
answered by RickySTT, EAC 5
Yes, but there is difference between sharing 25% of DNA with something for being alive, and sharing over 99% of DNA with apes (having slightly less similarity between human and ape than there is between human and human). Besides, the source you derive this from is inherently biased.
2007-08-02 12:42:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Obviously we didn't evolve from daffodils or daffodils wouldn't be here anymore. The claim is that we humans and daffodils have a common ancestor.
2007-08-02 18:43:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous